Rajmund Page 14

"What the fuck?” he heard Scavetti swear before he'd gone ten steps. “What's he going to do to her?"

"Looks like they know each other, Tony,” Felder responded in a bored tone. “What do you think he's gonna do? Drain her in the parking lot? Besides what do you care?"

"Fuck you, Dan. I might not want her on this case, but that doesn't mean I want some fucking vampire sucking on her neck either."

Raj chuckled and stopped listening. He caught up with Sarah just as she pushed open the outside door, letting in a rush of much fresher air.

Chapter Thirteen

Sarah put her shoulder into the heavy door, sucking in a cold breath and telling herself she'd done everything she could to help Trish. Scavetti had been—well, not polite, but probably as polite as he ever got. Every other word out of the man's mouth was an expletive, although he had tried to censor himself for her benefit. And she was sure he'd only agreed to give her the five minutes he had because, according to Linda, he was hoping to hook up with her.

And then, of course, there was Raj. She'd looked pretty stupid once he'd shown up. If she'd known he would be here, she'd never have come down in the first place. And not just because he made her look foolish with the cops, either. That man, that vampire, was nothing but trouble. Every time she got within two feet of his gorgeous self, her IQ seemed to drop about forty points. And he knew it, too. The arrogance just oozed out of him, he was so damned sure of . . . The weight of the thick glass door suddenly disappeared as a long arm reached over her shoulder. The light from the lobby disappeared, casting her into shadow, and she looked up, not surprised to see Raj right behind her, his easy grin not fooling her for a second.

She murmured her thanks and stepped out onto the landing, pulling her coat closed and hunching deeper into its warmth. “I'm fine, Raj,” she said quickly. “You don't have to—” She jerked her gaze sideways as the solid thunk of a car door punctuated the night. Across the parking lot, a chauffeur had just stepped out of a long, black limo to grab some fresh air. She couldn't be positive, but she didn't think the vehicle had been there when she'd arrived at the station. It could be anyone, of course. Limos weren't common—except on prom nights—but they weren't completely rare in the city either. But for some reason—maybe it was the phone call Tony had received while she sat in his office—she was convinced this one belonged to William Cowens, and that meant Edward Blackwood was nearby. She immediately turned her back on the lobby and stepped away from the lights, just in case. Raj caught her reaction, naturally, and slipped an arm over her shoulders, his great bulk effectively hiding her from both the limo and the lobby. She could feel him studying the limo and its driver over her head.

"Come on, Sarah,” he said. “I'll walk you to your car.” He started down the stairs with her firmly in the curve of his arm. “And you can tell me why you don't want Williams Cowens to know you're here.” Sarah nearly missed the next step, but his solid strength kept her upright. He tucked her against his body with a low chuckle. “I love the boots, sweetheart,” he murmured. But they're not the best choice for the icy streets around here."

Sarah felt a rush of pleasure that he'd noticed her admittedly sexy high-heeled boots, but cursed her own clumsiness. “I didn't expect to be walking much,” she muttered. “And I'm not worried about William Cowens."

"No? Then maybe it's the limo driver. A former lover, perhaps?” He said it lightly, but there was a definite growl on his last words.

Sarah laughed. “Right, it's the limo driver. I was just startled, that's all. I'm not used to hanging around police stations."

They had reached her car by then. Sarah beeped the locks open and Raj reached around her to open the door. “Is it Blackwood?” he persisted.

She threw her bag across the seat and gave him an exasperated look. “I told you. I don't even know—"

Raj placed one hand on the door and braced himself against the roof of her car with the other, effectively trapping her. He was so damn big. She stifled a brief, irrational urge to run, looking up to meet his amused gaze instead. “Do you know how lie detectors work, Sarah?"

She frowned in confusion at the seeming non sequitur. “Of course. When a person lies about something, there are physiological changes that give him away. Pulse rate, respiration . . . and probably some other things too. It's not exactly my field, but what—"

He leaned down until his mouth was at her ear. “Your pulse and respiratory rates just rocketed, little one. And your luscious heart is going pitty-pat. Either you're madly in love with me, or you're not being totally honest. Although it might be both.” She felt the soft touch of his tongue along the curve of her ear. “Delicious,” he whispered.

She shivered and forced herself to meet his icy blue eyes. Except they weren't quite so icy anymore. She licked her lips, and those eyes followed the movement of her tongue before returning to meet her gaze with a slow, sensuous blink. Ice can be hot, too, she reminded herself.

"Why do you care?” she managed to say.

"You didn't come down here to offer advice on vampires,” he chided her gently. “Of course, there's your close relationship with Lord Krystof . . .” He let the words trail off suggestively.

"I don't really know him,” she admitted. “Although, I did, er, see him at a University reception once. And I could probably get Cyn to set up a meeting or—"

"I don't think so,” he interrupted harshly.

Sarah looked up at him in surprise and caught the dying flash of some emotion in his eyes. “If you have any questions about vampires, you can ask me,” he said. “No one else."

"Excuse me?” she said, his high-handed attitude restoring some of her usual backbone.

Raj gave her a charming smile, one that almost made her forget her newfound determination. “Lord Krystof doesn't deal with humans much. Whereas I—” He nuzzled her cheek softly, placing his lips once again at her ear. “I am at your complete disposal."

Sarah didn't need a vampire to tell her that her heartbeat had just gone into overdrive. She turned her face into his, struck by the smoothness of his cheek, by the warm, masculine scent of his skin. “Raj,” she murmured.


"What are we doing?"

He laughed. “I must be out of practice if you need to ask me that."

Sarah smiled up at him, feeling relaxed and warm, just like she had in the club. It was strange how he could make her feel that way—strange and a little troubling. She started to turn, intending to slip into her car, but Raj had other ideas. He wrapped an arm around her waist, lifted her up to her toes and kissed her—a long, soft, sensuous seduction of mouth and tongue. When he finally ended the kiss, tracing her jaw with his lips as he set her carefully back on her own two feet, she held onto him, not entirely certain she could remain standing on her own.

"I have to go back inside,” he murmured, even as he continued to taste her, his mouth moving slowly from cheek to cheek and down to her neck, where he lingered. “Why don't I come by your place later.” He bit gently into her neck and then kissed away the small pain. “And we can talk all about what's really going on here."

Sarah forced herself to breathe, to take a half step back. She stumbled into the doorframe of her car with a jolt and Raj steadied her with a hand on her arm. She stared up at him, a bit stunned to realize she was actually considering it. He was a vampire. She'd known him only a few days, really only a few hours, and she was seriously considering inviting him over to her house. To talk. Right.

"Are you messing with my mind, Raj?” she asked softly.

"I sure as hell hope so."

She laughed and shook her head at her own foolishness. “Not all of us can stay up all night. I've got to teach tomorrow and it's already late."

"Tomorrow night then,” he persisted.

She smiled, thinking of Linda's birthday celebration for Sam—what would her friend do if she showed up with a vampire as her date? “I'm already committed to a friend tomorrow night."

"What kind of friend?” he demanded, scowling.

She gave him an exasperated look. “Not that it's any of your business,” she said pointedly. “But she's a friend from the University. It's her husband's birthday party."

"Fine. I'll meet you after."

"Maybe. I don't know—” Her next words were cut off as he lifted her effortlessly and covered her mouth with another lingering kiss. She heard herself moaning softly against his lips and knew if he'd asked at that moment, she would have gone with him anywhere he wanted. He let her go gently, her body sliding down his in a slow, suggestive glide that left little doubt as to the state of his own arousal. She leaned against his chest, feeling safe in the circle of his arms as she caught her breath. “Do you know where I live?” she asked softly.

She could hear his grin when he said, “I can find out.” She had no doubt that was true. In fact, she had no doubt Raj could do pretty much anything he set his mind to. “All right,” she said. She forced herself to pull away from him, to put a few inches distance between them, so she could think. She turned and threw her purse across the seat. “I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yes, you will."

Sarah trembled at the heat in those three words and wondered if she'd finally lost her mind for real, just as her parents and her therapists had thought she had way back when.

Raj stood back and watched Sarah drive out of the parking lot. He found himself eager for their next meeting, and not just because he was attracted to her, although, there was no question about that. In fact, his feelings for her went a little deeper than he was comfortable with. He'd wanted her in New York. If not for her rather unique position at the time, as a member of Raphael's entourage, he'd have taken her. But she wasn't with Raphael anymore. The scent of her perfume lingered and he grinned. Oh, yes, he was definitely going to taste his sweet Sarah, and very soon, too.

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