Standoff Page 50

“I like it when you take care of me, Cade. I don’t like it when you treat me like I don’t matter. Ask me to sit. Ask my opinion about things. Do I want you to risk your life? No. My first reaction was to tell Templeton to suck an egg. But I’d have worked past it, I have worked past it. Now, I’m sorry to have scared you but that guy in the parking lot was the last damned straw, I tell you.”

He sat up, amused, and kissed her. “They always say it’s the quiet ones and who do I know who’s quiet? But I can honestly agree with the statement now. When you work up a good mad, you really go to town. You clocked the hell out of that Pellini wolf.”

“He’d better be telling us something good or I may have to find a baseball bat to show him what I meant about softball.”

“My goodness, so vicious. It’s very sexy when it’s not directed at me.” He kissed her again and once more just because he could. “You taste tired, but good. I don’t like it when you’re not here.”

“Make me some food and I’ll tell you what I’ve been up to in the lab.”

Grace watched him, took in that spectacular behind as he made her dinner. Being waited on by a man as delicious as hers was quite a treat.

“So, not that I mind the back up or anything but why did you show up at the lab anyway? And by the way, your bottom is very nice.”

He looked over his shoulder and grinned before getting back to cooking.

“You’d been at the lab for an entire day. I called and called and Dave kept telling me to leave you alone but I got sick of it and Tracy and Nina, backed up by Megan, all told me I was dumb and needed to go and see you. So I did. We got there and something wasn’t right so Lex and I scouted and that’s when we heard the first shot. You nearly gave me a heart attack when you broke cover and charged the gunman. Don’t do that again, Grace.”

“He made me mad. I’m sick of being shot at. Anyway, I’m close to a breakthrough on the vaccine. It’s easier for wolves to test this sort of thing than humans because we have heartier immune systems. I’ll start this week on the first pieces. Then eventually, we’ll have to deal with it directly against the virus strain we took from Warren.”

“How will you do that? Volunteers?”

“Yes. Two of my staff have offered. I don’t want to risk it until I’ve done some more work. So are you going to tell me when you’re scampering off to fight my brother in some sort of cage match?”

“I don’t scamper, Grace, my love. I stalk like the scary wolf I am. You could at least pretend to find me fearsome.” He turned and brought her a plate.

“The most fearsome omelet maker ever. And of course you’re fearsome. I’m not scared of you, but I can see how others would be.” She took a huge bite and felt better immediately.

“That piece was the size of your head. Take your time. I’ll make you more if you’re still hungry.” He snickered.

“You should get started then.” She indicated the stove and he laughed, leaning over to kiss her.

“After this, we’re going to have sex. Lots of it.”

“Okay. Let me get some orange juice then.” She got up to pour them both a glass.

After she’d demolished two omelets, six slices of bacon, toast and two peaches she finally pushed her plate away with a satisfied sigh.


“Much. I didn’t realize how hungry I was, I guess. I did eat while at the lab, by the way, so don’t lecture me. I’m not in the mood.”

He hid a smile. Why he liked this prickly side of her he wasn’t sure but he did. “You feeling up to sex?”

“If you do all the work, I’m up to looking at you while you’re naked and making me feel good. After I shower that is.”

“Go on. I need to check in with Lex. I promise it will be less than half an hour or I’ll let you know.”

When she got up, he couldn’t help it, he grabbed her to him and kissed her for all he was worth. She softened and opened her mouth, letting him in, winding her arms around his neck as she scrambled up his body and wrapped her legs around his waist.

“Never mind. Lex can wait,” he said into her mouth.

“Here. Hard. Now.”

Her hands yanked at her pants as she made frustrated noises.


“The table is right behind me.”

It sure was. He laid her down on it and she made quick work of her jeans and panties, leaving them on one leg. She glistened there, wet and ready.

“Fuck. Fuck. Hang on.”

She slapped his fumbling hands out of the way and yanked them open, freeing his c**k and pulled him down by the front of his shirt.

As he found her mouth for a kiss, his c**k nudged the hot, wet gate of her cunt and surged into her body.

Her hum of satisfaction wrapped around his balls as he thrust. She tightened her calves around his waist and pounded his ass with her heels. In all the times they’d been together, she’d never been so wild for it. It made him wild in turn.

The scent of her skin rose as she heated for him, the scent of her honey teased the air as it invited him deeper into her pu**y.

“More.” Her nails dug into his shoulders. He grabbed her hips and angled her, now mindless in his need to f**k her hard, to take her, mark her, claim her again after their recent argument.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he stuttered as she flexed her hips to meet his strokes.

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