The Best Kind of Trouble Page 33

“Bring an overnight bag. You, too, Tuesday. The guest room is ready for you. No need to bring anything else. Mary’s doing some sort of menu thing. She’s been working on her new cookbook, so this is part of it. I don’t know all the details, but I do know I’ll happily eat the results of whatever it is she’s doing.”

“Oh, good, you can finally meet.” Natalie spoke to Tuesday. “You’re going to like her.”

“Cool.” Tuesday grabbed another chocolate and headed out. “Meet you down here in a few minutes.”

“You could shower at my place.” He nuzzled Natalie’s neck once Tuesday had left.

“I’d just get dirtier.” Natalie stepped back. “Go on now. I’ll see you in about half an hour.”

He kissed her again because he could and headed out.

* * *

WHEN SHE AND Tuesday arrived an hour later, Vaughan answered the door, greeting Natalie with a hug. “Hey, there. Paddy will be right back. He had to run up to my parents’ to drop something off. Ezra won’t be here tonight. He’s off in Portland for a few days. Which is good because he always hogs the big chair in the screening room.”

She introduced Tuesday to Vaughan and then to Damien, who was in the kitchen.

“We’ll be right back.”

Natalie took Tuesday upstairs and pushed open a door to the guest room where Paddy had kindly put a basket of fruit and crackers on the dresser and a pretty carafe for water on the bedside table.

“He’s got good manners.” Tuesday put her overnight bag down. “You sure you’re cool with me staying overnight? I can go back home when we’re done with movies.”

“Totally sure. I want to hang out with you and I want you to get to know his family, too. And you’ve seen his kitchen, right? He makes the best breakfasts.”

“Okay. I just didn’t want to horn in on your time with your dude.”

She dropped her things off in Paddy’s room, and Tuesday whistled. “Wow. So this is some room. It’s a wonder he can even leave the house. I wouldn’t if this was my bedroom.”

“I tease him about that all the time. His bed is the best. He doesn’t skimp on good linens, either.”

They headed down where Mary was preparing root beer floats in Paddy’s kitchen. Natalie introduced Tuesday to Mary, who held up her ice cream scoop. “I’m trying these out with this artisan root beer Damien and Ezra brought home after a fishing trip to Alaska. Also, I need your input on those tacos.”

“I knew it was a good idea to accept when Paddy invited me along tonight,” Tuesday said as she picked up one of the tacos and took a bite. “Holy cow. What is this?”

Mary beamed. “A new recipe. Carnitas.”

“I approve. Natalie tells me you write cookbooks?”

“I do. This is for a new one I’m working on now. Party food.”

“Tell them about the web-show thing.” Paddy came in. “Hey.” He kissed Natalie and waved at Tuesday. “Sorry, I had to run some mail up to my parents. It ended up with my stuff by mistake.”

“We had tacos to keep us company. And root beer floats. You can’t compete, Paddy.” Vaughan shrugged.

“So tell us. Web show?” Natalie asked Mary.

“Oh, it’s in the idea stage right now, but my agent and I had this long talk about doing a web series. I could do one from the road, which would be cooking for a crowd or cooking on the go. I have an appointment to go to several wineries next weekend to see if one or two of them would be a good venue to host a winery cooking episode. I don’t know if it’s even feasible, but it’s a new thing, and I’m excited by it.”

“That sounds awesome. I’m excited for you. You’re so photogenic, and you’re good with people. I bet you’re a natural on camera, too.”

They all stuffed their faces with tacos and root beer floats before heading in to watch the movie and stuff their faces more with some popcorn thing Mary created that sort of tasted like a caramel apple.

After everyone had left and Tuesday had gone to bed, Natalie stood on the deck outside Paddy’s bedroom, Paddy at her back, his arm around her waist as his chin rested on her shoulder.

“This was a good day. Thank you for inviting us over. I like your family a lot.”

“They like you, too. And Tuesday. I didn’t say it in front of everyone, but I know Mary would love it if you came out and did the winery tour with us next weekend. For the moral support. She’s got us obviously, but having a friend there would mean a lot.”

That touched her deeply. That he’d ask and that it would mean something to her. She was finding her place there with them, and that meant most of all.

“I’ll be there.”


THE FOLLOWING WEEKEND, Natalie had been rushing to get out the door on time when she realized it just wasn’t going to happen. She called Paddy’s cell.

“Hey, I’m sorry but I just got a call about a grant we’re trying to land. I need to add some more documentation and it’s going to take me another hour or two. You guys go without me.”

It was the winery-tour thing. Natalie wanted to support Mary and be there, but their funding was greatly supported by grants, and this one was a really good opportunity.

And of course, Paddy understood that. “Well, I know how important this grant is. I’ll send them all ahead. Just come to my house when you finish.”

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