Unconditional Page 45

Touched, she nodded. “Thanks, I appreciate it. It’s all so much. I feel…I don’t know anything. Not just about your world but my own really. I don’t want to embarrass Josh or do something wrong.”

“Plenty of folks who are happy to share. Just ask and if we can get you the answer we will.”

“I’m nervous,” Michelle blurted out.

“I know there are a lot of people here, but they’re all here to celebrate you. To welcome you. This is something really special to us. The bond, I mean. Josh is so happy. Everyone is going to see that. He leads them, keeps them safe. To see him happy and with his mate is a good thing. My pack will see you as a positive. Even before they meet you, they’ll think that.”

“Aw, thanks. But I also mean the anchor thing.”

Tracy took her hands and squeezed. “That’s going to be all right too. I mean.” Tracy shrugged and looked around the area, full of ridiculously gorgeous people. “They’re all beautiful. You’re beautiful. Josh is hot. Just…it’s part of the process. Let it happen. It’s your choice, you know.”

Tracy walked with her up the steps and into the house. Josh had the hands of both girls as he followed.

“Let’s see.” Tracy scanned the room. “Ah, so over there, that’s Trace. He’s here from Cascadia. He’s ranked lower than Josh, but his power level is high. High enough to be the Alpha of his own pack anywhere else. He’s an Enforcer too, works for my sister, who runs the Enforcer team up there.”

Trace had long pale hair tied loosely back from his face. Piercing brown eyes.

“Over there is Erik, he’s visiting here from Boston with Jack, that hot blond-surfer-looking dude.”

“Jack is the National Enforcer, right? He’s also in a threesome and he’s anchored to your sister-in-law?”

“You’re a fast learner. Yes, that’s Jack. Oh and then there’s Akio. Akio is Jack’s right hand.”

Holy cow. Now that was a beautiful man in a room full of really exceptional-looking people.

Tracy continued. “The anchor is special. They make a commitment to you to take on the weight of the death of a mate. It’s…hard to explain, but it’s more than just f**king. Your anchor is part of your family. None of them agrees to do it lightly. We’re all a bit superstitious, wolves I mean. We believe in fate and all that jazz. So just because an available wolf is around, he may not agree to serve as an anchor. There has to be chemistry. He has to really connect with the couple, the female sure, but also the male because they’re sort of partners in keeping the female safe.”

“Yeah, no pressure. Just a lifetime commitment to make a decision in a few minutes.”

Tracy laughed. “It’s not always like that. I only knew Gabe for a day though. Sometimes you just know when it’s right.”

Which, Michelle had to admit was true.

Akio took that moment to turn around and see them both staring at him. Well now. He was long and lithe, his dark hair loose, framing a face that would have dried the spit in any thinking woman’s mouth in seconds flat.

“Damn,” she whispered to Tracy.

“Right?” Tracy waved and he began to make his way over.

Josh moved to them, pausing to kiss Michelle. “Sorry, I got caught up. Rose wanted to show me the picture she drew of Milton.”

Akio approached and Josh held a hand out that Akio took. “Akio, this is my mate, Michelle. Michelle, this is Akio Minami. He’s part of the Enforcer corps in Boston. He’s here with Jack and the wolves from National.”

She smiled and he took her hand. “It’s nice to meet you. Josh was telling us all about you on the way over from the airport.”

He had a great accent. So much Boston in it.

As she chatted with Akio, Josh put an arm around her shoulders and she leaned into him, looking up at him with a smile. He’d seen this dozens of times. A member of his pack when they’d come to a Joining with a new bonded mate. He’d always thought it was great, but now that it was him, he understood the ridiculous smiles, the way they’d needed to touch so much.

As it was, wolves needed that contact. They were a touchy-feely group. But every time he put his hands on her, it soothed him, excited him, made him feel like he’d just won something awesome.

And there was something between Akio and Michelle. Akio was the kind of male who listened more than he talked. Which was a quality Josh respected a great deal. But he came out of his shell when he was around people he genuinely enjoyed.

Like he was doing just then. Charming Michelle with stories of Boston and the wolves there.

Akio paused, a hand on her arm, when Jack called his name. “I’m sorry to interrupt. I need to go see what he needs. I’m sure we’ll talk more.” Akio smiled and nodded to Josh before he headed to see what Jack needed.

“You’re here! And look at you, the bond looks good on you.” Gina came over and pulled Michelle into a hug.

“Hi there.” Michelle smiled at Gina, and Josh realized she’d already made friends. He was totally grateful for that. They chatted, and Josh scanned the room automatically, always alert for any problems.

Akio stood with Nick and Jack, everyone wearing serious faces. Truth be told, he’d thought Akio would be an excellent choice as an anchor. He was strong and smart. And he lived across the country so while he would of course be at their home for the holidays and that sort of thing, he wouldn’t be in their same pack or the same city.

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