The Secret of the Nagas Page 59

Veerbhadra nodded.

‘He hid this fact from her all her life. He even hid her twin sister’s existence. I always thought the way he examined Kartik’s body at birth was strange. Now it makes sense. He acted as though he was almost expecting another Naga.’

‘Hmm,’ said Veerbhadra.

‘And I have a dirty feeling that this is not where the story ends.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I suspect that Chandandhwaj did not die naturally.’

‘Her first husband?’

‘Yes. It is just too convenient that he drowned the day Ganesh was born.’

‘My Lord!’ Nandi spoke up in shock. ‘But that cannot be true. That is a crime. No Suryavanshi ruler will ever stoop so low.’

‘I’m not saying that I know for sure, Nandi,’ said Shiva. ‘It is just a feeling that I have. Remember nobody is good or bad. They are either strong or weak. Strong people stick to their morals, no matter what the trials and tribulations. Weak people, many a times, do not even realise how low they have sunk.’

Nandi kept quiet.

Veerbhadra looked straight at Shiva. ‘I will not be surprised if what you suspect is true. It may have been His Highness’ twisted way of thinking that he is doing Sati a favour.’

Chapter 21

The Maika Mystery

It had been nearly three months since Ganesh had saved Kartik’s life. Though still limping, he had recovered enough to know that he had to go back to Panchavati. He had been conscious for a month now. Each waking moment reminded him of the torment in his mother’s heart. The rift between Shiva and Sati was more than he could bear. As far as he knew, the only way out was for him to leave.

‘Let’s leave tomorrow, Mausi,’ said Ganesh.

‘Have you told your mother?’ asked Kali.

‘I intend to leave a note for her.’

Kali narrowed her eyes.

‘She will not let me go, even though she must.’

Kali took a deep breath. ‘So you are just going to forget her?’

Ganesh smiled sadly. ‘I have got enough love from her in the past few months to last me a lifetime. I can live on my memories. But she cannot live without the Neelkanth.’

A puzzled Shiva rose to receive Athithigva. The Kashi king had never stepped into the Branga quarters before. He had always waited for the Neelkanth outside.

‘What is the matter, Your Highness?’

‘My Lord, I just received word that Emperor Daksha is on his way to Kashi.’

Shiva frowned. ‘I don’t understand the urgency. If you have received word today, I’m sure the Emperor will not be here for another two to three months.’

‘No, My Lord. He’s coming today. In a few hours. I just received word from an advance party.’

Shiva raised his eyebrows, surprised beyond words.

‘My Lord,’ said Athithigva, ‘I wanted to request you to come to the throne room to take your rightful place so that we may receive the Emperor.’

‘I’ll come,’ said Shiva. ‘But please ensure that only you are there. I do not want to receive him along with your courtiers.’

This was unorthodox. Athithigva frowned, but didn’t question Shiva’s unusual demand. He simply left to carry out the orders.

‘Nandi, word may have been sent to Parvateshwar and Bhagirath as well,’ said Shiva. ‘Please tell them it is my wish that they do not come to the court right now. We will have a ceremonial welcome for His Highness a little later.’

‘Yes, My Lord.’ Nandi saluted and left.

Veerbhadra whispered to Shiva. ‘You think he knows?’

‘No. If I know anything about him, he wouldn’t have come had he known that Kali and Ganesh were here. He has come in haste, without regard for protocol. It is the action of a father, not an Emperor. He was probably missing Sati and Kartik.’

‘What do you want to do? Let it go or discover the truth?’

‘No way will I let it go. I want to know the truth.’

Veerbhadra nodded.

‘I hope for the sake of Sati,’ said Shiva, ‘that my suspicions are wrong. That he knew nothing. That the only thing that happened was that Maika’s administrators followed the law.’

‘But you fear you are right?’ asked Veerbhadra.


‘Any idea how we can find out what actually happened that day?’

‘Confront him. Catch him by surprise. This is the perfect time.’

Veerbhadra frowned.

‘I intend to spring Kali and Ganesh on him,’ said Shiva. ‘His face will tell me the rest.’

‘What is His Highness doing here?’ asked Parvateshwar. ‘Nobody told me of his plans. How can Kashi do this? This is a breach of protocol.’

‘Nobody knew of this, My Lord,’ said Nandi. ‘Even King Athithigva got to know of it right now. Meluha sent no intimation earlier.’

Parvateshwar looked flabbergasted. Such slips in Meluhan diplomatic procedures were unheard of.

Bhagirath shrugged his shoulders. ‘All kings are alike.’

Parvateshwar ignored the jibe aimed at the ruler of his realm about his lack of etiquette and protocol. He spoke to Nandi. ‘Why does the Lord Neelkanth not want us to come to the throne room?’

‘I couldn’t say, My Lord,’ replied Nandi. ‘I’m just following orders.’

Parvateshwar nodded. ‘All right. We’ll stay here till the Lord calls us.’

‘Shiva can have any number of reasons for wanting to meet Kali. But why Ganesh? What’s going on?’ asked Sati, frowning.

Veerbhadra was stumped. Not only was Ganesh in Kali’s chamber, but so was Sati. Considering that Daksha was already in Kashi, he had to get Kali and Ganesh into the throne room as fast as he could. It was entirely possible that Daksha might find out about the presence of his Naga daughter and grandson. Time was of the essence. If their surprise meeting had to work, it had to happen now. Veerbhadra had no choice but to announce Shiva’s summons to Kali and Ganesh.

‘I’m just following orders, My Lady.’

‘Following orders doesn’t entail your not knowing what’s going on.’

‘He wants them to see something.’

‘Bhadra,’ said Sati. ‘My husband is your best friend. You are married to my best friend. I know you. I know that you know more. I am not letting my son go till you tell me.’

Veerbhadra shook his head at Sati’s doggedness. He could see what drew Shiva to Sati, despite their temporary estrangement. ‘My Lady, your father is here.’

Sati was surprised. Partly at the unannounced appearance of her father, but more so at Shiva summoning Kali and Ganesh to meet Daksha.

Somewhere in his heart, Shiva actually believes that injustice had been done to my sister and son.

‘Do you want to go?’ Sati asked Kali.

The Naga Queen narrowed her eyes, hand tightening on her sword hilt. ‘Yes! Even wild horses couldn’t keep me away.’

Sati turned to her son. He didn’t want a confrontation. He didn’t want the truth to come out. To hurt his mother even more. He shook his head.

Kali spoke up in surprise. ‘Why? What are you afraid of?’

‘I don’t want this, Mausi,’ replied Ganesh.

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