Chased Page 27

Matt shrugged. “It hurts a little. But really only because I couldn’t feel what you do for her. She deserves to be loved and I know you’ll treat her right. I want that too, you know, I really do. I just haven’t met the right woman yet.”

“You will.” Edward winked at Matt before turning back to Marc. “So here’s what I think about you and the lovely Ms. Davis. You say she’s got this plan to find Mr. Forever?”

Marc snorted and nodded. “I am that guy!”

“Of course you are, son. And she knows that too. I saw the way she looked at you, the way she responded to your touch. But as I said, she’s afraid to really risk herself so she’ll want to pursue the easy man who’ll never challenge her and try and keep you out of her heart. Let her.” Edward put a hand up to silence Marc. “Let me finish. Let her go out with these bland men in her search. She’s not going to find anyone, because you’re it. And in the meantime, you get right under her defenses and by the time she figures it out, it’s too late. You have nothing to fear from the likes of Bill and other men like him. Liv Davis needs to be taken in hand. Your momma needed that too.”

Edward laughed at the sight of his sons’ faces.

“What? I’m not that old, boys. Your momma is a willful creature and needs lots of space to do her thing. Needs a man who’ll let her be herself and love that about her. I do. But she also needs a man who won’t take any nonsense and pushes back when she gets cranky. Liv is that kind of woman and our Marc, although he tries to fool everyone with that easy going smile, is that kind of man. Aren’t you, boy?”

Marc chuckled. “To be honest, Daddy, I never thought of it that way. I’ve never felt any compunction to be like that with a woman before I met Liv. But yes, I’ve learned a few things about myself in the last months and that’s one of them.”

“The truth is, not every woman is worth the effort. You’ve found your woman, Marc. Let your Liv think she’s on the search for Mr. Right when you’re right there under her nose. Give her a few weeks to get the picture and then close the trap. It’ll be hard to let her go like that, but you know, I get the feeling it’s all going to be a big charade for her. She’s not looking for anyone but you. Patience and you’ll win this through.”

“You’re more diabolical than Momma. How come I never figured that out?” Kyle asked.

Edward chuckled. “If I have to tell everyone how diabolical I am, how diabolical could I really be?”

Chapter Seven

“Okay, you and I are going out for coffee when you’re done tonight. We have some talking to do,” Marc murmured as Liv came out of the locker room to stretch and warm up.

“I don’t suppose I get a say in this?”

“Nope. Now get working.”

The infuriating man actually sauntered off to help another one of his clients while she warmed up.

It helped that she was distracted while she worked out. Sort of. Marc’s presence was nearly overwhelming. He leaned over her and touched her like he had a right. At one point he even brushed his lips over her temple surreptitiously. She went through her workout quickly and efficiently. He shadowed her, making sure she did everything right, adding some reps and extra weight to a few of her machines.

Liv saw he was speaking with another client when she’d finished her warm down and hurried to the back to change clothes. She really didn’t want to talk to him. She was weak, she’d missed him and had looked forward to seeing him that evening. He’d also left a mug on her desk with some of the tea she often drank at The Honey Bear. How did he know? It touched her way more than she wanted to be touched. No one ever did that sort of thing for her before. He noticed things like that, little things, small things but things about who she was.

When she came back out he was locking the front door, standing next to the other one. He turned and crossed his arms over his chest. “Going somewhere?”

“I have work in the morning.”

“Mmm. It’s only seven. We can even have coffee at your place, save some time.”

He grabbed his bag and waited for her.

Sighing, she took his outstretched hand and they left.

“What did you want to talk about?”

“Your ridiculous idea of boundaries.”


“Look, it’s a crock and you’re using it to hold me back. Okay, fine. Here’s what I’m willing to do. You and I will continue to see each other, naked and clothed. I will continue to show you that I am this forever guy and you will date blandoids like Bill. At some point, you will have to admit you and I are it, and this silly charade can end. Then we can move forward with a relationship.”

“And you?”

“What do you mean, sugar? I’ll be pining away while you’re out on the town.”

He winked.

“You’re such an ass.” She was unable to stop the upturn of her mouth into a smile. He was infuriatingly adorable. And very accommodating. It made her nervous.

He took her keys from her hand and unlocked her door, following her inside.

“I am an ass. But in this I’m right.”

“And I suppose you’ll be dating all the twinkies in town while I continue my serious plan to find love.” It hurt even to imagine it. He laughed. “Do you want me to? Liv, sugar, I don’t like twinkies. I far prefer pie and cobbler. In any case, no, I won’t be dating anyone with creamy filling but you. Because I only want yours.”

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