A Vampire's Touch CHAPTER SIX

I didn't have time to climb off of him. He simply got out of the car with me attached to his waist. Tightening my legs was a total waste of time. The way he held me, one hand on my ass and the other on my thigh, was enough. I didn't want to think about the driver or what he must be thinking.

My face snuggled into Jax's neck, licking and kissing. Somehow he opened the door and got us inside. The realization of what was about to happen hit me like a bulldozer. My body hummed with anticipation. Jax didn't give me time to think, he kissed me, letting my body slide along his until my four inch boots touched the floor. I almost fell forward when he pulled away and strode toward the built in bar at the far side of the room. I did, however, have the pleasure of staring at one fine specimen from behind. He turned with a smirk as if he knew where my eyes had been seconds before.

Two glasses of wine in hand, he came toward me. I was thankful. Wine would relax my raging need to a more pleasant buzz. I took a sip and closed my eyes. He was front and center when I opened them, his intense gaze devouring me. We took more sips and just stared at each other. That alone was more intimate than a lovers touch.

Jax reached up and took my glass, placing it together with his on the side table. One hand cupped the side of my neck and the other brushed my hair back.

"You are so beautiful, Sienna."

The desire in his gaze made my knees weak. He bent and scooped me up, effortlessly. The large double doors at the end of the hall got closer and my heart beat accelerated. Jax pushed one open with a nudge then kicked it closed behind us. That sound not only sealed us in but got me thinking about the huge bed facing the floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city's skyline. The view was magnificent and from a bedroom, even more sexy. His arms tightened around me and I was pulled back to the moment and his eyes.

Holy. Shit. I was going to do it with this beautiful man. In the next few minutes I would be naked and pressed up against his hard body. His eyes were hooded as they studied my lips. He could make me wet just with a look. It was quite impressive. Hell, I had an orgasmic spell in his limo with a lone kiss. What the hell was that? I must have flushed crimson because he chuckled.

He lowered my body, keeping his hands at my waist.

"Come." He grabbed my hand and led me to the other side of the bed. We stood inches from the windows facing the view, his chest against my back. My hands came up and pressed flat on the glass. I could feel his length pushing against me. Even in four inch heels, he was still so much taller.

"Before the sun rises, I will have you just like this." His whispered in my ear, making me tingle everywhere. His hands ran down the side of my body then back up, bringing my dress along the way. My reflection showed him what was underneath; a shear, lacy, black thong.

His smoldering gazed continued to follow his hands. My head was suddenly too heavy and fell back against his chest but I wouldn't miss the show playing out in front of us for the world. I watched as his thumbs hooked onto my panties, slipping them down my hips until they only covered that part of me where I wanted him most. He continued up with the dress and over my head. I closed my eyes briefly until I heard the material hit the floor. The cool air kissed my nipples and I was glad to have gone bra-less. So I stood in four inch thigh high boots and my sexy underwear, which was practically nonexistent.

"Fuck, Sienna." He growled against my neck. Clearly, he liked what he saw. My breath caught with anticipation.

His hands trembled slightly as he moved them up along my ribcage to just below my aching breast. If he didn't touch me there soon, I was going to die.

His fingers circled my nipples and the breath I held came out in a loud moan. I gritted my teeth to keep quiet. I had no doubt Jax could play my body any way he wanted. Prolonging the pleasure seemed impossible.

"Easy. We have all night," he murmured.

I turned, giving him better access. He had no problem taking it. I groaned when he cupped both my breasts, bringing them to his lips. Standing wasn't an option any longer and leaning against the cold surface behind me didn't seem like a good second choice. Jax snaked strong arms around my waist, keeping me balanced

His mouth trailed kisses down the soft skin of my stomach. When he reached the tiny belly ring at my navel, he flicked it with his tongue and my hands clasped his shoulders. The black thong I paid a small fortune for was torn from me, the ripping sound heightening my senses. I was completely bared to his gaze. Against my better judgment, I glanced down at him. He drank me in, his nostrils flaring at my scent. I knew the moment he touched me, I would detonate.

Large hands trailed up the backs of my thighs and positioned me closer to his mouth. His tongue made contact with my sensitive spot and I came apart, instantly. Head thrown back, I whimpered and called out his name as wave after wave of sensation blew through my body. Jax continued his assault throughout the duration of my release until my knees buckled and I slithered to the ground before him. He kissed me then, pulling me close. The fabric of his pants rubbed against my bare bottom and I blinked thinking he was still completely dressed. How fucking hot was that? I wore nothing but my boots while he devoured me in full clothing. Damn.

I pulled back from his luscious lips and smirked.

"This doesn't seem at all fair, Mr. Sparks," I quipped

One dark brow raised in question. "From where I stand you just had a pretty incredible orgasm."

His wicked grin was doing strange things to my insides. I wanted my share of groping too. I started to unbutton his dress shirt, dying to see that body of his. By the breadth of those shoulders, I was betting he was beautiful everywhere. To hell with the buttons, placing my fingers inside the fabric I yanked and the last few flew apart, landing on the floor. I unwrapped him like a present, pushing the shirt open, letting it hang from his shoulders. Holy shit he was gorgeous, all six-pack abs and toned muscle. I wanted to lick his sexy tattoo, the one that teased me as it peaked out from the collar of his shirt.

He stood and sat on the edge of the bed, leaving me on my knees. I didn't stand up; I moved between his legs instead. His hands grabbed my hair. That did it. I yanked his belt and unzipped him. He moved to help. When his shaft made an appearance I felt faint for a moment so I ducked my head and kissed his chest, licking at his small nipples. He groaned and fisted his hands, pulling lightly on my hair. My hands moved down his abs until they clasped the steel covered in heated skin at the juncture of his thighs. I knew I was going down on him. How could I resist? My lips engulfed him, sucking and licking. He was delicious.

"Oh Fuck," he growled.

It didn't last but a few seconds before I was yanked up and over onto the bed. Rising on my elbows I enjoyed the show as he stripped the rest of his clothing off, sighing in euphoric bliss when his bare skin pressed against mine. Arching my back, I urged him closer. His lips were on my neck then he stopped, holding very still.


His hands moved along my ribcage and cupped my bottom, bringing my lower body in alignment to his. I spread my legs and wrapped them around his waist.

"I'm good. Just taking a breath."

I smiled and closed my eyes. His fingers probed my entrance, measuring my readiness for him. I felt the gentle pressure of one digit then two. At this pace I was betting I would have my third big O of the night. I bit my lip trying to hold off but my body had a mind of its own. I shattered around his fingers, pulsing and throbbing. His name left my lips on a long sigh.

Jax pulled back and stared at me for a moment, running his hands up my thighs and along my belly.

"You are one passionate woman, Sienna. I have my work cut out for me," he whispered the last.

What the hell was he talking about? Never before had I experienced anything like this and we still hadn't done it yet. I had my work cut out keeping up with him.

I pushed a lose tendril back from his forehead. "I seriously doubt that. I feel like a wet noodle right now."

He grinned. "I don't know about the noodle but I can attest to the wet part."

Okay. That made me hot again. What was wrong with me? Seriously, I was going to be very sore tomorrow. Funny thing was I really didn't give a shit. Bring it on. I guess he heard my lurid thoughts because he was kissing me hard. His body against mine was heaven and his scent, intoxicating. I ran my nose along his neck taking him into my lungs. This wasn't cologne or body wash but his own. I had never smelled such a natural scent on a man before.

I felt him nudging at my core. I braced for his entry, knowing I had never experience someone his size.

"Relax, babe. You are more than ready for me. Again."

I felt him smile against my neck then he was inside of me. I took a deep breath, trying to adjust.

"Open wider for me," he urged, moving my behind up toward him so my lower body was tilted at an angle.

That helped and his shaft slide in further. Holy damn! I didn't think pleasure could get any better...until he started to move. My breath hitched and I feared I might hyperventilate.

"Breathe, Sienna." He held still for a moment until my body grew accustomed and my lungs expelled on a shaky breath.

This was too intense, I thought. How the hell was I going to get through this? My mind grasped at the sensations, trying to process them. I screamed into his shoulder when he started his wicked dance again. I became one with him, reveling in the intense ecstasy building with every stroke. My hands wrapped around his torso, caressing his strong back then trailing down to his ass.

"Jesus, Sienna. You feel so tight. So good," he moaned, his thrusts more desperate.

I felt him swell inside of me and my world exploded. Jax moved up onto his elbows, watching me as I went insane with pleasure. His hips moved in a circular motion and I went again, this time he came with me. My name left his lips in a loud groan but it was my scream that resonated through the room as my body convulsed yet again.

Had the ground actually trembled just now? We didn't usually have earthquakes this far North. I smiled against his shoulder. I guess I knew what it felt like when someone rocked your world. My arms slid up his back and moved into his thick hair. God he was....

"Are you okay?"

I felt his hands on my breast, stroking me.

"What do you think?"

He propped himself up, his body still inside of mine, and smoothed my hair back.

"I love your hair. Don't ever cut it or I'll be forced to spank you."

I chuckled. Tarah always raved about my hair, its color, the thickness. I agreed it was probably my best feature, even though the deep red color stuck out like flame in a dark room.

"Hmmmm... I guess I'll have to cancel my appointment with the hairdresser tomorrow? I quirked an eyebrow.

"I know firsthand that color is natural."

His smile was infectious and I blushed at the reason why he knew such personal information. I gasped at the stinging slap to my bottom.

"Jax! That hurt."

"And it's just a prelude to what will happen if you touch one hair on your head." He rose and padded over to his closet. My God...his ass was perfection. I stared at his shoulders as they stretched into a black satin robe. He reached in a grabbed another one, dropping it at the foot of the bed for me

"I have to make some phone calls but I'll be back. The bath is through that door and I have some left-overs in the kitchen if you're hungry."

He kissed me gently before leaving. I watched the door close and found I was thoroughly exhausted. Turning on my side, I burrowed into his pillow. With his scent permeating my thoughts, I fell into a deep sleep.


"I am telling you, the warehouse fucking blew up. This after the unlikely lightening storm and if you haven't heard the news already, we had a slight earthquake earlier."

"I'm not doubting you, it's just highly unlikely for a hybrid to survive the transition." Cade answered.

I rolled my eyes. "How about the fact I tasted her blood and she definitely has vampire in her."

"I get it. So what caused these other natural disasters?"

Seriously, that was none of his business but I knew Cade and until you spilled he would not let it go. I'd rather get it out now and not when Sienna was around.

"What the fuck do you think?"

He chuckled. Here it comes....

"Is she still there?"

"Yes and I plan to keep her here until that bastard is dust."

"Yeah, well I have some extra surveillance over at Red Velvet and Got Fangs. There has been one vampire seen scoping the place. A Clairvoyant. Didn't think those uppity kind liked to hang out with us mongrel folk."

"They come around every once in a while. Even they need a good fix from time to time. So what's up with this one?"

"He didn't drink or much of anything else. Seemed to be looking for something."

"He's gonna find it at the end of my fist. Next time, follow him."

"Roger that. Have a good night."

I ground my teeth at the teasing tone coming over the phone.

"We might come in to Velvet tonight. I want him to see me. He shows up you let me know."

"What do you think I am, stupid? Of course I will."

"Fuck off." I hung up and Cade was still talking.

Looking at my watch, I saw it was getting late. I leaned back in my chair and let my thoughts run. My body was still humming with pleasure. I could have taken her ten times over by now but I had to be careful. Sienna wasn't accustomed to that kind of power nor did she have reason to be. In time she would learn because she wasn't completely human, this I knew for sure now. Just the thought of her blood in my mouth made me crave her again. I had to sate my lust now or I would attack her during our next time together.

Getting up, I walked around my desk and unlocked the small freezer beside the bookshelf. Having a small kitchenette in your office was very convenient. After nooking the bag of blood for a minute I sucked it down, grimacing at the temperature. My phone went off with the general ringtone, meaning it was unknown. I pulled it out of my robe pocket and answered

"Jaxon here."

"I know who the fuck I'm calling asshole." The caller growled.

I walked to the large window and looked out onto the balcony.

"Too bad you don't have the balls to identify yourself you miserable bastard."

He chuckled. "Always leading with yours I see, Jaxon. You always were a conceited prick. I hope Sienna enjoys her evening with you. Fuck her good. Maybe I can have her when you're done."

"You wouldn't know what to do with her you dickless wonder. Why don't you leave her out of this and tell me what the hell this is about?"

"That would be too easy. You have to pay for what you did."

I wanted to throw the phone across the room. "Stop with the bullshit and spill, asshole."

"I'll be seeing you very soon."

The bastard clicked off and I was left with the urge to kill something.

I dialed Cade. "Did you get that?"

"Nope. Fucker probably knows we are tracing your calls. Can you be more creative next time?"

I seriously didn't need Cade's sarcasm right now. "Listen, I will be there tonight for sure. I want you to beef up security."

"You know the Legion is at your disposal, bro. Anytime."

Cade was serious now. His bullshiting was gone. He knew this was important to me and it was getting critical. I clicked off and walked out of my office. Taking the stairs two at a time, I reached my bedroom in record time. Sienna was sound asleep in my bed, her hair fanned out behind her. And she was on my pillow, her body flushed in warmth. My eyes went straight to her jugular and I could feel the rush of her blood. It was sluggish with sleep but potent still. The close call earlier had me backing out of the room. My canines had elongated and I had wanted nothing more than to sink into her both at the neck and below.

I wouldn't allow that to happen. Sienna wasn't prey and I would never treat her as such. I did, however, have to get my shit together because this relationship was not going in the short term direction. Sienna would need to be shown the truth, and very soon.

My keen hearing picked up the sound of sheets moving against soft skin. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. Her scent moved my feet forward and I opened the door. She sat on my bed, beautiful red hair draping her shoulders and covering her breasts. Damn. I swallowed in a vain attempt to pull back the urge to pounce. The tips of my canines pushed into my tongue, drawing blood. I smiled to keep from scaring the crap out of her, lips pressed together. I was sure my eyes were black. Striding quickly to the small bar conveniently located beside the entrance to the bath, I poured myself a shot of rum. The fiery liquid burned my throat, taking the taste of my blood.

"You fell asleep." I said, keeping my back to her. Two shots later, I turned.

"Yeah, for some reason I was tired."

She smirked and I knew precisely what she referred to. "Well I hope you're well rested." I tossed back another because I was going to damn well need it. Taking her again was inevitable plus, I had a promise to keep. Putting the small shot glass down, I stood my ground as she rose from the bed, buck naked. Shit.

Sienna walked toward me. Those silver eyes bore into me, tearing into my soul. Grasping the sash to my robe, she loosened and pushed it off my shoulders. I shuddered at her light touch. Soft hands trailed down my chest then she bent and flicked my nipple with her tongue. My head fell back and I groaned. I needed to take care of this quickly. My tolerance was limited. Clamping my hands at her tiny waist, I turned her body then pressed into her from behind. I propelled her forward toward the window until her breasts and thighs were flush with the cool glass. I smiled when she gasped.

In this position, nothing barred your view from the rolling cliffside below and the twinkling lights beyond. This was better than that fucking Titanic moment in the movie where Rose spread her arms out at the bow of the ship.

My hands moved to the juncture of her smooth thighs, testing her readiness with my fingers.

"Spread your legs, sweetness. Time to fly."

Her whimper was music to my ears. She complied and I didn't waste any time. My shaft plunged into her in one stroke. She screamed and I gave her time to adjust. Her walls squeezed me tightly. I gritted my teeth to keep from coming right then.

"I am right there, Baby." I warned.

She pushed back, her sweet ass coaxing me to get with the program. So I did, slamming into her over and over again. One of her arms came back and wrapped around my neck. She turned her head, seeking my lips. I obliged, kissing her like a man gone mad with need. My tongue slid against hers in a velvety caress that left us both gasping for breath. The enthrallment of her blood sang in my ears like a wicked song. I released her lips, focusing on my pleasure and pushing back my urge to strike. I had to lay my forehead against the back of her head so she wouldn't see my expression or the darkening of my eyes. Damn glass was a mirror.

My fangs extended and my body exploded into hers. Sienna rested her head against the window, no longer able to support the weight, much less mine. My name tore from her throat in a lusty wail. Her spasms continued until her body finally went limp in my arms. The winds had picked up momentarily but died down rather quickly. I had managed to exhaust her to the point where her power diminished. I carried her back to the bed and lay beside her, stroking her back.

"Do you want a shower?"

She snuggled closer. "Can't we just stay here forever? I don't think I can walk."

"I'll carry you." I whispered in her ear.

She was asleep within minutes. I slipped out of the bed put my robe back on. Padding down the stairs barefoot, I pulled my phone out and dialed.

"Ronnie. I'm going out for a run. Keep your eyes open."

"Always do, boss."

Within minutes I was moving through the woods at the rear left of my property. In this form, I could decompress and relieve my urge to feed on whatever small animal unfortunate enough to cross my path. It was my only option at this point.

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