Wolf Unbound Page 50

“Well we don’t do the garter thing so my skirt wouldn’t be up in front of a room full of people. The only person who’d see my pu**y would be you.” She hadn’t meant it to come out a squeak but it did as he grabbed her to him.

“If I’d known, I’d have shoved you behind a tree and tossed your dress up, f**ked you senseless under the stars.” He marched her backwards into the room until she felt the cool glass of the windows at her bare back. “Turn around.”

She did and started to reach to close the curtains but he caught her arms, bringing them behind her back, holding her wrists in one hand. “Uh uh uh. I think we should leave them open, don’t you? No one is out there, it’s late. But what if there were? Hmm?

They’d be standing in the dark at the edge of the forest watching as my hand cupped your beautiful breast.”

He spoke softly in her ear as he circled his fingertip around one of her ni**les.

Her head fell back against his shoulder and he moved his hand, pressing her br**sts against the glass while he spread her legs, tested her readiness and guided himself inside.

She was caught between the cool of the window and the heat of his body at her back.

He held her wrists tight as he f**ked deeply into her body, the height of her heels making her fit with him perfectly.

Everywhere he touched her sang with their connection as their mutual pleasure ebbed and flowed back and forth between them. She’d never had such a powerful experience, not even with Lucas. It was as if everything the two of them had held back over the years welled up and up until it finally crashed over them when he barely brushed a fingertip over her clit. Her climax brought his as the reverberations of sensation fed back and forth until Tegan’s teeth tingled from clenching them so tight.

“Holy shit,” he gasped as they both folded to the ground, laughing.

They got around to the champagne but had to run the bathwater again to heat it up.

Nice big tub, big enough for two. Tegan and Ben left two days later with plenty of memories to go with sore muscles and a permanent grin.

Chapter Fifteen

Ben staked out the building his wife would shortly arrive at with the rest of the team from Cascadia. His heart lodged in his throat as he watched the muscle from National move around the area. He hoped like hell they’d be all right.

Lex had promised him Tegan could handle herself and Gabe had assured him Jack had the situation under control on the inside. But Pellini was a freaking crazy man and who could trust that?

“She’s going to be just fine, Ben.” Benoit chuckled from his chair beside him. Benoit watched the video from the room feeding from the pinhole camera Jack had placed while Ben watched the comings and goings from the building.

“Easy for you to say.”

“Sure it is. But I like Tegan a lot and I’ve been working with Cascadia for nearly as long as you have and I don’t want anyone hurt either. She’s a hard assed woman. Strong, smart. She’s not going to go down without a fight. It’s why she ranks where she does as a female. And she would be pissed off if she knew you didn’t trust her to take care of herself.”

“Shut up. Did I ask you to be all FBI rational guy over there? Just watch the monitor and let me worry about my wife.”

Benoit laughed again as he continued to watch the screen.

“There she is. Damn that wolf in charge thing is hot,” Ben murmured as he watched Tegan get out of the dark-windowed SUV. She was tall and lethal in black, her hair a fiery rope down her back. She even had the ear bud in.

Two beefy werewolves approached and Tegan handed them something, conversing with them as she did. He could feel her through the link that bound the two of them. She radiated calm assurance as she stood, feet apart, waiting to get clearance.

With a nod, one of the large National guards stood back and Tegan spoke into the mic near her mouth and she opened the door to the car. Melissa, Cascadia’s Third and Eric, the Fourth stepped out along with Dave, another guard.

They hustled toward the side door and for a brief moment, Tegan turned and looked up, right at where they were. Just a fleeting glance as she continued to sweep the area before disappearing inside but Ben felt it to his toes, knew she knew he was there.

Tegan felt Ben’s presence in the condo building across the street as she turned to scan the area. She took in everything, every window, whether it was open or closed, where the trees obscured doors or entries, points of ingress and egress.

Plenty of wolves in the area and when she walked inside, Melissa and Eric between her and Dave, the scent of Pack from all across the country slammed into her. It rankled her even as it comforted her. That was the nature of family she supposed.

Because this was a National Council, the First and Second of National were in attendance. Jack Meyers stood as they entered the large boardroom. Tegan inclined her head exactly as much as he deserved and not a millimeter more. She stepped to the side to allow Melissa to move forward.

“Melissa, National welcomes Cascadia. Please, come in and sit down. We were all just having a drink. Can I get you something?”

Eric stood next to Melissa and a bunch of posturing took place. Tegan kept her eyes shifting around the room, taking in every possible threat, watching the way everyone stood or sat. Body language was a big tell with wolves. Some of them were definitely with Cascadia on repelling Pellini but others, not so much.

“Tegan, so good to see you. I hear congratulations are in order.”

Tegan couldn’t help but smile as Templeton Mancini strolled toward her, ignoring all protocol by addressing her first instead of the other higher-ranked wolves all around the room.

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