Unconditional Page 33

She blew out a long breath before she answered. “Slattery.”

“I’m going to overlook that little temper tantrum you threw earlier. HR tells me you put in for vacation?”

“Yes, sir. I have plenty coming.”

“I told you to leave this mess alone.”

“With all due respect, sir, it’s only been a few days. There is no reason to give up. Especially when I’m taking vacation time and not using department resources.”

“You’re a department resource. Chances are she’s run off with one of them. She’ll come back when she’s done, or when he dumps her.”

“You don’t know her at all. She would never, ever do that. And if your prejudice didn’t color your judgment here, you’d know that. The scene does not point to a woman who ran off with a lover. Her wallet and identification were left behind. Her bank account has been untouched. She left her phone behind. She did not leave of her own accord and there is no way she would have left without telling her mother, her job or me. She’s totally responsible. She’d never leave her patients. She’s not the person you’ve decided she is in your head. I’ve known her my entire life and I will not abandon her when she needs me the most.”

Josh put a hand on her knee. Comfort radiated through her system.

“You’re walking a dangerous line here, Slattery. Insubordination looks bad on your record. We need you back here. You need to return. Or don’t bother.”

“Are you threatening to fire me for taking vacation?” Thank heavens for her union which would fight that one big time.

“I’m saying you need to report back here and we can talk about our staffing needs and you can take vacation after we take care of that detail.”

All this nonsense simply because he wanted to control her! Hated Others so much that he was fine ignoring reality to bring her back and show her who held her leash.

“I filed my vacation like anyone else. I have the time. I’m taking it. If you wish to attempt the process of termination, you know who my union rep is. Now, as I’m officially on vacation, I’ll be hanging up. Sir.” And she did before she said anything else.

Normally she would have had to file papers to take vacation in advance. But when she’d called earlier, she’d checked and they’d given her an okay to take the time. Technically she had not broken any rules. And he was a bigoted ass**le.

She made a quick call to her union rep and filled him in on the whole mess. He told her not to worry, that he’d handle it if and when Dexter made a move and would be in touch if that happened.

Josh pulled into his parking spot and turned to her.

“What can I do to help?”

“You’re doing it. I just…”

“Do you need to go back? Be honest.”

“I’m not going back. I’m not a dog on a leash. He’s out of line, and I don’t want that job if the reality means I’d ignore evidence because of my own prejudicial thinking. I’m not leaving until I find her. It hasn’t been that long, damn it.”

He pulled her into a hug and she held on tight.

“Come inside and let’s talk.”

Once they got inside he directed her to go change her clothes, which she had no argument with. She bundled into yoga pants and a sweatshirt with fluffy socks and left her hair in the braid she’d put it in after her shower earlier.

Back in the living room, he pressed a warm mug into her hands. “Tea with whiskey. Sit.”

She did and he followed, pulling her close. “I really wanted a different situation to talk to you about all this. You’re so stressed and it’s been such a horrible time.”

“Not knowing whatever it is just makes it worse. Be honest. I may not like it, but damn it, there are too many things I don’t know right now and it sucks.” She took a sip and hissed. “Dude, you sure didn’t hold back with the liquor.” But the warmth that spread through her was welcome so she took another sip and braced herself for whatever it was he was about to spill.

“I’m going to be detailed because I don’t know what you do and don’t know. So don’t be offended if I tell you things you already know.”

Michelle made one of those get on with it moves with her hand and he snorted a laugh.

“I don’t use condoms usually, no. I don’t because like you said, we don’t pass STDs and we can scent a female’s fertility.” He was so mad at Esme for that afternoon. She’d heard about his finding a mate because wolves were horrible gossips about that stuff, and when she’d learned he was at Tracy’s, she’d come to get a load of Michelle. Stupid.

It had pushed his timeline up and at a time when Michelle really didn’t need any added stress.

But it was what it was and he had to deal with it.

“Normally, aside from being messy, it’s not a big deal to have unprotected sex with another female. I generally don’t…haven’t sought out non-shifter females. As you pointed out before, it’s too hard to hide what you are. My life is wrapped up with my pack and other wolves. Anyway.”

“Oh my God, just say it. You’re killing me!”

The whiskey, which he’d added pretty liberally, had kicked in, and he tried not to smile at what a lightweight she was. Then again, he wasn’t able to get drunk without a lot of liquor so he might have given her a whole lot. Oops.

“Wolves mate for life. Werewolves too. It’s not so much like there is only one person on the entire planet, but it’s a rare thing to find that one person. When the male comes inside that female that starts the chain reaction that creates the mate bond. It’s magick of its own. It changes the DNA of the female. The bond between the mated couple is intense. They can feel the emotions of the other. There’s no one else after that. Neither mate would want it. For a wolf it’s a joy to find.”

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