The Best Kind of Trouble Page 58


“COME TO PORTLAND with me,” he announced when she answered her phone. “I need to do some Christmas shopping. We can stay overnight and order room service and have really filthy hotel sex.”

“I have some shopping to do, as well, and I’m always in the market for filthy hotel sex.”

He laughed. “I’ll pick you up in two hours. We’ll have lunch there.”

She’d agreed and got showered quickly before packing an overnight bag. By the time she’d put on some lipstick and watered the plants he’d shown up and they’d gotten on the road.

“Don’t you have to work with your brothers today?” she asked him as they headed west.

“We’ve declared a three-day break. We’ve got four tracks finished and Ezra wants to polish up the next two without any pesky interference from lesser human beings.”

She snorted. “Okay, then. I’ll take it. I’ve missed you.” He’d been working at night, and she worked during the day so it made getting together hard. Even on her days off when she could adjust her schedule to his, it was difficult. He had his energy fully on his work and she understood it.

But that didn’t mean she hadn’t missed him.

“I miss you, too. It’s not always like this.”

“Paddy, I get it. It’s part of your life. Creation takes time and energy. Really, it’s all right. It’s not forever. Soon enough your time will be filled with other stuff like promotion and appearances and then touring.”

“The label likes what they’ve heard so far. Jeremy took them what we had. They want your song as the first single. They’re interested in a branding shift.”

“For what?”

“We’re past the young guns getting drunk and nailing groupies stage.”

“I should hope so.”

He grinned at her tone. “Damien is married with a baby on the way. I’m writing love songs. They want to get out in front to create the buzz they can control. A more mature Sweet Hollow Ranch. Still sexy but grounded.”

“And how do you feel about that?”

“To be honest? It had been something I was thinking about. This album is introspective. Not just my stuff, but Ezra’s. Damien has contributed two songs, and at least one will make it. Vaughan’s daughters are growing up. We’re all changed by these major events in our lives. It’s good they want to handle it and make it into a positive. Damien the wild man now a daddy. Paddy in love. They proposed an interview with us.”

“Us meaning who? You guys? Mary? She’s not going to want the baby exposed to any of that. Though I suppose a baby can’t really be recognized the way a toddler or older child will be.”

“No. You and me.”

“Oh. That’s a lot of attention.” Her personal business exposed to everyone? Her father might see and want a taste of the attention. A million what-ifs filled her head.

“Yes. I told them I’d talk to you about it, but it was totally up to you. I said you valued your privacy. They promised to keep the questions to whatever you were comfortable talking about, and you could have control over the photographs they used.”

“You sound like you think it’s a good idea.”

“I think it’s totally up to you.”

“I’m asking you what you think. I’ll make my own choice, but I’m asking.”

“I like that I’d be showing you off. I know that sounds weird, but I want people to see what sort of person I’ve fallen in love with. Part of me realizes, though, that once we invite them in, even a little, others are going to feel like it’s now open season on my romantic life. Which hasn’t bugged me that much before, but now I’m in love with someone who values her privacy and who doesn’t live behind big gates like I do.”

“Publicity-wise? Will it help?”

“We’re fine, Nat. We will be just fine without this interview.”

“But if I do it, will it help with this new branding thing?”

“Probably. You’re beautiful, but in a relatable way. We’re a reunion story. People love second chances at love. You’re a freaking librarian. The public will eat that up. But on the flip side, you’re a librarian in a relatively small town. Easy to find. It might raise some money for the library, or it might end badly because people snoop around to get pictures of you. This isn’t an easy decision, I know. And if you say no, I will totally understand.”

“I need time to think about it.”

“Of course. I didn’t tell you to rush you. I just wanted you to know it had been discussed. I’m trying to be up front with you.”

Her father had left her alone since that whole showdown with her grandmother before Thanksgiving. But if she was in the media, he might get it into his head to sniff around again. He craved attention so much. The lure of media attention would be too great to pass up.

At the same time, it was her life. She wanted to help Paddy. And to be honest, she sort of got off on such a public declaration of love. But would it be like getting someone’s name tattooed on you? Like a curse?


She was being dumb, and she refused to think about it anymore.

“So they’re also trying to get Ezra on the road with us for at least a few shows.”


“It’s totally his decision. I love playing with Ezra. He’s the backbone of the band whether he comes out with us or not. But the road nearly killed him. He’s got his life on track. There is nothing more important than him keeping his life together.”

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