The Best Kind of Trouble Page 54


“Hey, yourself. Come in out of the cold. Jeremy is off with Ezra doing something or other, so it’s just the two of us.” He led her inside and she found herself backed up to the door after he’d closed it.

He seemed to love backing her up against things and she seemed to love it when he did it. When he used the power and size of his body to hold her in place and kiss her silly. Like he did just then.

“Ready to see me work or did you want to wade in?”

She laughed. “I’m ready.”

He brought her up to his workroom but instead of the guitar, he headed to the piano. She sat in the cushy chair in a corner after taking her coat off.

“I’m actually sort of nervous. That’s new.” He looked confused by that, and it was so sweet, she got up, walked over and took his cheeks in her hands. He gave her so much. Bent over backward to be patient and sweet, even when he gave her hickeys on her boobs and left a bruise on her hip from his thumb where he’d held her as he’d thrust into her body.

She wanted to give this to him.


“Yes, gorgeous?”

“I’m in love with you.” She swallowed hard but kept going, because she needed to say it, and she’d even practiced in front of the mirror after talking to Tuesday about it for over an hour the night before. “You’re a miracle in my life and I want to hear you sing and play music. Not only because you’re good at it, and you are, but because it’s important to you and I want to share it.”

His eyes widened and she put a finger over his lips.

“It’s okay. I don’t need you to say it back. I don’t expect you to say it back. I just wanted you to know.”

He kissed her fingers and moved her hand. “I love you, too, silly. I was going to say it this morning on the phone, but I figured on the phone wasn’t romantic.”


She blinked back tears and struggled past the wave of emotion that threatened to drown her. He loved her, too. Well wasn’t that a wonderful thing?

“Now go sit down. I feel a little better and I want you to hear this.”

She did and he began to play.

His voice was caramel and a little bit of smoke. His eyes went half-lidded as he began to sing about skin and curves. Of eyes as blue as the summer sky and hands and shoulders that held the weight of everyone’s sins.

Those tears she’d been holding back washed through her along with wonder that he’d actually written this about her. For her. These were the words of a man who was head over heels in love with a creature he adored. No one had ever felt like this about her.

It was about being burned alive by need, by desire and love. About holding something so beautiful and strong in his hands that he could barely breathe.

Natalie just sat there and listened, tears streaming down her face, filled with a thousand different emotions she couldn’t begin to name. Though chief among them was love and an aching sort of tenderness. She pressed the heel of her hand against her chest, over her heart, and when he finished, he looked up, meeting her gaze.

Seeing her tears, he smiled. “Yeah?”

She nodded. “Yeah. The woman you wrote that for is pretty lucky.”

He moved to her, putting his arms around her. “Nah. I’m the lucky one.” He kissed her and tore himself away.

He had his hand up her shirt, the cup of her bra pulled down when the door slammed open downstairs, Damien bellowing his name.

“I’m going to kill him.” Paddy nipped her bottom lip and helped her up. “Come on. I guess they’re ready for me over at the barn. I’m going to warn you in advance, some people might think I’m sort of a perfectionist dick while we record.”

She tried not to smirk but it was impossible. “I think, Patrick, your dickish perfectionism is sort of legendary.”


“Hey, dickhead, where the f**k are you?”

“Are you speaking to me, Damien?” she called down and Paddy laughed, hugging her.

“Oh, shit! Shoot. Um, no, I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Damien called as he got closer.

“Hand out of my shirt, Patrick.”

“Aww.” He frowned and did it, kissing her quickly as he stepped back and pushed her in front of him. “Best to stand in front of me until I don’t have a really noticeable hard-on.”

Which he pressed into the flesh of her butt cheek.

“We’re in here,” Paddy called out. “I take it you’re ready for me?”

Damien came around the corner and grinned at Natalie. “Look at you making me all nervous.” He kissed her cheek. “Like one of us already.” He looked around her at Paddy. “Yes, dumbass, we’re waiting on you.”

He held his arm out and she took it. “You coming to watch us work? Maybe your presence will keep him in line.”

“I’m just a spectator. I’m not interfering with your process. I promise.”

Damien drew her downstairs where he held her coat out for her, and she put it on. Paddy came down, stepping into his shoes and grabbing a coat. “Hands off my woman. You got your own.”

Damien rolled his eyes. “See? He’s already in Make It Perfect Patrick mode. Ugh. Come on, Natalie, and walk with me. Mary said she’d come by in a bit. She’s having a nap.”

“Is she all right?”

Damien’s expression went soft. “She’s absolutely perfect. Gestating is hard business. She likes a nap in the afternoon. Makes me slow down, too. It’s all good. Thanks for asking.”

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