Roughing It With Ryan Read online

  “Well, I was getting to that.” Breaking free, she went for the cake, turned it to face him. “It’s starting to melt already.”

  Ryan sighed. Okay, so she was trying to seduce him with the ice cream. Cute. Hot, even.

  But it was a testament to how intensely he felt for her that he didn’t feel a sexual stirring but a deeper one, one of the heart and soul. “I don’t want cake—”


  He stared down at the ice-cream cake, at the letters she’d painstakingly put there, the ones that spelled I Love You.

  They were starting to drip but he got the picture.

  She loved him.

  She put her hands on his chest, wound them up and around his neck. “With all my heart, I love you.”

  Hearing the words loosened the fist around his heart. Made him light-headed with joy. “I feel as if I’ve been waiting a lifetime to hear you say that.”

  “I’m sort of hoping we have a lifetime ahead for me to keep on saying it.” Reaching out, she skimmed a finger along the cake. Studied the chocolate ice cream covered finger with a light in her eyes he was beginning to appreciate greatly.

  “I was thinking we should probably get married,” she said, and on that shocking statement, she stroked his throat with her finger.

  He sucked in a harsh breath at the cold. “Married?”

  “Yeah.” Dipping her head, she licked the ice cream off his throat as if he were a lollipop. “Mmm,” she said very wickedly and made him groan.

  “I figured since I took so long to figure out how to get what I want from life,” she said. “I don’t want to waste any more time. I know what I want, Ryan, and that’s you.” She put her mouth to the corner of his, then looked up at him. “You have a problem with a woman who knows what she wants in life?”

  “No. I’m in love with one.”

  She smiled widely at that, and he returned it, knowing his entire life was right here in his arms. “And it looks like I’m going to marry one.”


  A WEEK LATER, Suzanne, Taylor and Nicole sat on the loft floor eating ice cream. The gallon had been provided by Nicole this time, as well as the plastic spoons with which they dug into the container.

  Good, practical Nicole.

  She’d moved in the night before, so Taylor had decided they needed a house-warming party.

  Any excuse to consume calories.

  “So, you’re really going to marry him, huh?” Nicole took another bite and looked at Suzanne with curiosity. “As in forever?”

  “Yeah.” Suzanne grinned. “I really am.”

  “Pretty scary stuff.”

  “I know.” But she sighed with pure pleasure at the thought of finally being a bride, not an ounce of resistance left. “It’s right this time. This time it’s really right.” She smiled at Taylor. “I guess I’m breaking the vow.”

  “That’s all right.” Taylor didn’t look upset. “Nicole and I plan to keep it going.”

  Nicole nodded solemnly. “Definitely.”

  “Good luck.” Suzanne thought about her own determination and how she’d happily relinquished it. “Because believe me, love can come out of right field and stab you in the heart before you know what hit you.”

  “We won’t need luck,” Nicole said with a determined shake of her head. The silver rings up her left earlobe tinkled prettily. “No way, no how. No man is going to weasel his way into my heart.”

  “I’m with you, Super Girl,” Taylor said. “It doesn’t take luck to stay single, just common sense.”

  Suzanne smiled smugly and went for another spoonful of ice cream. Unlike her two new best friends, she knew common sense had nothing, nothing at all to do with matters of the heart.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-7126-9


  Copyright © 2003 by Jill Shalvis.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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