Unconditional Page 27

“Sure. You need to come back. You said yourself you haven’t found anything. Let Portland PD keep an eye out. Question the guy and come back to work. There are cases we need you on here. Whether you want to admit it or not, our missing person is just one of many.”

She hung up. Without saying goodbye. She shook so hard, her nails dug into her palms until the scent of blood hit, and Josh was on his knees in front of her, taking her hands.

“What’s going on? Talk to me, Michelle, because I’m about to lose my shit. You already have. What is happening?”

She thought about what to say. Her boss’s prejudices bothered her. Embarrassed her even. It was hard enough on her being a witch, but Josh was a shifter and she didn’t want to hurt him. At the same time, she needed to talk.

“No new clues on Allie. My boss wants me back in Roseburg. I don’t think he cares about Allie at all. He’s…he’s a bigot, and since he’s seen the pictures from the murder at the convenience store, he’s convinced shifters are involved and he’s pretty much written Allie off as a ‘shifter lover’ who gets what she deserves for mixing with Weres.”

He growled. “Are you going back?”

“Not without finding her.”

“Don’t go at all.” He kissed her fists until she relaxed and unclenched. He hissed when he saw the half-moon wounds. He kissed them too. “I know it’s not just me. You feel it too. This connection between us.”

“I don’t know what I feel.”

He locked his gaze with hers. “Liar. You’re too brave to be such a liar, Michelle.”

“Okay, to be honest, I don’t know all the words for all I feel. Yes, there is a connection. But I have a life in Roseburg. I can’t just walk away.”

“Why not? Since I’ve been gone have you and your mom gotten close?”

She snorted. “No.”

“Your boss is a bigot. What happens when he finds out you’re a witch? You and I both know the coming out of witches and Vampires is only a matter of time. You can’t hide it. Not anymore. I’m shocked it hasn’t happened before now.”

She blew out a breath. In truth, though she loved being a cop, she didn’t love her workplace because of Dexter. Sure he liked her now, but once he found out…well Josh was right. And it was toxic to deal with his ranty views all the time.

“He’ll leave one day. My boss I mean. The next person could be better.”

He shook his head. “I want you here. With me. There’s a police department here and several in the surrounding suburbs. You’re smart and Pam has friends all over the place. Be with me.”

“This is so sudden. I don’t know!”

“You’re a witch.” He laughed, kissing her wrists. “You can move stuff with power you draw from the earth. How is this thing, which isn’t sudden by the way, I’ve known you longer than anyone else I’m not related to, less real because you feel it after reconnecting with me a few days ago? We are beings of magick.”

He kissed her forehead. “I know things. I accept things. Some things just are, and the way I feel about you is what it is. I know you, Michelle. I can see your passion and your strength. Your determination to find your friend. I admire you a great deal. You’ve always been beautiful. But Michelle as a woman is a far more alluring creature. Give us a chance. You have nothing in Roseburg. A shitty boss. A job that you can do here. Be here. With me.”

He was right. She just knew things sometimes. Despite her cautious nature when it came to making big leaps of faith, this connection she had with Josh was real. Immense. And it could be something amazing and forever.

“We both grew up in the human world. I understand that you’re hesitant. But my wolf is my magick. I can feel the threads to you, between us. My wolf knew it immediately. I loved you back then, of course. But I was a kid. I had a lot of growing up to do. I’m a better person now. The thought of you going back to Roseburg drives me nuts. I understand it’s your home. But…I’m asking you to try to make one here. With me. For us. There are Others here. Witches who you can bond with and get to know. Understand your gifts in a whole new way. My pack, which is my family, they’d accept you, open their door to you. You deserve that. Not some ass**le who would throw away a young woman who’d been kidnapped because she might be or have been involved with Others.”

She licked her lips. The allure of everything he offered was overwhelming. She’d been lonely a long time. Yes, she had Allie, but that was pretty much it. If she pretended to be human, she could have more. But she wasn’t. And the older she got, the more she understood that. And the more that understanding left her empty, aching for something else. Connection. Community.

She’d known him since she’d been a child. He’d been part of her life pretty much every day, and then he’d been gone and for over a decade that had defined part of her too. But maybe his absence had steeled her for what they could have if she accepted what she knew as true even though common sense said this was too fast.

“I’ll think about it. I’m not going back to Roseburg before I find her. I have vacation time. A lot of it. I’ll call in and use that. I need to focus on Allie right now. Do you understand?”

He nodded. “I’ll do everything I can, offer all the assistance in my power to help.”

“Is Tracy still here?”

He shook his head and stood, pulling her up with him. “She left a few minutes ago. Let’s go get this cleaned up.” He indicated the nail gouges on her palms.

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