Unconditional Page 58

Akio brushed his fingertips across her forehead and spoke to her in the other ear as well, the fingers of his other hand tangled with Josh’s as he did.

“Don’t leave me alone,” Josh repeated, tears in his voice. “We just found each other again. We were supposed to. I know it. I know you were meant to be in my life and I was meant for yours. I was born to love you, Michelle. I can’t imagine a world without you in it, busting my chops. Making me laugh. Loving me. No one has ever loved me like you do.”

They arrived, and the doors of what he remembered as Grace’s office were yanked open. Instead of yelling and panic, the wolves that streamed out were calm and in charge, and it helped him to carry her at a run—as gently as he could under the circumstances—into the house, following directions as they were given to him.

“On the table.” Grace Warden was a petite woman, but a powerful wolf. She gave the order and he complied immediately. “Step back. You don’t have to leave the room but I need space to work.”

Akio joined him, standing close enough that they touched shoulders. Touch was always important to shifters. Add to it that as their anchor, Akio was in many ways bound to him and Michelle as well, and Josh was glad as hell Akio was there to keep him from losing his shit. He wanted to pace but all his energy was focused on keeping the wolf leashed. The wolf didn’t give a f**k about staying calm, the wolf wanted to protect his mate.

He gave in and began to pace in the very small corner they waited in. Two steps. Turn. Two steps. Turn.

Quietly she gave orders to the wolves assisting her as she cut Michelle’s clothes off. Someone put an oxygen mask on Michelle, who was so very still Josh’s breath caught.

“Even as a witch, she’s not…she’s been shot more than a dozen times across her abdomen and chest.” Grace didn’t turn to face him as she spoke. She continued to work on Michelle.

Their bond got thinner and thinner, and he knew in his gut that Michelle was going to die and that could not happen.

Dimly, he noted that Dave had positioned himself close enough to take Josh down should he lose his shit when Michelle died.

“You’re telling me she’s dying.” His voice was flat.

Grace turned to him, her face grave. “Yes. Unless…”

“Damn it, Josh. Now! It has to be now.” Akio squeezed his shoulder hard enough for it to hurt.

“I haven’t even asked her!” But even as he said it, he knew it didn’t matter if she hated him forever for changing her without talking to her first. At least she’d be alive for it.

Cade approached him slowly, his palms showing. Josh’s wolf uneasily prowled just beneath the human skin. Josh went very still, breathing in to assure himself that Michelle still lived and that the male standing there was his Alpha as much as Tracy, Nick and Gabe were.

“I’d be honored to do the change, Josh. But it has to be now.”

He blew out a breath, and Akio put his arms around him and held Josh tight, burying his face in Josh’s neck. “Do it.”

Josh hugged Akio back and looked to Cade. Nodding.

“Do it while I get these bullets out. I don’t want her healing with anything inside her that I’ll have to remove later.” Grace didn’t look up as she worked. “Josh, she’s going to live and be strong, and she’s only going to know you made the choice that saved her life.”

“Even if she’s mad, she’ll be alive,” Josh muttered.

“Yes. Listen, we had to change Ben over when he nearly died. He’s got forever with my sister Tegan because of that. He doesn’t regret it one bit.”

Cade got rid of his clothes and shifted so fast it left Josh blinking. The more power a wolf had, the faster he could shift.

“I’m done,” Grace told Cade and then she turned to Josh. “Hold her hand. Talk to her. She needs to hear you.”

He’d been bitten and turned a decade ago. It wasn’t by choice and he’d been unconscious for most of it, so he didn’t really know what to expect. His wolf pushed into the forefront and took over, allowing the man to keep his skin.

He put his face in her neck and breathed her in. “Beautiful, I’m here. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. Hold on and fight. When you wake up you’ll be stronger and faster. You’ll be a wolf, and if you’re mad about that, you can’t do anything unless you survive. So if you want to kick my ass you have to live to do it. You hear me? Don’t you let go. Stay with me, Michelle.”

Cade snarled and bit. Michelle cried out and arched, trying to get away, even though she barely held on to her life.

Josh knew tears ran down his face, but he held on to her hand and kept talking to her. Urging her to fight and embrace the wolf racing through her veins. The wolf that would save her life.

Chapter Fifteen

She awoke from dreams of the forest. Of running. Of pain, quicksilver, burning through her like fire.

She remembered dying. Of the way she’d lost more of her anchor to her body as her essence and magick bled from her. And Josh’s voice. His hands on her and his voice urging her to fight. Telling her he loved her.

She heard her heartbeat. Smelled blood and pain and…Josh. Other Weres too. Other types of magick.

Teeth. She gasped, choking on her spit at the memory of teeth, and began to cough, expecting there to be pain.

Hands on her and a voice. A female voice and then Josh. That gave her strength to open her eyes. “Why is a woman here?”

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