Wicked All the Way Page 10

Goodness, the way he talked to her…low and sexual, a deeply determined male not asking a question, but stating his intent.

“Yes,” she breathed, spreading kisses over his jaw, down his neck. “Here?”

He hesitated. “How much do you trust me with your body?”

What sort of question was that? “Completely.”

“Wait. Don’t move.” He pulled away and disappeared into the surrounding darkness, taking his body heat with him. She shivered, wrapping her arms around her. It was late December, and the temperature had dropped the last few weeks. It was chilly in the attic.

Then light suddenly flooded the space, and Carlotta looked over to see Caleb let go of the lone string beside the light bulb. The golden glow cast over his tense face. He squared his shoulders, looking suddenly taller, more…formidable. His piercing blue eyes looked through her remaining walls and seemed to see down to her soul. Carlotta met his gaze, trembling under all his silent demand.

“Take a look around us, Lottie. You know what this is?”

A padded bench of some sort sat just beside her. A seven-foot mirror dominated the back wall. A giant wooden X painted in red took up the rest of the space beside it. To her left, a rack of hooks suspended a variety of paddles, whips, and restraints. To her right, a bed with a massive headboard—and cuffs built right into the middle.

Her stomach dipped, rolled, and tangled in shock.

“I know. A dungeon.”

She could not quite meet his gaze, but questions zipped through her head. Was he not just an alpha male, but a Dominant, like his sons? Did he want to use this equipment on her? How did she feel about the idea of being immobile and at his mercy? Her nipples peaked and the ache between her legs surged. She supposed that answered her question. Her body liked it a great deal…but what about her psyche?

“Are you scared about the idea of giving yourself to me here?” he asked. “I need your honesty, Lottie.”

“A little. But probably not as much as you might imagine.”

He raised his brows. “Not too scared to try?”

Carlotta swallowed. Her first thought was to ask him to wait until they were more established, until she felt more secure. But she was either with him or she was not. After many conversations with Kata about this topic, she understood the psychology of it. Caleb needed her to prove that she could put herself in his hands and give him all of herself because she trusted him. Because she loved him. And she needed to prove to herself that she was strong enough to handle a forceful man without losing herself. Together, they needed to form a bond through their communication and pleasure that would serve as the foundation for the “us” they would become.

Carlotta reached up and fumbled with the buttons of her blouse, slipping each one free until she slid the silky red garment over her shoulders. Then she shimmied out of her charcoal skirt and kicked it aside.

Finally, she stood before him, wearing only another serviceable bra, lace-trimmed panties, and her red shoes. “I am yours, Caleb. I will never be frightened by you again.”

He sucked in a deep breath, his chest expanding as he stalked toward her with slow, measured steps until he stopped right in front of her, so close that the heat of his body radiated to her and made her shiver. “I haven’t topped anyone in a very long time. I put this side of myself away because Amanda couldn’t deal with it. But I can’t pretend to be someone I’m not with you. It won’t work, Lottie.”

She understood that completely. “I know. I was never myself with Gordon. He did not want the real me.”

“Just so we’re clear, you won’t be allowed to hide anything from me. If you’re scared or worried or confused, you give that all to me, in or out of bed. Yes?”

“Yes.” She dropped her gaze again.

He hooked a hand under her chin and made her meet his stare. “And I want to know what makes you happy, just like I need to know what makes you feel good. You spit it all out, the good and the bad.”

She nibbled on her lower lip. “I will.”

“You’re going to find it hard sometimes, and I’m sure I’ll have to dig it out of you every now and then.” Finally, a smile cracked his face, and he looked at a little hanging flogger with a roguish gleam in his eyes. “But that could be fun, too.”

She answered with a blushing little smile. “I always knew you were a wicked man.”

His smile fell, and that compelling stare dominated again. “You’re about to find out.”

He ushered her to the bed, picked her up, and laid her across the sheets. She hissed at their coolness against her back, arching away from them. Caleb seized the opportunity, put his arms around her, and unhooked her bra. Her breasts sprang free as he tore it away, the chilly air beading her nipples even more. But his rapt stare suddenly made her feel hot all over.

“Give me your wrists,” he demanded, his voice thick.

Trembling, she held them out to him.

Caleb took them in a firm grip and bent, dragging her arms over her head. Carlotta knew what was coming…knew it, yet the feel of those cuffs fastening around her wrists with a metallic click did crazy little things to her heartbeat. She gave an experimental tug. No way she was going anywhere. Her gaze bounced up to his harsh face, and she knew the mild panic sliding through her had to be showing in her expression.

“You’re doing fine, Lottie. Deep breaths. Relax. Feel the softness of the bed under you,” his voice coaxed. “Feel my hands soothing you.”

He curled his fingers around her wrists, then caressed his way down her arms, all the way to where her shoulders lifted to stretch to the restraints. He swept his palm under her in a slow, soothing glide, feeling his way to her waist. His touch was so gentle, patient. As his skin kissed hers, he brought her to tingling life. She let out a long sigh of pleasure and closed her eyes, melting into the bed.

“That’s it, baby. Just let go of whatever you’re worried about. Give it over to me. I’ll take care of everything.”

She focused on doing exactly as he said, emptying her head, not dwelling on her less-than-pleasurable past experiences, not thinking about what he might demand of her next. She simply tried to put herself in his capable hands and trust. Even more tension eased from her muscles. She didn’t even move except to let her lids flutter open when he bent to kiss between her breasts and pulled her underwear down her thighs, then off.

Caleb sat back on his heels. “Gorgeous, baby. Just perfect.

Running a finger from her cleavage, down her abdomen, all the way to her slick folds, he stared, cataloging her every reaction. He watched her breathe, blink, flush. And he smiled.

“Are you happy?” She wanted to know, had to know, if he was pleased by the sight of her naked and bound for him.

“You have no idea. Having you here fills a need that’s been gaping inside me since we met, but you surrendering this way… You can’t know how much I’ve longed for the right woman to submit to me. I have no doubt now that you are that woman. Lottie…”

Whatever he had planned to say dissolved as he eased on top of her, balancing himself on his elbows—with his mouth right over her nipples. He breathed on them, a hot, toe-curling pant. She felt him all the way through her body and tried to arch again. The hard tips brushed his lips, and Caleb’s gaze scolded her for rushing him, but he licked one of the tender buds. She gasped. They had become so rigid and far more sensitive than she could ever remember.

When he sucked her nipple deep into his mouth, she moaned his name.

“These are beautiful, baby. I’m going to want my mouth on them a lot. You’ll see.”

That sounded like heaven.

He repeated the process with her other nipple, suckling her so slowly, she wanted to throw her arms around him and scratch his back, force his head farther onto her breast—something. The cuffs assured she could do nothing but take the slow climb of arousal he dished out.

And Caleb dragged it out, forcing her to wait, to take the pleasure until she was restless and writhing under him. Then he stood and shucked his jeans and boxer-briefs, exposing the rest of his lean, sculpted body, along with that large, jutting masculine flesh she prayed would fill her soon. Dios, he was beautiful.

He wrapped his hand around his staff and caressed it slowly with a slight turn of his wrist as he neared the tip. As he threw back his head and hissed, Carlotta felt her mouth water and thought she might go insane if he didn’t do something soon.

“I need…” She panted, trying to catch her breath and keep her wits.

“Tell me, Lottie.” He continued with that maddening stroke up and down his erection, teasing her, toying with her wishes until they became desperate.

“I need you inside me. I need to feel you deep. I need to feel like yours.”

Caleb climbed back on the bed and settled himself between her legs as he spread them wide, his gaze roaming her well-loved nipples, her soft belly…her slick flesh that ached for him.

“I’m going to thrust inside you and I’m going to fuck you deep, baby. You’re going to know you’re mine.” He grinned. “But if, after that, you’re still not totally convinced, we can do it again.”

Lightness and a ridiculous overflowing of joy filled her. “I might need a lot of convincing.”

“My pleasure. Let’s see if we can give you some, too.”

He clamped hot hands around her thighs, electrifying her with his touch. Her body jolted.

“Shh,” he soothed. “I’ve got you.”

Yes, he did, and she gratefully let his palms drift up, until his seeking fingers prowled through the slick flesh between her legs and he rubbed slowly at the bundle of nerves there. She wanted more of the orgasms she knew Caleb was capable of giving her, but she also wanted to join with him so very much…

“Please,” she whimpered.

“Let it build a bit, Lottie. Trust me to know what to do.”

She didn’t even have to answer. He proved very quickly that he knew exactly how to arouse her. His teasing fingers plied over her little button and the pleasure clawed through her body until she arched and wailed and spread her legs wider.


“I like to hear your begging. Soon. Really soon, I promise. God, your pussy is so pretty, all deeply rosy and pouting. And so wet. I know you’re going to be tight. You’re going to kill my self-control. I’ve waited forever for you, and I’ll be damned if I’m not going to make sure you enjoy this.”

“I will,” she swore, all but begging. “I am sure. Whatever you want…”

Caleb chuckled. “Exactly what I wanted to hear.”

Before she could reply, he slid two of his fingers on either side of her bundle of nerves, creating a new sensation, exciting her with a whole new friction. Her breathing hitched, and she clenched her hands into fists. Frantically, she lifted her hips to him.

He pushed them back down. “You can’t make me give this to you any faster. A little at a time. Let it burn slow, baby.”

“It is so...overwhelming. The burn, it almost hurts.”

“What hurts is the prolonged wait. Have you thought about me in the last few weeks?”

She nodded desperately. “Every day.”

“Every night?”


“Did you want to call me?”

Goodness, more than he knew. “Many times.”

“Did you miss me?”

“Every moment.”

“Did you want me in your bed? In your pussy?”

No man had ever spoken to her this way, and she found it aroused her unbearably. “Constantly.”

“Did you touch yourself and think of me?”

She flushed. How could she be honest about that?

He pulled his hand away, ceased that constant, sweet stroke on her most sensitive flesh. “Lottie, I asked you a question.”

The burn turned hotter, hurt more.

“Yes.” She felt as if the word had been wrenched from her soul.

He resumed stroking her, this time a bit faster, as if in reward. “Did you come?”

“Yes…” she whispered.

“I jacked off every goddamn day thinking of you. I came to Lafayette tonight because I knew you would be here. I’d planned to finish putting together the dungeon, then shower up and head to the kids’ apartment. We were going to have dinner and talk, then I was going to take you somewhere—anywhere—and fuck you until you admitted that you were mine.”

“I am yours. I said it earlier. I say it again now.” She twisted her head from side to side, her voice a high-pitched pleading. “I will say it tomorrow and every day you will listen. Please!”

He eased down to her side, his fingers never leaving her except to slide two inside her and part them wide while his thumb rubbed her clitoris. The sensations were even more dazzling, and she felt the rush of orgasm begin to gather between her thighs, the bliss flooding her body. Every muscle tensed. She held her breath.

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