Unconditional Page 25

She sped her fingers, firmed her touch. His groan told her he felt the way she clamped down around his cock.

So full.

He angled, still thrusting, and sucked the skin on the side of her breast. Hard enough to make it nearly hurt. Hard enough and long enough to leave a mark.

That excited her more than she’d ever imagined such a thing could. And the edge she’d been walking dropped away and she plunged into climax with a snarl that matched his as he licked against her skin.

Thrusting several more times before he stopped, he remained buried deep with a long groan of her name.

He nuzzled the spot he’d given her a hickey for a moment. “I’ll be right back.”

Which is when she realized he’d used a condom. Dimly she remembered that Weres didn’t transmit or catch STDs and that they had some sort of super smell that could tell when the female was fertile.

She shrugged to herself as she relaxed back into the bed. Maybe she’d dodged a bullet and her cycle was off. No matter. The sex was just the thing she needed to burn off some of the anxiety that had drowned her for the last days.

He strolled back in looking delicious and wearing nothing but a smile. “Stay over?”

“I don’t know. All my things are at the hotel.”

“I have an extra toothbrush. I’ll take you back first thing. You’re tired and I’m tired and it’s safe here. We can watch a movie if you like. Chill out. Everyone has your cell anyway. If something comes up, they’ll call you.”

She wanted to. More than she should have, and it sort of alarmed her how not alarmed she was.

It had been a long time since she’d slept with anyone. It appealed to her on several levels. She would be safe, yes. But not alone.

He climbed into bed and pulled her into his arms. “I can see the battle you’re waging with yourself on your face. It’s not weakness to want comfort. To let me help you. If it helps, it makes me feel better to comfort you. So there’s that.”

“You’re irresistible, you know that?”

“Good. Because you are too. So? You’ll stay? I have T-shirts you can wear. In the morning, I mean, because you should most definitely sleep naked. You don’t need any panties though.”

“Pushing it now,” she said without any real heat.

He laughed and she snuggled closer, breathing him in.

Chapter Seven

She woke up with a start at the sound of hushed voices. It took a few moments, and a few breaths, to remember she was at Josh’s place. The bedding smelled like him. Like them.

Smiling, she stretched and rolled from bed. He’d taken her twice more before she’d pretty much passed out, totally exhausted and relaxed.

But also a little sore. She needed a shower to help that, but for the moment she pulled herself together. She had her clothes from the day before, and he’d helpfully left a new toothbrush on the counter in his bathroom.

Before she got back into her bra, she looked at the love bites he’d left on the side of her breast. She brushed her fingers over them, a phantom tingle warming her even as her ni**les hardened at the memory of the pull of his mouth, the scrape of his teeth. Who knew she’d find such a thing hot?

She washed her face and brushed her teeth before rooting through her purse to find a ponytail holder and enough makeup to do a passable job.

And okay, so she did peek a little. She had to find the brush after all, so she looked in a few drawers and his medicine cabinet. There were no girly anythings in the room. No hair gizmos. When she did locate his brush, it was one of those wooden man brushes. No tampons. Nothing to indicate a woman was a regular guest here.

She had no right, frankly no business even thinking about such a thing. But it pleased her nonetheless. Something had clicked between them and there wasn’t any unringing that bell. She liked him. Liked the grown-up Josh.

A lot.

More than she should. She took forever to decide on what to order for dessert but there she stood in Josh’s bathroom, and even though everything else in her life was upside down and speeding toward horror, she was sure of one thing and that was Josh.

She rolled her eyes at her reflection and went out to see who Josh was talking to.

A pert blonde stood in the living room with her hand on Josh’s arm, and Michelle’s jaw hurt from clenching it so hard. “Did I interrupt something?” She totally failed at sounding perky.

The woman’s gaze slid to Josh, who’d turned, smiling at the sight of her.

He held out a hand, and she took it without thinking, letting him draw her closer. “I wanted to let you sleep as long as possible. Come meet Tracy Warden. She’s one of my Alphas.”

The stunning blonde turned a smile her way, moving away from Josh and holding her hand out to shake. “Josh has told us about you. It’s nice to meet you.”

So this Alpha had two mates. Probably no time to bone Josh. Which was stupid anyway, it’s not like she owned him or anything.

Michelle shook Tracy’s hand and smiled back. It was impossible not to really, Tracy Warden had the sort of manner you’d need to be a dick not to respond to in kind.

“I’m Michelle. I want to thank you for the help your pack has given me in this investigation. It would have taken me a lot longer, maybe it would have been impossible altogether for me to have gotten this far without it.”

Which was totally true.

“Of course. We have to stick together. Especially now. These mages are a danger to us all. I was down the street at our offices, and I admit I wanted to stop by to check in and meet you in person. I spoke to my sister, she’s the Enforcer for Cascadia, they’ve had some missing wolves. We’ve had I guess. I’m still Cascadia in my heart, even though I run my own pack now.” She shrugged, concern on her face.

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