Tri Mates Page 42

“I said I didn’t know and I don’t. I didn’t say anything about Ben anyway. But it seems a big coincidence and coincidences are suspicious. Have you had money problems and then it got better, a lot better, with the sale?” Tracy was stung but tried to remember how hard it must be for him.

“And lay off her, Nick. It’s not her fault for telling you the truth and it sure as hell isn’t her fault that your brother and his mate are up to something.” Gabe wasn’t so understanding, Tracy was his to protect too.

“You think I like this? Being hurt that my mate is accusing my brother of something?”

“You think I like coming into your family and being attacked and maligned? Having the female you’re anchored to say all of that stuff to try and put a wedge between us? You think I wanted my mate’s Pack to hate me for some unknown reason? You think I want this to be happening to you and hurting you, Nick? Is that what you think?”

He turned and sank to his knees, putting his head on her lap. “I’m sorry. I know you aren’t trying to hurt me. I’m sorry my family is acting this way. I don’t understand it.”

She bent her head over his and massaged his scalp. “I know. I’m sorry it’s happening to you and I just want to get to the bottom of it. If Ben is in trouble, you should know why so you can help him.”

“I hate the idea of having to go over there again and bring you into the middle of that. You should stay back here until I figure it all out.”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll just wait here for you and paint my toenails. Oh no, wait, I’m Second in the Pack and your mate, guess I’ll do my job and be there. Dumbass, you actually think I’d stay here while you did this all yourself?”

He started to speak but saw the hard set of her mouth and sighed deeply. It was time to put away his feelings as a brother and be the Enforcer of his clan. If he had to challenge his brother to save Pacific and Tracy, he would. Period.

“Too bad the Mediator is so utterly biased in this case.” Tracy sent Gabe a weak smile and he returned it, leaning in quickly to kiss the tip of her nose.

“You have to see this through. Not just to figure out what’s wrong to protect Tracy, but to protect the Pack. It’s your duty. I’ll help in whatever way I can.” Gabe looked at Nick, who’d sat back on the couch.

“Yes, it’s my duty. And I’ll do it because I’m the Enforcer and it’s my job to protect my Pack.” Nick took a deep breath and Tracy watched in awe as he pulled on his rank like a suit of armor. Sitting there, he radiated strength and power and menace.

“Wow, I know I’m not supposed to say this, but you’re really hot when you’re all badass.”

The look he sent her made heat spread outward from low in her gut. When he spoke, his voice was low and the bass in it vibrated down her spine. “I’m going to take you when this is over and my wolf is riding me, Tracy. I’m going to bury myself deep in your cunt and Gabe is going to fill you from behind. I’m going to mark you here,” he touched her neck where it met her shoulder, “and anywhere else that appeals to me.”

She blinked several times, feeling slightly lightheaded.

Gabe leaned in to growl in her ear. “Maybe I’ll put a chain through these rings,” his hands moved to her br**sts, “and bind your hands. I’d like that, to see you bound and at my pleasure. At our pleasure.

Perhaps even bring out the blindfold so you won’t know what you’ll feel next.”

She closed her eyes and let the image of that float through her system, making her feel heavy and warm.

Nick chuckled. “I think she likes that, Gabe.”

“Good, because I think we need a very large four-poster bed so that we can make use of the many ways to spread and bind her. Do you like rope, sweetheart?”

She shook herself out of her fantasy to answer. “Rope?”

“Mmm-hmmm. I think we’ve got a lot of things to try together, don’t you, Nick?”

“Most definitely.” Nick’s face was very close to Tracy’s and also to Gabe’s. Their mingled scent drove Tracy insane with need.

“Please f**k me,” she whispered as Nick’s hands worked at the button and zipper of her jeans.

Gabe pulled her sweater over her head and was back, hands on her br**sts, mouth brushing hot kisses against the back of her neck.

“Stand up,” Nick said and she obeyed, both men still sitting. Nick pushed her jeans and panties down her legs and she stepped out of them and was there totally naked as both of them raked their eyes over her, devouring every detail of her body.

“You’re so beautiful there in the late afternoon sun, Tracy. Your skin nearly glows with the light. I love the way your back curves. You have such long legs but tiny feet. I don’t think I’ve seen a wolf with such petite features before.” Gabe stood and she heard his belt jingle as he loosened his pants and the hiss of the material as they hit the floor.

“Petite? I’m five-ten. That’s not petite.” Her voice nearly broke at the heat of him as he moved close behind her. She watched Nick pull off his shirt, exposing his chest and the flat, hard muscle there.

“Yes you’re tall, but you have a pixie nose and freckles across your cheeks and a sweet mouth to go with those tiny feet. It’s your features that are petite.” Gabe spoke as he took her wrists and she felt the cool leather of his belt wrap around them. “Is this all right with you?”

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