Tri Mates Page 50

She did feel beautiful and sexy. Loved, cherished and desired. Despite the ugliness of what they’d found out and the uncertainty of that part of the future, she felt assured of her place in the world with these two men at her side. It didn’t matter where or how, she just knew, accepted for a certainty that things would be all right because they were meant to be.

Gabe held her hips tight, pressing her down on his cock. He wasn’t so much thrusting as circling himself into her, pulsing deep.

Nick certainly knew his way around her pu**y. The flat of his tongue slid over her even as Gabe held her tight against him. The dual sensation of being filled with Gabe’s c**k and Nick’s tongue on her clit shocked through her, singeing her senses until she fell into another orgasm.

“Oh, damn, yes. You feel so good, Tracy.” Gabe’s words were against the back of her neck. Strained, as he worked toward his own end. Which he found some moments later.

He sat there, breath heaving, heart pounding, head against her back, breathing her in. “I’m a lucky wolf, babe. Sixteen years younger than me, a completely sexy woman and the perfect saucy sub. I love you.”

She cracked a smile as he helped her stand and she pulled her pants back up and her sweater back

down. “I love you too.” She looked to Nick. “And you. God, that was pretty damned hot. But I’m not sure that two orgasms count as coming a lot.” She raised a brow at them.

Gabe gave a surprised laugh as he pulled her to him. “You’re correct. We’ll rectify that when we get home.”

“Now, let’s go back inside and finish all of this up.” Nick held out a hand and she took it.

“Of course, we reek of sex. God.” Her face was hot.

Nick grinned. “The ones who’re mated will understand. The ones who aren’t will be envious.”

Chapter Seven

The next morning, refreshed from make-up sex and a nice run in the woods behind Cade’s house, their first since bonding, they woke up and got working.

Her sisters and Nina came over to supervise the movers while Tracy went to the store to talk with Charity, who was thrilled by the idea of running Spin the Black Circle full-time for her while she was in Portland. She also encouraged Tracy to open another store there.

Some hours later they’d handed over the keys to Tegan and had loaded Milton into Tracy’s Outback and they were all heading back south for the meeting later that day with Ben.

They stopped by the new house, which Milton heartily approved of, especially the addition of a doggie door just his size that led into the back yard, and were there for the delivery of the new bedroom furniture that Tracy ordered for the master bedroom. She’d brought over the clothes from her house and some of Nick’s and Gabe’s as well. Between Tracy’s stuff from her house and what Nick had and some things Gabe would have shipped, the house would have plenty of furniture.

For the time being, they decided to all share a bedroom. They all wanted to sleep against each other every night. Nick would have an office of his own on the first floor and Gabe would have one just off the master bedroom.

Tracy didn’t need one, if she set up a shop she’d do the books at home but her laptop could go anywhere.

It came up on six and they ate, showered and got in the car to drive to the Pack house. Nick consulted with Josh, the Third, and some of the other guards who would all be there to get his back if need be.

Tracy was nervous as hell. She wanted very badly for this to work out. Nick had asked to be allowed to deal with the money laundering suspicions his own way and Gabe and Tracy agreed.

It was only the inner circle that night, the Alpha pair, the Second through Fifth and Tracy and Gabe as Nick’s mates and Seconds. Nick and Ben’s parents were there as well, as the retired Alpha pair.

When they entered the room Sarah narrowed her eyes at Tracy, who sent her a mental f**k off but ignored her.

Until she spoke. “He is not welcome at this meeting.” Meaning Gabe.

“On the contrary. As he is part of the tri-mate bond, he is also Second here. He shares my status as much as Tracy does.” Nick didn’t raise his voice or show any emotion. He sat down and Tracy sat to one side, Gabe to the other. There was no inclination of the head.

“All we have is your word about that,” Sarah sneered and Tracy growled.

“Yes, well, some of us can be trusted.” Gabe looked at her with disdain. “In any case, everyone here who is a wolf knows the truth. You can all scent it. I’m not arguing it with you.”

“How dare you speak to her that way?” Ben growled at Gabe.

Nick held up a hand and touched Gabe’s arm slightly to stay him. “He merely spoke the truth. Do not raise your voice to him again. Let’s get moving with this, I don’t want any of my time wasted.” Tracy looked at Nick, his eyes were hard, mouth set. He emanated strength and menace. It made her all tingly to watch.

“Fine. I demand an apology from you and your mates. Both of them. And I want it in front of the Pack. I want to see obedience from you in the future.”

Tracy fought the urge to burst out laughing. This was serious for many reasons and it was Nick’s family, she didn’t want this to hurt him any more than it had to.

“Try again.” Nick’s face was still an impassive mask.

Ben paled a bit and Sarah sat forward in her chair. “Nick, how can you turn your back on your family like this? Can’t you see that she’s manipulating you? She’s making you betray your Pack. And for what?

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