Turbulence Page 25

“Turn around,” he whispered, and I spun around without any hesitation.

He stared at me with those smoldering blue eyes and pressed a hand against my cheek. “Did you get my present?”

“That wasn’t a present.”

“Me not pressing charges was the present. The box was a reminder of how generous I’m being about not reporting you.”

“Well, thank you for returning all of the things that originally belonged to me...Although, now that I think about it, you didn’t return my panties.”

“I’m keeping those.”

“As a souvenir?”

“As a reward. What time do you get off today?”

“I’m sorry, sir.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “I’m not allowed to give out my employee information, and since I get paid by the hour, I really need to get to work.”

“Then whose room are you stealing today?”

“No one’s. I’m a changed employee.”

“I highly doubt that.” He smiled, ignoring my poor attempt to blow him off. His lips brushed against mine and slowly leaned forward, using his hips to pin me against the mailboxes.

He trailed his finger against my lips. “You haven’t thought about me fucking you?”


He stared right into my eyes. “Tell me you haven’t gone to sleep dreaming of me filling your pussy with my cock for hours and I’ll leave you alone right now.”

I swallowed, unable to say a word.

“I thought so.” He leaned forward to press his lips against mine—to render me helpless all over again, but I turned my head and moved out of his grasp.

“Today is one of my last days working here, so regardless of the fact that I may have thought about having sex with you again, I would like to spend my final hours without seeing you. And since the resident in 80A cancelled his services, I’m pretty sure that’s possible.”

“It’s not.” He stepped in front of me again, calling my bluff. “Where are the cameras in this room?”


He looked like he was seconds away from fucking me on the spot. “Where are the cameras in this room?”

I stood still, completely blank, trying to avoid the fact that my panties were wet and my nipples were tender—begging to be sucked between his lips again.

“Gillian...” He glared at me. “Where are the cameras?”

I tilted my head to the side. “Top corner and above the door.”

“None on the right side?”

I shook my head and he grabbed my hand, pulling me past the mailboxes and into the corner.

My back slammed against the wall and he yanked the elastic band from my ponytail, forcing my hair to fall to my shoulders. Our mouths met in a frenzy—lips wet and fighting for control.

As he bit my bottom lip, he grabbed my hand and placed it on his belt, silently commanding me to unbuckle it. His hands quickly unfastened my khakis and he let me go for a few seconds, long enough for him to whisper, “Step out of your pants.”

I managed to get one pants leg off and watch him roll a condom over his cock before his lips crashed against mine again.

Shutting my eyes, I surrendered all control to him—letting his mouth tame mine.

He grabbed my right leg and lifted it around his waist, biting the skin of my neck. His cock was right at my entrance when the sound of the metal doors opening filled the room.

“Jake...” I tried to put my leg down, but he held it taut.


“Someone’s about to come in here.”


“They might see us.”

“Good.” He pushed into me with one deep stroke, making me cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure.

“Ahhh...” I whimpered, clawing at the skin of his neck. “Fuck.”

Ignoring my moans, he squeezed my ass and lifted my other leg around his waist—gripping my thighs to move me up and down his cock.

“As you can see...” A female voice suddenly filled the space with the sound of shoes against marble not too far behind. “If you choose to stay here, you’d have access to countless amenities.”

I bit Jake’s shoulder, trying to make him aware, but he kept thrusting into me, squeezing my ass even harder.

“I hear them...” he whispered against my mouth. “I don’t care.”

His mouth briefly covered mine in a searing kiss, and I dug my nails into his skin.

“Our building—every unit actually, is cleaned and maintained by Spring Clean Associates, and if you live here, you’ll have a direct line to them whenever you need something. You’ll also have access to this private mail room.”

My pussy throbbed against Jake’s cock and I felt myself seconds away from losing control, seconds away from screaming out.

“Do you hear something?” A male voice said behind the package counter.

“No, not really.” The realtor said flatly. “What does it sound like?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Ah...” I let a small murmur escape my lips and Jake stamped his mouth over mine as my body shook against his. He muffled every moan—holding me taut as I came and gave in.

The sound of the footsteps walking in the opposite direction came next, and when we heard the sound of the doors closing, Jake pumped into me a few more times and found his own release.

“Fuck, Gillian...” He breathed. “Fuck...”

Still entwined, the two of us stared at each other, me still soaking wet, his cock still hard and slightly jerking inside of me.

Shaking his head, he kept his hands on my hips and gently pulled me off of him, setting me onto the floor.

Panting heavily, I looked into his eyes for a reaction—searching for what he may have been thinking, but I saw storms swirling in his irises, saw dark grey specks of uncertainties in his bright blue. I saw potential moments like this one, words spoken that meant nothing, and most importantly, I saw pain. For the both of us.

Without saying a word, he pressed my elastic band into my hand and stepped back.

Avoiding his gaze, I slipped my left leg into my khakis and picked up one of my fallen earrings. I leaned against the corner and waited for him to walk away, but he simply zipped his pants and stared at me.

“This can’t happen again,” I said finally.

“I’m sure.”

“I’m serious. You can’t have my phone number.”

“I don’t recall asking for it.” He tilted my chin up with his fingertips. “I was saying I’m sure because I definitely agree with you. This doesn’t need to ever happen again.” He stepped back and adjusted his belt, keeping his eyes on mine.

I stared at him as he smoothed his shirt, as he walked back into the sight of the cameras. Then, as if he hadn’t just fucked me against the wall, he uttered a mere “Goodbye, Gillian,” and headed out of the room and toward the elevators.

All of a sudden, something came over me and I followed him into the hallway.

“Wait,” I said, and he immediately stopped and looked over his shoulder.


“I have a very good reason as to why I said this can’t happen again, but...”

“But what?”

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