The Oath of the Vayuputras Page 59

‘Who would have imagined that it would actually come down to such a choice, Parvateshwar? That we would need to choose between our God and our country?’

Parvateshwar smiled sadly. ‘My duty to my country is above all others, Kanakhala.’

Kanakhala ran her hand over her bald pate and touched the knotted tuft of hair at the back of her head, trying to draw strength from it. ‘What kind of challenge is fate throwing at us?’

‘It’s a stupid idea, Your Highness,’ said Bhrigu. ‘Your problem is that you do not look beyond the next three months when you dream up your strategies.’

Daksha had been sitting expectantly at the maharishi’s feet, eagerly awaiting his response. For he had just unfolded to Bhrigu his ‘brilliant’ scheme to avoid the war altogether.

An unmoved Bhrigu then leaned towards him from his stone bed. ‘We’re not fighting with the Neelkanth, but the devotion that he inspires in your people. Making him a martyr will turn your people against you, and inevitably, the Somras.’

Daksha expressed acknowledgement. ‘You’re right, My Lord. Had we succeeded in killing him in Panchavati, the people would have blamed the Nagas. That failure was most unfortunate.’

‘Also, Your Highness, while it is not unethical to attack an unprepared enemy, there are some codes that just cannot be broken, even in times of war, like killing a peace ambassador or even a messenger.’

‘Of course, My Lord,’ said a distracted Daksha. His mind, in fact, was already working on refining his plan.

‘Are you listening, Your Highness?’ asked an irritated Bhrigu.

A chastened Daksha looked up immediately. ‘Of course I am, My Lord.’

Bhrigu sighed and waved his hand, dismissing him from his chamber.

Parvateshwar strode into his house and nodded towards the attendant even as he ran up the steps that skirted the central courtyard. As he approached the first floor, he seemed to remember something and stepped back towards the landing overlooking the central courtyard.


‘Yes, My Lord?’ answered the attendant.

‘Isn’t it the day of the week when Lady Anandmayi bathes in milk and rose petals?’ asked Parvateshwar.

‘Yes, My Lord. Warm water on all days of the week except the day of the Sun, when she bathes in milk and rose petals.’

Parvateshwar smiled. ‘So, is it ready?’

Rati smiled indulgently. She had served Parvateshwar her entire life, but had never seen her master smile as much as he had in the last few days, since he had returned with the new mistress. ‘It’ll be ready any moment now, My Lord.’

‘Be sure to inform the lady as soon as it’s ready.’

‘Yes, My Lord.’

Parvateshwar turned and ran up the remaining two flights of stairs, before reaching his private chamber on top. He found Anandmayi relaxing in the balcony on a comfortable chair, as she observed the goings-on in the street below. A cloth canopy screened out the evening sun. She turned around as she heard Parvateshwar rush in.

‘What’s the hurry?’ asked a smiling Anandmayi.

Parvateshwar stopped, smiling broadly. ‘I just wanted to know how you’re doing.’

Anandmayi smiled and beckoned Parvateshwar. The Meluhan general walked over and sat down beside her on the armrest. Anandmayi rested her head on his arm as she continued to study the street below. The markets were still open, but unlike the loud and garrulous Chandravanshis, the citizens of Devagiri were achingly polite. The road, the houses, the people, everything reflected the prized Suryavanshi values of sobriety, dignity and uniformity.

‘What do you think of our capital?’ asked Parvateshwar. ‘Isn’t it astonishingly well-planned and orderly?’

Anandmayi looked at Parvateshwar with an indulgent smile playing on her lips. ‘It’s heartbreakingly lacklustre and colourless.’

Parvateshwar laughed. ‘You’re more than enough to add colour to this city!’

Anandmayi placed her hand on Parvateshwar’s as she remarked, ‘So, this is the land where I will die...’

Parvateshwar turned his hand around and held hers, in reply.

‘Any news?’ asked Anandmayi. ‘Has the Lord entered the territory of Meluha?’

‘No reports as yet,’ said Parvateshwar. ‘But what is truly worrying is the absence of bird couriers from Ayodhya.’

Anandmayi’s visage transformed as she straightened up with concern. ‘Has Ayodhya been conquered?’

‘I don’t know, darling. But I don’t think the Lord has enough men to conquer Ayodhya. The city has seven concentric walls, albeit badly designed. That is formidable defence, even if the soldiers are ill-trained.’

Anandmayi narrowed her eyes in irritation. ‘They are poorly led, Parvateshwar, but the soldiers are brave men. My country’s generals may be idiots, but the commoners will fight hard for their homeland.’

‘This reinforces my argument that the Lord Neelkanth couldn’t have conquered Ayodhya with just the one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers of Branga and Vaishali.’

‘So what do you think has happened?’

‘Clearly, Meluhan interests are not being served in Ayodhya. One possibility is that your father, King Dilipa, has aligned with the Neelkanth.’

‘Impossible. My father is too much in love with himself. He’s getting medicines from Lord Bhrigu which is keeping him alive. He will not risk that for anything.’

‘The people of Ayodhya may have rebelled against their King and thrown in their lot with the Neelkanth.’

‘Hmmm... That’s possible. My people are certainly more devoted to the Neelkanth than to my father.’

‘And if the Neelkanth has Ayodhya under control, he will quickly turn his attention to his main objective: Meluha.’

‘He aims to destroy the Somras, Parva. He will not indulge in wanton destruction. Why would he do that? It would turn your people against him. He will only go for the Somras.’

Parvateshwar’s eyes flashed open. ‘Of course! He will target the secret Somras manufacturing facility and its scientists. That would end the supply of the Somras. People will have no choice but to learn to live without it.’

‘There you are. That’s his target. Where is this secret Somras manufacturing facility?’

‘I don’t know. But I will find out.’

‘Yes, you should.’

‘In any case,’ said Parvateshwar. ‘I’ve told Kanakhala not to send any more messages to Ayodhya. We could just be passing on information to the enemy.’

‘If Ayodhya is already in their control, and they leave now, they could be in Meluha quite soon.’

‘Yes, it could be as early as six months. Also, along with Ayodhya, the Lord would have a massive army.’

‘Redouble your preparations.’

‘Hmmm... I’ll also order Vidyunmali to leave for Lothal with twenty thousand soldiers.’

‘Lothal? Just because they didn’t send you their monthly report? Isn’t that a bit of an over-reaction?’

‘I don’t have a good feeling about them,’ said Parvateshwar, slowly shaking his head. ‘They didn’t respond to my bird courier.’

‘Can you afford to send twenty thousand soldiers away based on a mere hunch?’

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