Reasonable Doubt: Volume 2 Page 12

I followed his command and he groaned even louder. I could see the muscles in his legs tensing as my mouth covered over half of his cock. I was starting to feel a little bolder, slightly more confident, so I took in a little bit more of him.

“Fuck...” He breathed.

I used my free hand to cover the part of his c**k that wasn’t in my mouth, and massaged it the same way I was massaging his balls—soft but aggressive.

He started to tug at my hair, begging me to take more of him into my mouth. “Take all of it...”

Feeling as if I was now in control, I denied his request, and sped up my rhythm—bobbing my head up and down.

“Aubrey...” His words were strained.

I took him a little deeper—wrapping my lips around him a little tighter, but I didn’t go all the way.

“Aubrey...” he said again, sounding desperate.

I wasn’t paying his words any attention. I was loving the way his c**k felt inside my mouth, loving the way my tongue was commanding him and making him react.

“Stop.” He yanked me back by my hair and glared at me. “Take all of my c**k into your f**king mouth right now.”

I slid my mouth over him and leaned forward all the way—not stopping until it touched the back of my throat.

Andrew briefly shut his eyes and sighed. Then he opened them again and spoke firmly. “I need you to let me cum in your mouth...” His voice was raspy. “And I need you to swallow every f**king drop...”

I gripped his knees and sucked him faster and faster, and his c**k began to throb in my mouth. I could feel it pulsating, constricting, and as he leaned back and finally let go I felt spurts of warmness slipping down my throat.

His cum was salty and thick, and I honestly loved the taste of it. As the last drop landed into my mouth, I looked into his eyes and he looked back at me. The expression on his face was one of pure satisfaction and awe, and I was more turned on than I’d ever been in my life.

He stood—pulling me with him, and pressed his lips against mine. “That was f**king perfect.” He turned off the water and led me out of the shower and back into his bedroom—not bothering to dry me off.

He grabbed me by my waist and tossed me onto the bed. “Spread your legs.”

I let my legs fall apart and he climbed on top of me. Crashing his lips against mine, he sucked my bottom lip into his mouth.

I could feel the tip of his c**k rubbing against my pu**y and I lifted my hips—encouraging him to f**k me.

After being with him in the shower, I didn’t want to do much foreplay and I didn’t want to talk.

I just wanted to be f**ked. Now.

His hands caressed my br**sts and I pushed them away. “Fuck me, Andrew.”

“I am.”


He smiled at me, looking as if he wanted to say something smart, but he leaned over and reached into his nightstand for a condom.

He quickly slipped it on and entered me in one full stroke, causing me to moan in pleasure.

“Ahhhh...” I reached up and grabbed his hair as his c**k pounded into me relentlessly. I was sure I’d never get tired of him f**king me, each time was better than the last.

I shut my eyes as he buried his head in my neck, as he whispered how “fucking good” I felt. Small tremors started building inside of me, and as much as I wanted this to last a little longer, I wouldn’t be able to hold on.

“Andre..” I said his name as my hips started to jerk and my orgasm took over me. I screamed, falling back onto the pillows, and he collapsed on top of me seconds later.

We both lay there, entwined in each other for a long time—not saying a word. When I finally found the energy to speak, I cleared my throat. “Are you going to sleep inside of me all night?”

“Of course not.” He pulled out of me, immediately making me miss the feel of him. He walked over to his closet, tossing the condom away.

“What are you doing?” I sat up.

“Getting dressed.”

“For what?”

“So I can take you home.” He slipped into a pair of pants. “And so I can go to sleep.” He put on a shirt, and then he looked over at me. “How long do you think it’ll take you to get ready?”

“I don’t want you to take me home.” I shook my head. “I want to stay.”

“Here?” he looked utterly confused.

“Yes, here.”

“As in overnight?”

I nodded, and he stood there staring at me as if I’d just asked him to do the unthinkable. The look he was giving me was one of anguish, regret, and for a second I almost felt bad about suggesting it.

“Aubrey, I don’t...” He sighed. “I’ve never let someone spend the night.”

“Then let me be your first...”

He continued staring at me, tapping his chin, and then he walked over to his closet and grabbed a set of white pajamas.

“You can sleep in these...” He held them out for me.

I reached out to take them but he shook his head.

“Stand up.”

I slid off the bed and stood in front of him.

He took his time helping me into the button up shirt—kissing every inch of my exposed skin until he reached the top button, and when he was finished he kissed my lips.

I expected him to hold out the pants next, but he tossed them across the room. “Get in the bed.”

Smiling, I slipped underneath the sheets as he hit the lights.

He joined me in bed seconds later, pulling me against his chest.

“Are you happy?” he whispered.


“Are you sure? Is there anything else outside of my comfort zone that you’d like me to do for you tonight?”

“Not tonight, but you could make me breakfast in the morning.”

“You’re pushing it...”

“Just in case you change your mind, I would like Belgian waffles, bacon, sliced strawberries, and orange juice.”

“Unless you want to eat all of those things off of my cock, it’s not happening.” He pinched my ass. “Go to sleep, Aubrey.”


In the morning, I opened my eyes and realized I was alone in Andrew’s bed. I looked over at where he’d been sleeping and spotted a note on GBH stationery:

Had to run to the office to meet a new client. I’ll be back to take you home.

PS—Feel free to take your panty collection home with you.


I slipped out of bed, ready to explore more of his condo, but there was a sudden loud knock at the door. I rushed over and twisted the knob, expecting to see Andrew, but it was a man dressed in all black.

“Um hello?” I tried not to look too confused.

“Are you Aubrey Everhart?”


“Great.” He handed me a white bag. “Gourmet waffles, bacon, sliced strawberries, and orange juice, right?”

Denial (n.):

A statement in the defendant’s answer to a complaint in a lawsuit than an allegation (claim of fact) is not true.

A few days later...


I was officially out of my damn mind.

I was in my bathtub, and Aubrey was sitting on top of me—panting as she came down from another orgasm.

She was spending the night at my condo for the third time this week, and it was pointless to even pretend like I minded.

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