Wolf Unbound Page 53

Two of Pellini’s people attacked, one in human form, the other as a wolf. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ben struggle up, a smear of blood on the wall he leaned against.

“Get out of here!” she screamed around a mouthful of blood. Setting her balance, she delivered a roundhouse kick to the face of the wolf and sent him reeling.

“You get out of here. Fucking crazy woman. I’m not leaving without you.”

“Isn’t that touching?” Pellini said. “Grab her and Gina, take them out the back.”

“Oh that’s so not gonna happen!” Tegan fought back harder, watching Ben get the shit kicked out of him. He went down and she used the wolf in front of her as a launching point to try and leap to him. The transformation in mid-air took a lot of energy but she bounded toward him, ripping into his attackers. The blood and fear of those who tried to hurt her mate only fed her fury.

Ben’s hand reached out, covered in blood, to caress her side, grab her fur. She whimpered and spun to snarl and protect his prone form. Melissa had turned but Dave had ushered her and Eric out. It was important to save them. Cascadia would live another day to declare vengeance on Pellini for this.

Other wolves rushed in, Tegan scented Pacific but before she could relax, she caught sight of Gina being hit over the head and taken, unconscious, out the side exit.

Two of Pacific’s people bent down over Ben and she licked his hand. She heard him murmur, no but there was no other choice. She was a guard, it was her job. She roared into action, biting, clawing and snarling.

The last thing she remembered was a white hot pain in her side.

Chapter Sixteen

“I’m going to kill someone in two minutes if I’m not released,” Ben slurred at the nurse. “My wife. Damn it, my wife is in danger.”

She sighed and patted his hand. “They’ll find her, Detective. You have to calm down. We need to prep you for surgery. I’ll be right back. If you continue to get agitated and threaten people, I’ll tranc you up so much you can’t move.”

“Ben? I’m Jack Meyers, we’ve talked on the phone. I’m so sorry.”

Ben tried to focus on the man standing there, tried to commit his face to memory so he’d be able to track him down and shoot him full of silver bullets when he got out of the hospital.

“Fuck you. Your fault.”

“You’re right, I’m afraid. We had no idea.” Jack shook his head. “Cade has already called first dibs on killing me but Lex is on his way out here so I don’t think he’ll get the chance.”

“We’re already looking for her, Ben. I swear to you, I won’t stop until we find Tegan. But you’re in a bad way. You have to let them operate.” Tegan’s cousin Dave came into the room. “If you die, Tegan will kill me and then Jack and probably everyone here in the hospital. So let’s focus on what we need to do. They’re setting up the operating room now. The surgeons are on the way. We’re assembling a team right now.”

“I can’t lay here while she’s out there.” Ben’s head raced but his body wouldn’t obey the orders to stand and go find his wife. He realized what he needed to do. “Change. So—someone bite me.”

“Are you sure? God, Ben, Tegan won’t like it if you do this and then regret it. You know how she is. And then Nina will be pissed.” Dave shuddered in fear.

“To save her? I’m sure. Do it, damn it.” He’d cut off a damned limb to save Tegan.

Weeks of recovery versus a few days. He’d take being a werewolf to gain some time for his woman. It wasn’t even a hard choice.

“My bite will be best. I’m older and stronger of us.” Jack looked back at Dave.

“You’ll need to guard the door. It’s good he’s so weak already, the virus will react far more quickly this way. You have to protect me from Tegan though. She’s going to be pissed when she hears.”

“You have another choice, Ben Stoner.” Another man walked into the room and Ben felt the power ride over his skin like a thousand bites of electricity.

“I am Templeton Mancini. Watch the door, Dave. Jack, hold him, get a gag in his mouth. If you’re one hundred percent sure of this, Ben, I’ll bite you right now. There’s no time to waste.”

Weakly, he nodded and let Jack put a wadded up washcloth between his teeth to keep him from crying out.

“This will hurt. I’m sorry. God, so sorry for all that’s happened. Let this be a step in cleansing the way between us.” Templeton spoke before transforming into a wolf so fast Ben’s brain couldn’t even register it.

He did register the feel of sharp teeth slicing through the damaged skin on his side.

Things nearly destroyed were utterly damaged as the last thing he heard was a gasp and a muffled growl.

Ben was eating a sandwich and sitting up when Lex pushed through the door and stopped, surprised. “Well now, I guess Templeton’s blood supercharged the shit right into you then didn’t it?”

“Let’s go. I’m ready.”

Ben shoved the rest of the sandwich in his mouth as he made to get up.

“Wait. Jesus, it’s only been seven hours since the attack and what, six since you were bitten? My God, Ben, this is incredible. Nina was out two days when she was attacked by our Third. Hours is just unheard of.”

“Whatever the case may be, I’m up and ready to go. My woman is out there and she’s in danger and I’m here eating a f**king sandwich. This is ridiculous. I’m fine!” His voice shook as he yelled and Lex sighed.

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