The Young and the Submissive Page 50

Hammer was right. Liam nodded. “I know.”

“Because neither of us will ever be satisfied with just half of her. There’s no way I’ll settle for just one night. I can’t imagine you being happy with that, either. If we go up those stairs, we show her it’s not a one-time shot, that we’re in it for the long haul.” He pointed up toward Raine. “We make her feel it.”

“You’re right. She needs to know we mean it.”

A grin crawled up Hammer’s face. “Exactly. Because she just topped us, and we can’t let that fly.”

“Damn straight.” Liam rose for another swallow of Scotch, then headed toward the stairs. Something about the uncertainty on Hammer’s face stopped him. In his friend’s shoes, he’d want to know that his partner was committed. “You know, I wasn’t really serious about throwing in the towel earlier. It was frustration talking. And I’ve worried that my jealousy was just hurting us all. I can’t promise it won’t come back. You might have to give me a kick or two.”

“What are friends for?”

Liam grinned. “Indeed. But I know Raine needs us.” He took a sip of his drink. “And frankly, we need her. I’m in all the way.”

Hammer let out a breath of relief. “Thank god.”

“If we’re discussing more than a night, what about later? What will you do about other subs?”

“If I’m with Raine, there are no other subs. What about you? You always had a little black book back in New York,” Hammer reminded with an arch of a brow.

“I don’t think I’m going back. I bought a house here, remember? I’m planning to stay here for her.” He cleared his throat. “For all of us.”

Hammer nodded. “What about you and me? Are we good? Anything else we need to sort out? ‘Cause we can take another trip outside if we need to.”

“Hell no! It’s cold as fuck out there, and I’m just starting to feel my fingers again. Besides I don’t think I’d win any points with Raine if I made you any uglier.”

“Did you see her face?” Hammer looked stunned. “Christ, I thought she was going to take a stick to us.”

“I’m sure she would have if she didn’t worry we’d use it on her ass next.”

“That’s a valid concern.” He grinned slyly.

“You’re right.” Liam nodded. As silence prevailed, he glanced up the stairs, itching to hold Raine again, to finally see her whole. But they couldn’t sweep this question under the rug. “I think we’ve sorted all our shit through. I’ve spewed everything—probably more than I should have—but I’m done.”

“I think we both said our fair share. But it’s nice to know that we’ve come out of it still friends. In some ways, I think we have her to thank.”

“For making us see that we’d been idiots? I reckon.”

Hammer gave a slow smile. “The only thing left to do is figure out how we’re going to give her a night so fucking fabulous that she’ll want another.”

Liam grinned back. “And another. And another…”

Chapter 20

Raine put the last of the scented lotion on her body, then wrapped a clean towel around her as she fought back her nerves. Would they come tonight? Tomorrow? Ever? Would they still want her? Would they be able to share her even once? She didn’t have any illusions; she was asking them for a lot. It wouldn’t be easy for either of them to set their feelings aside to give her this fantasy.

Taking in a steadying breath, she pushed out of the bathroom to rummage through the suitcase Seth had brought up to her. She spotted Hammer shirtless and lounging on the bed, surrounded by easily a dozen candles. She stopped short, her heart stuttering with excitement. Then she scanned the room.

No Liam.

Her heart broke apart instantly. He’d tried for weeks to make her grow and blossom. He’d helped her so much here at the lodge. Had all the day’s confessions been too much for him? He especially had wanted her all to himself. She put her hand to her neck, still missing the lovely weight of his collar there. The thought of never feeling the mark of his possession again shredded her.

“Hello, precious.” Hammer’s deep voice seduced her, a smoky murmur that stirred her memories of the pleasure they’d shared. Each and every day, that night haunted her. She’d never escaped the sharp pang of need to feel him again.


Tonight, she didn’t know what else to say. All the confidence she’d built up in the bar with Beck, that had given her such strength when she’d delivered her proposition…it had evaporated. She should be happy that she was both a better submissive and a better human being. But if she’d finally pushed Liam away for good, how was she supposed to find peace with half of her heart missing?

The door kicked open a minute later, and her gaze zipped up. Beck and Seth carried in a big cheval mirror. An antique with a distressed black frame, its straight lines blended with the gentle curves of its legs into something truly stunning.

Raine clutched the towel over her breasts and watched the guys cart it in until they’d positioned it to face the bed, a few feet from the edge.

With a satisfied nod, Seth released it and straightened, then headed her way. He smiled as he cupped her arm. “Be happy.”

God knew she wanted to be, but not without Liam. He’d become as essential to her as sunshine or food. As air. She pressed a fist to the aching hollow of her stomach.

Beck strolled over an instant later. “Try to keep it to a dull roar, huh?”

Before she could chastise him, he kissed her forehead, then clapped Seth on the back. Out the door they went, leaving her alone with Macen.

“Lose the towel, precious,” he commanded.

Before they’d come to the lodge, Raine would have believed she could just stand naked in front of one of them and not realize how much she needed the other. But they’d opened her eyes. She had no way to unsee the truth.

How could she set him down gently? Just explain that she refused to give him half of herself, she supposed.

Raine clasped the towel tighter to her chest. “Macen—”

“Didn’t Hammer give you an order?”

She turned to the familiar lilt. Hope surged. Liam strolled in, shirtless and carrying a small black bag. Like Hammer, the lean muscles of his shoulders and pectorals bulged and rippled with every move and sent her pulse skidding. He kicked the door behind him and sent her a wolfish smile. A quick glance back to Hammer revealed heat and expectation glowing in his eyes. The testosterone in the room swelled. Her breathing went shallow. Need settled right behind her clit.

They’d both come.

Raine dropped her towel. “Yes, Sir.”

Automatically, she fell to her knees and sat back on her heels, head bowed, thighs parted. To her left, she heard the rustle of the bed covers and assumed Hammer pulled them free. To her right, Liam strolled closer until his bare feet filled her vision. He dropped the little black bag on the carpet beside him.

“Pretty. Rise, love.” His voice was soft but whiplike in the hush. He held his hand out to her.

Placing her trembling fingers in his, she lunged to her feet and looked up at him, searching his dark eyes. They glittered with desire, too. With love, just like Hammer’s.

For this moment at least, her world was complete.

Hammer approached on her right and lightly gripped her elbow. “Come to the mirror. Let us see you.”

They guided her in front of the tall glass and positioned her to face it, totally bare. Her cheeks looked flushed already. Her nipples pebbled under their stares. Her pussy looked slick and pouting. God, they aroused her before they really even put a hand on her.

Raine glanced at them both. That worried female part of her wondered if they’d like what they saw on display. They’d both seen everything she offered them now, but did either of them feel differently knowing they wouldn’t be taking her alone? It was probably a silly question. She had to believe they were here because they wanted to be, but nerves still wrenched her.

Hammer caressed his way up her arms. “You know, every time I see you, I want to fuck you.”

It wasn’t funny exactly, but she laughed.

“What’s given you a giggle?” Liam demanded, looking very stern. “He’s told you that he wants you.”

She tried to wipe the smile off her face. “I was standing here feeling insecure, and he put that to rest with one sentence in his usual eloquent way. It struck me as funny.” She sent a soft gaze to Hammer. “I’m not laughing at you, Sir.”

“You’d better not be. Talk about a red ass…” he muttered.

“I second that.” Liam smoothed a hand down her backside.

“Seems like you always want to spank me,” she teased.

“I do,” he admitted. “But like Hammer, I always want to fuck you, as well.”

It wasn’t the most romantic thing either of them had ever said to her, but it still made her feel beautiful and feminine. Wanted.

“I’m glad you both came, Sirs. I worried.”

“Your honesty is gorgeous, precious.” Hammer pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “There was no way we weren’t going to come for you.”

She shivered. “I’m still grateful you did. How can I serve you?”

More than likely, she should be bowing her head or something to show respect, but she really just wanted to look into their eyes and reveal to them both how earnest she felt. How much she loved them.

Judging from their sensual male smiles, they understood completely.

“You can start by putting your hands at your sides. Close your eyes. Spread your legs.”

Liam’s soft commands might as well have touched her where she needed it most. They ratcheted up her desire until it twisted her chest. But she did exactly as he’d bid, clasping her thighs lightly as she opened them and slid her eyes shut.

“Excellent,” he whispered in her ear, then nipped at her lobe with his teeth. “We’re going to take every inch of you in every way we can.”

Raine swallowed hard. Her knees nearly went out from under her.

“When we’re done, you’ll damn well know you’re ours,” Hammer growled in her other ear.

“Your job, love, is to give everything to us. No holding back. No reservations. No thinking about anything but what you need. Is that clear?” Liam asked.

“Yes, Sir.” Even her voice shook.

“Your safe word stands. What is it?”

Of course he knew, but he always verified with her. He always worried about her care.

“Paris, Sir.”

“Thank you, precious.” Hammer skimmed a hand down her right hip. “Are you wet?”

Excitement stole her breath. “Yes, Sir.”

“Prove it. Show me,” he barked.

She frowned, puzzling it out in her head. How? Finally, she lifted her hand from her thigh and dipped her fingers between her swollen folds, shocked to feel that she wasn’t just wet but drenched. She gasped when she skimmed her clit, wishing that one of them would—

“That’s enough.” Hammer grabbed her wrist and lifted her hand from her pussy and led it toward him.

A moment later, she felt the wet heat of his mouth surround her digits. His tongue cradled them, swirling and licking as he moaned. The air left her lungs in a rush. It didn’t make any sense, but the ache behind her clit became a throb.

“Do you like knowing he’s tasting you?” Liam asked in a low, seductive murmur.

Raine wanted to turn to him and beg him to kiss her, lay her back and touch her, get deep inside her—something to alleviate the ache. Her nails dug into her thigh and she bit her lip to hold in her begging. A dizzy fever swam in her head.

When she didn’t answer, Macen withdrew her fingers from his mouth. “I’ll take that as a no. It’s a shame, man. I wanted to taste that pretty cunt, but I guess she doesn’t want that.”

Was he crazy?

“I like it. I want it. Please…” No missing the pleading note in her voice, and she didn’t care. Let them know she wanted them more than anything. It was nothing but the truth.

“Please…” A note of steel rang in Hammer’s voice.

“Please, Sir.”

“Better,” he praised. But she still felt the loss of his body heat as he stepped away.

From her left, Liam’s fingers skimmed the long line of her spine, then dipped down to skate over the cleft of her ass. A moment later, his touch disappeared, too.

Absolute silence and still blanketed the room. Anxiety gripped Raine’s stomach. She wanted to ask what was wrong or open her eyes and see if they’d gone. Trust, she reminded herself. They wouldn’t come this far to leave her. She wouldn’t disobey because of her insecurities. They would give her the experience she craved if she let them.

After a calming breath, she centered herself and let the tension go.

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