Standoff Page 56

“Cade, no one could ask for a better best friend, brother and Alpha than you’ve been. I’ll be proud to watch you triumph tomorrow. Together we’re going to lead wolves into a new world. Safer. More open. Don’t hesitate tomorrow. No mercy, Cade. Because he has none and he will do whatever he has to, to win. If he tries to infect you, you bite him, do you hear me? Before you kill him, I want him to die knowing his f**ked up handiwork is what ended him.” Lex turned to him, vehemence in his features.

Cade nodded and together they went to find some sleep in the arms of their wives.

Grace lay in bed, her eyes drooping but still awake. When he came in she simply held her hand to him and he went.

Chapter Nineteen

Grace got up when he did. Stood with him as he shaved, scrubbed shampoo into his hair and washed his back.

She never looked from his face when he made love to her, the water pounding down on them both. He held her reverently, gently and yet, took what he needed and gave back in kind.

He pulled on loose-fitting pants, a long-sleeved shirt and sneakers and they waited for the escort together.

First Jack arrived, bringing coffee and bagels, something Grace appreciated even as her rioting emotions did not want her to eat.

“You’ll wait and drive in with Templeton and Carla, understand? That’s your place and you’ll be safest. Be sure Dave never leaves your side.” Cade kissed her when the escort arrived.

Dave, who’d been quietly reading the paper just across the room and giving them a bit of privacy simply nodded.

She wouldn’t cry. She wanted to. She was scared for him. For them and the baby she carried. But he was strong and they had a secret weapon in the vaccine. Only Lex and Jack knew. Grace liked to believe Warren would find some way to fight fairly but she knew otherwise and had accepted that as she accepted his death.

“Be careful, Cade. I love you. I’ll see you in a few hours and remember, if you die, I will be sorely pissed off and my pregnant butt will have to heave into the ring and kill Warren myself.”

Jack jerked back and she realized they hadn’t told him yet. She also realized that once they took Templeton’s place, he’d be there just as Cade had with Lex and Nina. It would be a challenge but still, nice to know someone else she could count on was near.

“I promise. No dying. At least not me.”

She watched as he left and Dave approached, hugging her and she let herself cry.

“Pregnant? You don’t waste any time.” Jack snorted. They’d been driven to a warehouse in South Boston. French wolves guarded the entire place with semi-automatic weapons and no-nonsense looks.

“It’s the best damned thing I ever heard, Jack. My beautiful mate is carrying our child. She’s amazing.” Cade stretched and ate the meal they’d been provided. He’d need the calories and energy. Most likely he’d need to shift back and forth at least once and shifting took strength. He knew Warren would be taxed because he wasn’t nearly as strong and nothing but birth, genetics or the position of your sire if you were made, created an Alpha. Warren Pellini was a strong wolf, but he wasn’t an Alpha.

“You’re a lucky man, Cade. Grace is everything a man would want in a mate. Smart, feminine, strong, brave and she adores you. Now, today you will kill this trash and walk away into a bright new future and I’ll serve at your side. I hope I can do as well as Lex.”

Cade laughed. “Lex will now have to deal with what a pain in the ass an Enforcer can be and I’ll have to get used to problem solving with an Enforcer who won’t think it’s normal to get into a fist fight in the yard to resolve tension.”

Jack grinned. “That’s what you think. I have an older brother too.”

“Grace is going to lose her mind with us,” Cade said with a smile.

“She’s little, but certainly a handful.”

They small talked for the next hours as Cade tried not to think too hard and to just let his wolf take care of business. He was born to do it and he would. Hell, just to keep Jack from snapping Grace up if he died. But he wanted to see Grace’s face every day until they both got very old and had great-grandchildren.

He knew when Grace entered the building. Her energy, calming and soothing even as she was anxious, filled their link.

“They’re all filing in.”

One of the French wolves came in and checked Cade over. It was bare knuckles, hand to hand and they provided him with a thin pair of tight-fitting shorts and watched him put them on.

“You ready?”

He took a deep breath. “As I’ll ever be.”

“Kick ass, take names and be my Alpha.” Jack bowed low and let him pass.

Grace saw him walk out and his eyes immediately searched until they found her. Once they’d locked gazes, she relaxed a bit. He looked totally hot in next to nothing, all hard and muscled. She blew him a kiss and mouthed I love you and he grinned in return and put a hand over his heart as he bowed in her direction.

“Holy cow, he’s like, a hunk!” Nina said. “Not like I’m looking or anything.” She snickered and Grace gave her the evil eye.

Lex took Grace’s hand and she squeezed. Henri and Beth sat on her other side and her father-in-law took her other hand.

And then she saw her parents sit down on the other side of the roped-off fighting area. They wouldn’t even look at her.

“Those your parents?” Lex asked quietly and she nodded. “They’re going down after this. Are you all right with that?”

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