Standoff Page 12

Cade loved the tilt of her chin when she finally got her mad on. She was little but had a heck of a spark.

“I can’t know for sure what I’d have done in Maxwell’s place, but I’m on your side here. He shouldn’t have shunned you all that way. But you’re Cascadia now and you have my protection and status.”

He tried to focus on her words because the intensity of what he felt for the woman in his arms nearly felled him. How he could have ever compared his feelings for Nina to a mate bond was beyond him. While he’d protect Nina and for that matter, Lex or anyone else in his family, with his life, Grace was his life.

He wanted to wrap her in cotton and put her on top of the highest mountain to keep her safe. He wanted to take her out into the streets and shout out loud that she was his. Pride, protectiveness, desire, satisfaction, love, above all, love, pulsed through their bond link.

“I had no idea,” he said into her hair as he breathed her scent, taking it into himself.

She turned to straddle his lap so she could look into his face. “About what?”

He groaned as she kissed along his jaw.

“I thought I had an idea of what it was to be mated. I thought the anchor bond was enough like a mate bond that I understood. But this is nothing like that. Or rather, that is nothing like this. I’m glad I didn’t know or waiting for you would have been torture.”

He yelped when she bit him.

“Hey! What was that for?”

“That,” she said, those amber eyes sparking at him, “is for bringing up your anchor twice with me naked beside you. Is the baby she’s carrying yours?”

Her jealousy slid through their link. Shy yes, unassuming? Nope.

“No. Grace, honey, I anchored her over two years ago now. It was just the once. She’s my brother’s wife, I’d never betray him, or my bond to her that way. Or you, Grace, or you.”

She snorted and he held onto his wariness.

“She adores Lex. Period. I adore you. Period. There’s no issue here, honey. She’ll be very happy for me, and for you. You’ll like her.”

She scrambled off his lap and the sun streaming through the window blinds caressed her pale skin.

“You’re so beautiful. I want you again and again.”

She rolled her eyes but smiled and he relaxed a bit.

“I want nothing more than that. But we should be getting back. I haven’t explained why the virus did what it did to the Great Lakes Enforcer.”

She pulled on her clothes as he watched, loving the economic way she moved as she brushed her hair, smoothing it back into place from the sex-tousled mess it’d been just moments before.

He’d have to inform everyone back home and ready things for her there. She’d need a full-time guard as well.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked as he helped her into the car.

“Making you safe. Making you at home in our house. Fucking you again. Your mouth wrapped around my cock. The sounds you made when I slid into you from behind.”

He pinched his bottom lip. “Damn, shouldn’t have said all that, now I’m hard again.”

She laughed. “Good.”

Everyone was still at the house when they got back. Lunch had been ordered and Cade realized how very hungry he was all the sudden.

“Can I get some of that for me and Grace, please?” he asked, indicating the platters on the sideboard.

“I’ll get it.” Grace moved but Megan put a hand on her arm with a smile.

“Welcome to the family, Grace. I’m so glad to have you with us.” Megan hugged Grace, who after a moment of hesitant surprise, hugged her back.

“Thank you.”

His woman blushed. Cade liked that a lot.

“Sit down, Grace. You’re an Alpha now. Let us help.” Megan indicated a chair next to Cade.

“Don’t be silly. I may be an Alpha but I’m not an invalid. And you’re not my servant. That’s not how I am, you should know that now, Cade Warden.” She turned and gave him a look. He laughed and put his hands up.

“I’m sure you aren’t, honey. I cook ninety percent of the time at home, I swear.”

“Nina makes fun of all the cookies he bakes when he’s stressed,” Tegan laughed as Grace filled plates for the two of them.

He saw, and felt, Grace stiffen at Nina’s name. Shit, this was going to be an issue.

Tee noticed too and shifted her eyes to Cade briefly and he shook his head once.

“Don’t go talking behind my back, Cade. If you have nothing to hide, say it to my face.” Grace practically tossed his plate on the table before sitting down with her own and tucking in.

“Later, honey. For now, let’s get back to the subject at hand. The virus and you not going back to the lab here.”

She glared at him momentarily before filling everyone in. “The way the virus worked was that it attacked the wolf cells in Gina’s body, essentially causing her immune system to attack itself and eventually shut down. It happened very quickly, within a matter of minutes. I’m sorry. I will say, from what I understand, she gave up no information at all.”

“She died with honor.” Tegan took a deep breath.

“She did. A credit to her Pack. But surely you can see that not only is the virus a threat to humans, it’s a weapon against wolves.”

“You’re coming back with me and we’ll get you set up at our lab.” She’d be safer there, on his land, in his territory, surrounded by his wolves. No one would have a chance to harm her.

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