A Vampire's Touch CHAPTER FIVE


I didn't like getting angry. Usually, I was pretty cool. Law school taught you how to train your features and when to show emotion. Closing argument was a good time to let it roll. Lawyers were much like actors. We convinced a jury our story was the right one.

I dried off and thought about the previous night. Pissed off was a mild word for how I felt after Jax had pulled away from me. I couldn't seem to shake off my hurt over it.

Walking to the bed I picked up the black lacey thong and slipped it on. It left little to the imagination. I was surprised when I looked in the mirror. A red-headed temptress stared back at me. The underwear collection in my top drawer consisted of no nonsense cotton in white, tan or black. All this lacey fluff had never been me. Until now. Somehow it mattered that I looked my best. I wanted Jaxon Sparks to lose control when he saw me. Cotton black wasn't going to cut it tonight.

The black dress flowed down over my generous hips. Turning, I checked out the entire back, or lack of, which dipped down to just above my ass. For the first time in my life I truly felt confident with how I looked.

The doorbell chimed and knew I was in for a battle. I shuffled over, knowing Tarah would be pounding down the door soon. The girl was impatient.

"Wow. You look way hot. Told you the lack of a bra wouldn't matter. You have perfect boobs."

I smiled because you just had to with her. "Hello to you and thanks but unless I put my warmest coat on I am going to freeze them off!"

"That's a minor detail. So did you shave your legs?"

I scowled at her. Just what the hell was she getting at?

"Of course. You can't wear..."

The wicked dimple popped out. "You're gonna do him, aren't you?"

I gaped at her. Why was I shocked? This was the normal lingo with her. Tarah was very blunt and she sure as hell didn't beat around the bush. I decided to be just as frank.

"Yes Tarah. I'm going to fuck his brains out." Her response was comical. She opened her mouth then closed it again, not sure what to say. I guess she was expecting my usual indignation. I winked at her and strode to my closet to fetch my get laid shoes.

I was stacked, packed and primed for the night. Tarah was grinning at me so things were looking good. Just for good measure I grabbed my sparkly clutch. Yes, the same one, and walked out to the living room.

"Well, doll. I have to run. I don't want to be here when you guys fall all over each other. Kiss kiss."

Ten minutes later my doorbell rang. I took a deep breath and another sip of my just poured wine before opening the door.

Wow. Just wow. Over six feet of muscled perfect stood across from me. No man should look that good in a suit. I could just skip the dinner all together. No problem. By the look on his face, he was thinking the same thing.

"You look amazing, Sienna."

I dipped my head back and his lips landed somewhere below my jaw in that most sensitive place. My skin prickled with goose bumps. His scent was the most erotic thing I had smelled in my life and it was potent this evening. When he looked out the windows to the view of the city, I noticed his braid was gone. His hair was loose and much shorter.

"You cut your hair."

He smiled. "Yes. You don't like it?"

The man would look good bald. "I do." I reached out and touched a dark lock falling over his brow. He leaned closer, his full lips so close. I closed my eyes.

"We better get going. Did you say we had reservations?" I stepped back, proud to be the first to break the moment.

"Yes. We do." He grabbed my long coat. Its warmth was stifling. I was overheating and we hadn't even kissed yet. I said a quick thank you prayer when we made it out into the cold air. A black limo waited and in we went. He was so close our thighs touched. At this moment I didn't really care where we went as long as we were alone.

I gasped when his hand came down on my knee. Shit. My heart raced and my legs crossed, locking his hand where it was. Reaching over me, he pressed a button and the privacy glass went up and his mouth came down over mine. It was an openmouthed kiss, no time for coaxing or softness. This was all hot and intrusive. His tongue came in and I was ready for it.

He bore down, pushing me back onto the soft leather. I would have a few winkles on my dress. Did I care? Hell no. I loved his weight on top of me, his thigh pushing between my legs. Delicious heat pooled at my core. At this rate I would have him inside of me in a nano-second. My hands dove into his thick hair, pulling and tugging. I could feel his chest rumbling with a pleasure growl. It was sexy as hell. His length pressed against my belly and it was hard not to squirm against it.

Thank God for the slit in my dress, giving me access to move my leg out and over his. His mouth continued to ravish me. He nipped at my lower lip and I seriously wanted to bite him. I pulled back and his canine scored the soft tissue on the inside of my mouth. I tasted my own blood but at this point Aliens could have been hovering above us and I wouldn't have given a damn. He sucked on the wound causing a tight pull down... Holy shit!!! I climaxed. My body shook uncontrollably, the spasms vibrating through my legs. His arms came around me, holding me tight. Our breathing became harsh and short. Dots danced in front of my eyes. The last thing I remember were the sirens from a fire truck blaring in the distance.

I blinked rapidly, my eyes adjusting to the surroundings. Jax was there, watching me with a worried frown.

"Did I pass out?"

"Apparently so. Are you okay?"

I struggled to get up and he placed a strong hand at my back. The blaring lights behind our limo caught my attention. Two fire trucks blocked the street and battled a raging fire at one of the warehouses.

"Was there some kind of explosion?" Beside the one in my panties?

He nodded, running his hands through my hair. "I'm not sure. Listen. Do you still want to do dinner?"

"I don't get it. I never pass out."

I was feeling better but a little bewildered. Then he smiled, his eyes glittering with pleasure. I flushed as it all came back to me, the reason for my fainting spell. This was ridiculous. I blacked out from an orgasm that didn't even include penetration? I covered my face.

"I am never going to live this down, am I?" I heard his deep chuckle.

"Sienna." He pulled my hands away and kissed my nose. "I love your passion for me," he whispered.

I think I died a little inside. My stomach did a flip-flop and my heart was right up there too. Taking a deep breath, I centered myself and lifted my chin. He was absolutely right.

Bringing my nose to his, I whispered, "I'm hungry."

His eyes flared and my power over him made me feel ten feet tall.

The restaurant was elegant and beautiful just as I knew it would be. We were seated immediately, the young waitress falling over herself when she saw Jax. I hid my smile behind my hand, secretly enjoying the fact he was all mine, at least for now. He must have noticed because he winked at me when "Bethany" walked away hurriedly to get our drinks.

Studying the menu, I realized a nice rare steak was what I craved along with Jax for dessert. I slapped my hormones down, willing my raging libido to cool it. He glanced up from the menu and smiled. Did he hear my heart racing from across the table? It sounded like a bass drum to me.

Bethany interrupted my internal civil war with her cheery little synopsis of their specials. I ordered my steak all but mooing. Years ago you couldn't pay me enough to eat a bloody steak. It had to be cooked just shy of charcoal status.

"So do your parents live here in the city?"

His question took me by surprise. It wasn't often I discussed my parents with a date. None of them really cared about my family or any relatives, for that matter. I took a sip of my wine.

"No. My mother moved to Europe and I never met my father. No siblings."

He raised a questioning eyebrow and I took another sip. "At least she waited until I graduated law school to take off. Nice of her, don't you think?"

"Law? So you're a lawyer?"

"Yep. I enjoy what I do just not who I do it with."

He scowled. "Can you clarify that for me?"

I smiled. "The firm I am with has different work ethics. Let's just leave it at that."

He put his wine down and propped his elbows on the table, leaning forward. So much for leaving it at that.

"My superior is a big jerk. He lies and cheats to win cases and has broken every ethics code I know."

"Well, let me know if I need to go over and break both his legs."

I gaped at him, really believing he would go through with the threat.

"There's our dinner," he said, breaking my stunned silence

I was actually relived to see Bethany, our bouncy, over-eager waitress. She placed our food on the table and asked if we needed anything else. I would have answered but she only had eyes for Jax. Good thing I wasn't tipping her. I think she knew it too. With a radiant smile, she turned and headed back to the kitchen.

"Are you going to kill that before eating it?" He pointed at my steak.

I laughed. "You are missing out. Rare is the way to go." He smirked at me then dug into his salad.

"Is that all you're going to eat?" I asked

He nodded. "Have to watch my girlish figure."

I almost choked on my first bite. The man was stacked. I was sure he worked out on a regular basis. I felt like a pig as I chowed down on my fatty streak.

"I guess I should have ordered a salad too."

His eyes twinkled. "You're just fine, Sienna. I love a woman with curves in all the right places."

Damn it was hot in here. I fanned myself with the linen napkin and reached for my ice water.

"I think I am ready to go. You?"

Yes. Yes. Yes. I nodded because I couldn't speak. He paid the tab and led me out, his hand at the small of my back just inches above my ass. Lord I was hot and bothered. Never in my life had I ever felt this aroused. Would we even make it to his place?

His phone went off pulling me away from my licentious thoughts. I grinned until I saw the expression on his face. He seemed frustrated.

"I see. I will take care of it from this point on. We'll revisit tomorrow evening. Thanks."

I glanced up at him as he studied the street in front of us. Was he looking for someone?

"Our ride's here." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the curbside. We were inside the limo when his phone bleeped again. After barking a few directions, he hung up and still looked pissed. I wouldn't want to be the person on the other side of that conversation.

He apologized. I shook it off. It was business and I totally understood, getting my share of annoying calls too. I smiled to reassure him and hated that our moment was gone.

In the next second my ass was firmly planted on his lap and his hands were in my hair. I let my head fall back, wanting him right at my neck. The velvet kiss of his tongue at my jugular made me jump. He inhaled deeply. Twice.

Shit. I was going to melt on the spot. The way he drew my scent into his body was the most erotic sensation. The feeling was mind blowing.

"Sienna," he whispered along my jaw.

I rubbed myself on him, feeling his erection through the thin fabric of my dress.

"I need to get you out of this dress," he growled.

I loved when he did that. It empowered me to know I could drive him insane. Lord knew I was already there. Moving to face him, I draped my leg over his hip, now in a straddle position. His hands circled my waist, pushing me down against the bulge in his pants.

"Oh God." I moaned, as he pushed up. The only thing hindering our pleasure was two scraps of material. Jax reached up to kiss me. I opened my mouth to his tongue before our lips touched. It was animalistic and I loved it.

My body jerked back when the limo stopped abruptly. Disoriented, I gazed around at my surroundings. The lights from the city below twinkled then disappeared as the driver maneuvered the long vehicle up Jax's driveway. His hand moved up my naked back.

"Tell me now if you want to leave." His bright eyes implored me to stay.

I put both hands to his cheeks and leveled my gaze to his. "I do not."

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