The Secret of the Nagas Page 61


‘You are my daughter!’ screamed Daksha. ‘I have always loved you more than anyone else. I would never have allowed you to suffer in Panchavati.’

‘It wasn’t your choice to make.’

An exasperated Daksha turned to Shiva. ‘Talk some sense into her, Lord Neelkanth!’

Shiva’s eyes were narrowed. He wanted to know how wide this web of deception spread. ‘Did you get Chandandhwaj killed, Your Highness?’

Daksha blanched. Fear was written all over his face. He looked sharply at Sati and then quickly back at Shiva.

Oh Lord! He did!

Sati was reeling, shocked into absolute silence. Kali and Ganesh did not seem surprised.

Daksha immediately regained control. He pointed a finger at Shiva, his body shaking. ‘You did this. You choreographed this!’

Shiva stayed quiet.

‘You have turned my daughter against me,’ screamed Daksha. ‘Maharishi Bhrigu was right. The evil Vasudevs control you.’

Shiva continued to stare at Daksha, as if actually seeing him for the first time.

Daksha was boiling. ‘What were you? A stupid tribal from a barbaric land. I made you the Neelkanth. I gave you power. I gave it to you so that you would bring the Chandravanshis under Meluhan control. So that I could establish peace in India. And you dare to use the power I bestowed upon you against me?’

Shiva remained passive, making Daksha spew even more venom.

‘I made you. And, I can destroy you!’

Daksha pulled his knife out and lunged forward.

Nandi jumped in front of Shiva, taking the blow on his shield. His Meluhan training didn’t allow him to draw his sword at his monarch. Kali and Ganesh, however, had no such compunctions, drawing their blades rapidly on Daksha. Ganesh jumped in front of Shiva even as Vidyunmali drew his sword. Mayashrenik, a loyal Meluhan who would have fought to the death for his King, was stunned into inaction. He was deeply devoted to Shiva. How could he draw his sword against the Neelkanth?

‘Calm down,’ said Shiva, raising his hand.

Vidyunmali still had his sword drawn. Daksha’s knife had fallen to the ground.

Shiva spoke once again. ‘Nandi, Ganesh, Kali, stand down. NOW!’

As Shiva’s warriors lowered their swords, Vidyunmali also sheathed his blade.

‘Your Highness,’ Shiva addressed Daksha.

Daksha’s eyes were glued on a teary-eyed Sati, who had her sword inches away from her father’s throat. His face exhibited the sense of betrayal and loss he felt. Sati was the only person he had ever truly loved.

‘Sati...’ whispered Shiva. ‘Please. Put it down. He’s not worth it.’

Sati’s sword inched closer.

Shiva stepped forward slowly. ‘Sati...’

Her hands were shaking slightly, rage driving her dangerously close to the edge.

Shiva touched her shoulder lightly. ‘Sati, put it down.’

Shiva’s touch brought Sati back from the precipice. She lowered her sword a little. Her eyes narrowed, her breathing heavy, her body stiff.

Daksha continued to stare at Sati.

‘I am ashamed that your blood runs in my veins,’ said Sati.

Tears began to flow down Daksha’s face.

‘Get out,’ whispered Sati through gritted teeth.

Daksha was deathly still.


Veerini got a jolt from Sati’s loud voice. Her expression a mix of sadness and anger, she walked up to Daksha. ‘Move.’

Daksha stood paralysed, shocked at this turn of events.

‘Come on,’ Veerini repeated louder, pulling her husband by his arm. ‘Mayashrenik, Vidyunmali, let’s leave.’

The Empress of India dragged her husband out of the room.

Sati was shattered. She dropped her sword, tears streaming down her face. Ganesh rushed towards her. But Shiva caught her even as she fell.

Sati was sobbing uncontrollably as Shiva picked her up in his arms.

Chapter 22

Two Sides, Same Coin

‘So what are you thinking?’ asked Kali.

Ganesh and Kali were in the Naga queen’s quarters. After the drama that had unfolded earlier in the day, Shiva had carried Sati over to their room in Athithigva’s palace. Daksha, Veerini and their entourage had departed immediately for the Meluhan capital, Devagiri.

‘This was unexpected,’ said a pensive Ganesh with a slight smile.

Kali raised her eyes. ‘Sometimes your stoicism can be very irritating!’

Ganesh smiled. A rare broad smile from one floppy ear to the other, his extended teeth stretching further out.

‘Now that’s the face I want to see more of,’ said Kali. ‘You actually look cute.’

Ganesh’s face turned serious again. He raised a papyrus scroll. A message from Panchavati. ‘I would have been laughing, Mausi. But for this.’

‘What now?’ asked Kali, frowning.

‘It’s a failure.’


‘Yes, again.’

‘But I thought...’

‘We thought wrong, Mausi.’

Kali cursed. Ganesh stared at his aunt. He could feel her frustration. A final solution was so close. Its success would have completed their victory. Now, there was every chance that everything they had done would be lost.

‘Do we try again?’ asked Kali.

‘I think we have to finally accept the truth, Mausi. This route is a dead end. We have no choice. The time has come to reveal the secret.’

‘Yes,’ said Kali. ‘The Neelkanth should know.’

‘The Neelkanth?’ asked Ganesh, surprised at how much had changed in such a short span.

Kali frowned.

‘You didn’t use his name. You said the Neelkanth. You believe the legend now?’

Kali smiled. ‘I don’t believe in legends. Never have, never will. But I believe in him.’

How different would my life have been if fate had blessed me with a man like Shiva. Maybe like didi, all the poison could have been sucked out of my life as well. Perhaps, even I would have found happiness and peace.

‘We have to show him the secret,’ said Ganesh, intruding into Kali’s thoughts.

‘Show him?!’

‘I don’t think it can be done here, right? He must see for himself.’

‘You want to take him to Panchavati?’

‘Why not?’ asked Ganesh. ‘Don’t you trust him?’

‘Of course, I do. I would trust him with my life. But he doesn’t come alone. There are others who come with him. If we take them along, they will know how to get to Panchavati. This will weaken our defences.’

‘I think people like Parvateshwar and Bhagirath can be trusted, Mausi. I don’t think they will ever go against the Neelkanth. They would give their lives for him.’

‘If there is one thing I have learnt in life,’ said Kali, ‘it is that one should not spread one’s trust too thin. And, never take things for granted.’

Ganesh frowned. ‘If you doubt all his followers, then what about Parshuram? He already knows the way. You know his devotion to the Neelkanth.’

‘Remember, I had told you not to bring Parshuram to Panchavati. But you didn’t listen.’

‘So, now what, Mausi?’

‘We’ll take them through Branga. They will know how to get to Panchavati, but only from Chandraketu’s realm. They will never be able to reach us directly from their own kingdoms. The forests of Dandak would consume them if they were to even try! We can trust the Brangas to not let anyone pass without our permission. Even Parshuram doesn’t know any other way.’

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