Standoff Page 3

She nodded. “I do too.”

“I wish I could just wave a wand and fix it for us both. But Grandma got on the phone when I was talking to Mom and Dad earlier and she said a storm was coming. I’m guessing the mate thing will be on hold until after the war ends. So I hope that will be fast.”

Ben and Tegan were there to meet their plane. Tegan looked better than he’d expected her to, given how badly she’d been injured just two weeks before.

His sister, long so closed off emotionally to everyone but her inner grief, saw him and smiled as she moved to him with her arms open. He hadn’t seen her this open and happy in four years.

“Hey, Tee.” He hugged her tight, fiercely pleased she’d greeted him so affectionately. When they broke the hug he took in Ben Stoner the werewolf, and saw Lex had been right about how powerful their brother-in-law had become after his change.

They clasped forearms as Megan and Tegan hugged and chatted. Their guards spread out to keep watch, mirroring Ben’s team. And clearly they were Ben’s. Attuned to him as he moved, adjusting themselves accordingly. Cade approved.

“Nicely done, Ben.” Cade indicated the guards with a tip of his chin.

Ben smiled. “Thanks. It feels right. Come on, we’ve got you and your people set up in our house.”

They loaded into several dark-windowed SUVs and headed away from the airport toward the Great Lakes compound.

“Are you sure your little cottage is going to fit us all?” Megan asked. She’d been there right after Tegan was found and had recovered.

“Maxwell gave us one of the houses about two miles from the Pack house. It’s plenty large. Six bedrooms and plenty of bathrooms,” Tegan explained. “We just moved in yesterday so things are a bit chaotic still. But the beds were delivered today and we even managed to get bedding put on them. And of course between me and Ben, the place is a fortress.”

“They must have really wanted you to stay.” Cade sat in the back with Ben. He could see Ben’s fingers itching to take the wheel but he’d have to get used to it. He was important in an important Pack during wartime. It drove Cade crazy too.

Ben didn’t speak loudly, he must have known Tegan would hear either way but he replied without taking his eyes from the back of her head. “Yes, I believe they do. I wish there was a way for me to fit at Cascadia. For her sake more than anything else. Hell, I wish I could have stayed on at the police department but I didn’t take advice and told them about my change and suddenly I was on a health leave. I hope this isn’t going to cause a problem between me and the rest of the family. I love Tegan, I want what’s best for her. They’ve made her my Second, opened the Pack to both of us.”

Cade heaved a breath. “There was no place for you, Ben. We all know that. I’m truly glad you’ve found such a good position. You’ll keep her safe. Or safer anyway. And we’re at war, we need every good soldier we can get. You bring a lot to us. Whether it’s in Chicago or in Seattle, you’re working and that’s what counts.”

They went through a series of checkpoints to get into the main heart of the compound.

“We’ve had a few attempts to breach security lately, I’ve stepped things up. There are multiple, manned checkpoints as well as remote sensors and constant patrols through the grounds.” Ben got out when the car stopped and scanned the area before stepping aside for Cade.

“Come on inside. I’ve got dinner made.” Tegan’s eyes darted as she took in her surroundings, her hand at her hip where Cade knew she carried a weapon. Megan did the same, as did a host of other wolves.

“Damn, this place is huge. I visited the Pack house some years ago, before I became Alpha actually. This place gives it a run for its money.” Cade walked inside and nodded to one of his men who went to take his bags to the room where Cade would be staying.

“Come on and eat. We have a meeting with Benoit tomorrow and there’s been a new development I want to talk with you about.” Ben guided them through the house and into the dining room.

“Would you like to clean up first?” Tegan stopped Cade with a hand on his arm. “Your room is at the top of the stairs, first door on the right.”

“I’m good, Tee. Thanks. I’m starved though.”

“Good, I made ribs. They’ve been marinating all day. With your sauce. Makes it feel like home.” Her voice wasn’t sad though. Cade relaxed at the sound. She was settled, happy. With all they faced, the last thing he wanted for anyone he loved was pain or sadness.

Once they’d finished the initial rush on the food, Ben sat back and grinned at Tegan. “That was amazing. Thank you.”

She winked at him. “You can thank me later.”

“Ew.” Megan snorted. “Can one of your people show me the run of the place so I can get our team staged?”

Tegan excused herself to go and give the guards from Cascadia a tour.

“We got a call today. There’s an insider from Pellini who wants to come in and talk to us. Tomorrow we’ll talk about the task force with Benoit. He’s working out of the Chicago field office for now. And this insider will come in to meet with us on Wednesday. Jack Meyers is coming in before the meeting to represent National.” Ben sipped his wine.

“Who is it?”

“We don’t know. Not for sure. The call was made from a disposable cell phone. Female, we know that. She says she’s got info on the lab experiments but she couldn’t get into detail. She was being watched. I’m a pretty good judge of character. She’s scared but I didn’t get the sense she was lying. Still, we’re meeting in a secure location. Our people will pick her up and bring her in.”

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