Standoff Page 46

An uproar sounded over the conference call and it took a few long minutes to get things back under order.

“Explain please.” Cade tried to let her fingers relax him but it wasn’t working too well.

“This afternoon, when I was still on my way back, he took Carla to the grocery store. With only one guard.” Jack snorted and Lex joined in.

“I can tell my own damned story, Jack,” Templeton broke in. “I wanted to take my wife to the market, is that so wrong? Without nineteen guards. And you were right so shut up now. Anyway, when I went to grab a buggy a bunch of people were jostling around, you know how that goes and in the jumble someone cut me. I didn’t think anything of it until we got inside and Carla smelled something off, something wrong. It was the poison.”

“Dichilimate?” Grace asked, moving around Cade.

“Sure is, pretty lady. I take it you know about the stuff? If so, explain it please because it’s all gibberish to me,” Templeton said.

Grace sat on the desk. “One of the few poisons other than silver-based that can harm us, even kill in high enough doses. But if the latter was the case, Templeton wouldn’t be on the phone now. Did you spend the last few hours getting a chemical flush?”

“Yes, and it was so very pleasant. I’m gonna find the f**ker who did this to me and pound a nail though his skull.”

Grace’s mouth hinted at a smile but she held it back. Cade shook his head and snorted.

“Okay then. So moving along, Templeton is going to have some lasting after-effects like muscle loss and weakness and most likely a course of physical therapy that will last about six months. Given that he’s already in his seventies, he’ll most likely never achieve the same strength he had before today. I’m sorry, Templeton.”

“So you get it in one, dolly. Yes, she’s correct. Right now I have to use a cane to walk, my legs are f**ked up. I can change but I can’t hold my wolf for very long. How come I never heard of this shit before?”

“It’s extremely rare and hard to acquire. The human government invented it by accident but it’s harmless to them. The only stores available are synthesized and stolen from the government labs. And almost certainly come from Warren and his operation. I’ve only seen it once before and that was in medical school, a textbook case. There’ve only been five or six confirmed cases, half were fatal. I’d guess they just wanted to maim you and call your leadership into question. And really, what better time to challenge you? Warren isn’t an Alpha but he’s very strong physically and certainly now can defeat you. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be flip.” She looked worried and Cade didn’t need to fall into their link to know she was afraid.

“Smart one you’re mated to, Cade. So here’s my plan. Cade will take on the Challenge in my place.”

Grace stood up, fury on her face. “Oh no he won’t!”

Lex had jumped up as well and everyone else looked from person to person.

“What makes you think I’m the best choice, Alpha?”

Grace spun to face him, eyes narrowed, hands on her hips.

“I’m in no shape to do this. Maxwell would be another choice but strategically, I need him to stay powerful in Chicago. We can’t be weak in Pellini’s backyard. And we need to keep Great Lakes powerful. They just lost an Enforcer and got a new one. The upheaval would be too much,” Templeton said.

“What do you mean upheaval?” It occurred to Cade far more than this Challenge was being discussed.

“When you win, I want you to take over for me. Jack isn’t an Alpha although he’s very strong and he should continue to be Second here. You and Grace would be my successors. It’s the natural choice, all the Nationally allied wolves would agree and you know it. You’re strong. You’ve got the fancy letters behind your name and you hold important territory without any challenge at all. You know politics better than any wolf I’ve ever seen. You’re the logical choice, Cade. I’m sorry this falls on your shoulders but that’s where it fits best.” Templeton said it and all the wolves in the room began to nod.

Except Grace, who shook her head vehemently.

“I’ll fax over the proposed dates. You and I will need to discuss the transfer. I expect you’ll need to speak with Lex, who is most clearly the best choice to replace you as Alpha there. Give me a call tomorrow. Carla is shooting daggers at me to go to bed, damned poison. Grace, forgive me.” He hung up.

“Well, that was unexpected.” Nina looked back and forth between Cade and Lex. “Grace will have some knowledge of what Pellini’s physical form is like, and Tee too, I’d expect. Good thing you work out all the time.”

“This isn’t going to happen.” Grace’s voice was very quiet.

“Grace, it has to. He’s right. He can’t do it, Maxwell can’t do it. I’m the strongest and most powerful wolf in the country after those two. I can beat Warren. I am an Alpha. And to be made Supreme Alpha? It’s beyond an honor. Being hand-picked is immense.”

“So essentially, who f**king cares what I have to say? Is that it? Just stand off to the side and shut up?” Her voice went from soft and scarily calm to loud and scarily, well scary. She was pissed off and scared as hell.

“Grace.” Tracy stood up and moved to her but Grace spun and put her hand out. The power radiated off her, pouring through the space in hot, angry rush. Cade couldn’t help but be impressed.

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