Someone to Watch Over Me Read online

  “Dr. Winters, I’m sorry—I forgot to give you this. I should have done so before I asked you anything.” McCord hadn’t forgotten, Sam knew. For some reason, he wanted to get a reading on Sheila Winters. He reached into his navy sport jacket and produced the piece of paper on which Leigh Manning had written her permission, and he passed it across the desk to the psychiatrist.

  Sheila Winters slowly laid down her pen and took the paper from him. She glanced at it and handed it back to him. “I’m not going to comply,” she said flatly. “For one thing, I don’t know if this is actually Leigh’s handwriting.”

  “You have my word as a law enforcement official that it is her handwriting, and that she gave it to us personally four days ago.”

  “Very well. I’ll take your word for it,” she said, leaning back in her chair.

  “Then will you answer my question?”

  She smiled apologetically. “No.”

  Sam watched the back-and-forth with concealed fascination because she had a hunch McCord had met his match in uncompromising strength of will and determination.

  “Why not?”

  “Because Leigh Manning was obviously in a precarious mental state four days ago. If she were not, she would never have agreed to this.”

  “Are you trying to tell me she isn’t mentally competent?” McCord asked.

  “Of course not, and don’t throw phrases like ‘mental competence’ around with me, Lieutenant. I am simply telling you that four days ago, Leigh was under extreme mental duress for obvious, normal, and understandable reasons.”

  Sam knew McCord’s fear was coming to reality—at any moment, Sheila Winters was going to pick up the phone, call Leigh Manning, and tell her to revoke her permission. “Let me acquaint you with another phrase, Dr. Winters, one I feel even more comfortable ‘throwing around.’ It’s called ‘obstruction of justice.’ You are willfully interfering with a murder investigation. I haven’t asked for your records, but I’m prepared to do that and to wait here while Detective Littleton takes this slip of paper to a judge and gets a subpoena.”

  Mentally, Sam declared the situation a standoff, but McCord went on the offensive. He handed the slip of paper to Sam. “I’ll wait here and keep Dr. Winters company. Find a judge, explain the situation, and bring me a subpoena. In fact, bring me a search warrant, too, in case Dr. Winters wants to carry this battle to its inevitable, tiresome end. And bring Detectives Womack and Shrader with you to help locate whatever it is we’re looking for.”

  “I’ll offer you a compromise,” Dr. Winters said, smiling a little.

  “I’m not interested in compromise.”

  “The compromise I’m about to suggest will save us all a lot of wasted time.”

  “I enjoy wasting time,” McCord replied mildly.

  She laughed aloud at that. “No, you don’t, Lieutenant. You are impatient in the extreme under normal circumstances. However, that verges on free analysis,” she joked, “and that violates my principles. Here’s what I would like to suggest. Actually, you don’t have a choice, because Leigh Manning is due here any moment. Doctor-patient communication is a sacrosanct privilege, a concept that has been repeatedly upheld and protected by courts all over the land.”

  “So has the concept of obstruction of justice.”

  “I won’t obstruct your justice. When Leigh gets here, I will tell her in front of you that I strongly advise her against authorizing me to breach that privilege. If she listens to me, and revokes that piece of paper you’re holding, then that is her right. Isn’t it?”

  It was, and they all knew it.

  “If she still wants to authorize me to disclose information to you, then I’ll do it. Deal?”

  There was no choice, and McCord knew it. He smiled slowly, the scar in his face deepening. “How can I argue with such flawless logic and reasonable negotiating?” he said lazily. “I’m curious, though . . .”

  “I’ll bet you are—” she agreed, smiling, and Sam wondered if she was witnessing some sort of high-level flirtation taking place between two very complex and inscrutable intellects. She felt a little left out. She also felt certain that Leigh Manning would revoke her permission.

  “I’m curious about why Leigh Manning is coming here today.”

  “Oh, that’s a question I can answer. She’s been hounded by the press. They’re staked out at the front of her building, and she hasn’t been out of her apartment in more than a week, except to attend her husband’s funeral. I threatened to kidnap her if she wouldn’t have lunch with me today. For understandable reasons, she couldn’t face going to a restaurant, so I told her we’d order in.”

  “I’m sorry to be ruining your lunch plans, Doctor,” McCord replied.

  She smiled at his foolishness. “You won’t be ruining our lunch, Lieutenant. It will only take two minutes for Leigh to revoke her permission.”

  She was wrong about that, Sam realized with surprise a few minutes later. Although Leigh Manning looked deathly pale and terribly fragile, she refused to take Winters’s advice. Wearing camel slacks and a white silk shirt, she sat down on one of the leather sofas and curled her legs up beneath her, looking like a young, vulnerable girl, without makeup or pretense. Her auburn hair fell forward against her translucent cheeks, and her huge eyes were the color of a blue-green sea on a sunny day. “They need answers, Sheila. Tell them whatever you know.”

  “Leigh, I am adamantly opposed to this. You’re not thinking clearly.”

  “I came here today because I need answers, too. Please tell the detectives whatever they want to know about my husband, and I’ll listen, because I don’t know who he was, either. Not really. I only thought I did.”

  “All right.” Sheila Winters rubbed her forehead for a moment, then she looked at Leigh. “Let me try to phrase this in the best way I can.”

  “Don’t worry about sparing my feelings. What you don’t tell me, I’m sure to read in the newspapers tomorrow or the next day. I asked you at the apartment if you thought Logan was having an affair with Jane Sebring, and you said no.”

  McCord interrupted. “When did you ask Dr. Winters that?”

  Sheila Winters glared at him, and she answered in unison with Leigh Kendall. “After the funeral.”

  “What made you ask it?”

  Instead of resenting his tone or his interruption, she lifted her eyes to his and answered him with quiet humility—as if she no longer noticed or cared about such meaningless annoyances. “The papers were full of what I thought were malicious rumors about that.”

  “Lieutenant McCord!” the psychiatrist warned. “You can question Mrs. Manning at your leisure. I can’t stop you, but I can stop you from doing it in my office. Now, you wanted this question-and-answer session, so let me give the answers and get this over with. This is just about the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do.”

  Having said that, she looked at Leigh Manning and her expression softened. “Leigh, Logan was a much more complex man than I originally thought when the two of you first came to see me. He was more complex, more troubled, and at the same time, more . . . basic in his logic than I imagined. I’m trying to put this in the most simplistic terms instead of resorting to psychobabble.”

  Reluctantly, Sheila Winters switched her attention to Sam and McCord, and explained, “Logan Manning was from an old, wealthy, and aristocratic New York family. Unfortunately, by the time Logan came along, his grandfather had squandered a major fortune, and the Manning family was reduced to a state of genteel poverty. Nevertheless, because of his family’s social connections—and some money contributed by a wealthy great-aunt—Logan was sent to the same prestigious private schools his forebears had attended. There was one major difference: Logan was impoverished in comparison to his peers, and they all knew it.

  “As a youth, Logan couldn’t vacation with his school friends; he couldn’t even bring them home. He grew up feeling ashamed of who he was and what he had. His father died when he was little, and his mother never rema