Standoff Page 25

Grace liked Nina despite herself. Still. “Better than just spewing it all over the place at random. Did you get an extra helping of boobs at the expense of your common sense or what?”

Nina actually laughed out loud. “You’ll make me choke on these rubbery eggs.”

“Rubbery? I thought they were good? And you’d better hope your precious Pack doctor knows the Heimlich. I wouldn’t want to waste it.”

“Oh good one.” Nina continued to laugh. “Fuck. I think I may actually like you. Damn you and your teeny little hide.”

“That’s good, I thought I might have to kick your ass and that would make Cade unhappy. I hear he bakes cookies when he’s unhappy though. Hmm. Too bad you’re all with child and stuff.”

“Oh dear, I think, yeah, I think we may end up being BFF. Oh what is the world coming to? They’re good cookies though. Damn, I really wanted to hate you. You and your cute little Audrey Hepburn thing. What’s up with that? Do you practice being all dignified and stuff?”

“Like in front of the mirror? No, it comes naturally. Some of us simply have it. And others…” Grace paused and sighed, looking at the other woman, “…don’t. Now eat your eggs or I’ll order daily enemas.”

“They’re cold now, but I suppose I’ll power though. Do you think we should tell the two wolves listening at the bottom of the stairs to come in?”

Grace laughed. “I think they might have been hoping for a pillow fight or something.”

Startled male laughter echoed up the stairs.

“We can get into a lot of trouble together.” Nina winked. “You two may as well come in, we know you’re there,” she called out.

First Lex and then Cade came into the room, both looking wary.

“Everything okay in here?” Cade tried to hide the beginnings of a smile on his face.

“Quit it. We know you heard everything. Teeny McAlpha here got all rough with me and threatened to make me wear pearls if I don’t keep in line. I took one for the team and ate her rubbery eggs. I hope you’ll take note of how magnanimous I’m being.”

“Must be why you ate four biscuits.” Grace’s eyebrow slid up.

“Must be. So okay, no more chick tension or anything. Détente has been achieved. Now where’s the doctor? I have stuff to do.” Nina tried to reach the phone and Lex took it away.

“You’ve already called her once. She said she’d be over when she could get here this morning.” Lex kissed the top of her head and Cade put his arm around Grace. It felt remarkably normal and for a moment, Grace forgot they were at war and her brother was attempting to develop a biological weapon for use against his own people.

“Can you make with the doctor thing and give me the thumbs up? I’ve been in this bed for a week now and I just want to go for a run, shop for shoes, something other than sit in this bed.” Nina looked to Grace.

“If you like I can speak with the other doctor and take over your care but I don’t want to interfere until I talk to her. I don’t know your history and what she’s got planned for you so it’s not a good idea. If she hasn’t come by in an hour I’ll try and contact her.” Despite herself, Grace liked the idea that Nina trusted her enough to ask.

“You sure you two don’t want to, you know, pillow fight? Just a little?” Lex grinned wolfishly and Cade burst out laughing.

Grace shook her head.

“I think I’m going to see how Dave is doing. I want to take a run. Nina, behave and stay in bed. It’s just a little while to go and then you’ll have the all clear.”

“I’ll come with you. It’s been a week since I’ve gone on one. And yes, Lex, I’ll take an escort along with us.”

Without looking back, Cade escorted her from the room, his eyes on hers.

“You’re a whole bundle of surprises, Grace. You handled that really well.” Cade didn’t want to go on a run, he wanted to f**k her.

“I notice you’re moving me toward our bedroom, Cade.”

She didn’t resist though, instead leaning into him as they walked.

“We can go for a run afterward. If you can still walk.” He moved them through the door, slamming it behind himself. “I’m going to have to share you in the next day or two. With the lab and with the rest of my family. I want to keep you in bed as long as I can. I don’t think it’s too much to ask.”

“I’m glad you’re not upset about me handling Nina and my brother.”

He bumped her and she tumbled back to the mattress, her smooth composure ruffled as her hair tousled and the hem of her shirt slid up, exposing a slice of smooth, pale belly.

“More than not upset, turned on. Honey, I’m an Alpha wolf, I like it when you’re hardcore, especially because you’re so normally calm and sweet. When you show your claws, it makes me want to put you on the nearest flat surface and shove my c**k into you.”

She flushed, her lips parting at his words.

“Oh. When you talk that way, that’s what I want too.”

“I aim to please you, Grace.”

One-handed, he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, shoving them down and kicking out of them. She got to her knees and yanked him to the bed.

“Good. What pleases me is you being still.”

She straddled his body and ripped his T-shirt down the middle, kissing over his chest and belly.

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