Possess Me at Midnight Page 38



Ice closed his eyes as her words washed over him. He loved them, loved her, soaked in her willing acceptance. Her voice embracing these sweet words gave his soul succor, his tomorrow hope. But he could not allow her to finish in this moment.

“I will be honest, good, and true. I heed your call. ’Tis you I seek—”

“Stop,” he choked.

Sabelle continued the Binding as if she had not heard him, though he knew better. “From this moment on—”

“Not another word.”

Tears and determination shimmered in her blue eyes. “There is no other for me—”

“Stop!” he growled, forcing himself to dig the word from the bottom of his soul. “Please, princess. No more.”

He wanted Sabelle as his mate so badly. Being forced to put her off again was beyond excruciating.

The first of her tears fell. “You don’t want me to finish the Binding?”

Ice grabbed Sabelle by the shoulders, willing her to understand that he hung on to his self-control by a thread. “I will always want you. Always. But there’s your brother—”

“I’ve already told Bram that I don’t care if he disclaims me. I want to be your mate.”

He closed his eyes. What had he done to deserve this amazing, loyal woman?

“I am honored, more than you know. But I vowed to him that I would not take you as my mate unless I won this challenge.”

Sabelle clenched her jaw, closed her eyes. “He doesn’t deserve your steadfastness after the way he’s behaved.”

Silently Ice agreed, but that wasn’t the point. “Politically, we cannot tip our hand and give the others on the Council any reason, real or imagined, to nullify this challenge. They’ve only allowed it because they believe me to be Bram’s enemy, not a vote in his back pocket. Until I’m on the Council, we cannot upset that delicate balance.”

“I don’t think they can do anything to stop the challenge now.”

“But do you know that for a fact?” He arched a brow at her. “I’m also concerned for your safety. I will not paint a larger target on your back for Mathias’s sick pleasure and put you in more danger. He already knows I’ve Called to you, but if you Bind to me and become my mate, he’d only hunt you with more relish.”

“We are stronger together.”

His grip tightened on her shoulders. “I have enough fight for us both.”

The lift of her chin, the stubborn set to her mouth was all the warning Ice got. “From this moment on, there is no other for me but—”

Ice could only think of one way to stop her: with a kiss. Pain at stopping her joining to him again jarred his heart, even as desire at the feel of her mouth beneath his thundered through his body. He cupped her head and clutched her tightly, pulling her flush against him, dying to merge with her, share the cacophony of feelings clashing inside.

Sabelle fought to tear her lips from his, to finish the Binding. His beautiful princess, so willing to fight for the cause and sacrifice for him. He couldn’t allow that. Instead, he dove deeper into her mouth, leaving no part untouched. As always, she tasted of heaven and made him think of sin.

By degrees, she relaxed against him, lost herself in the kiss. Even being with her like this increased his energy. It filtered through him, wound down to his arms and legs, made his heart pump wildly. It would be enough. After all, he knew how to defeat Mathias—God willing, for good. All he needed was another opportunity and a minor distraction, and this power from Sabelle. All else was in place. No need to rush her out of her clothes and onto her back. He would not risk hurting her or treat her with so little respect.

Sabelle took the decision from his hands when she unfastened his trousers and pushed them down his hips.

Ice tore his mouth away. “There’s no need—”

“I need!” she choked, and tears shimmered on the rim of her lashes. “I won’t endure watching you face Mathias in a mortal challenge, knowing you lack proper energy when I could help you. It’s all I can do to remain in my seat and wait helplessly for the challenge to end. This is something I must do, not because it’s my duty, but my need. Please . . .”

How was he to refuse that, especially when he wanted her so desperately himself? “We have only a few minutes.”

“We’ll make it enough.”

Amazing. Ice cradled her sweet face in his hand, drowning in her blue eyes. From the moment he’d first seen her, his life had careened out of control. For two centuries, he’d stood alone, without family, without friends. Solitary. Sabelle changed all that in an instant. And even if the possibility of their tomorrows ended today, he still would change nothing. “Thank you, princess.”

Unable to resist her red mouth just beneath his, he dove back into her kiss, sinking deep, drowning even deeper in her, praying he never resurfaced. She enveloped him, arms around his shoulders, lips parted for his invasion. Sabelle clutched him as if these might be their last few moments together … because they were. She grasped that reality, and as much as he wanted to shield her from it, he loved her all the more because she understood.

With an impatient rip, he shoved the shirt from her shoulders. Her bra was in shambles moments later, her jeans mere shreds. Her sexy little lace knickers fell next to his rush of need. She gasped when he cupped her breasts, caressing her hard nipples with his thumbs. So soft, so perfect. No other woman compared to her. Sabelle was a rare beauty both outside and in.

A moment later, she grasped his erection, stroking him with a sure palm. He gasped into their kiss, his entire body bombarded by pleasure, not just because she touched him, but because it was Sabelle who held him as intimately as possible. Because she wanted him enough to arouse him more. Unnecessary, but a gift he wouldn’t turn down.

“Isdernus . . .” she pleaded when he delved two fingers into her soft folds and found her wet and waiting.

“You know I hate that name,” he choked out when she stroked him once more.

“You’re far too warm in my arms and in my heart to call Ice.”

Damn wonderful woman broke his heart all over again.

He kissed her once more, lowering her to the bed. She fell willingly into a sea of pillows and soft sheets, her thighs gently parted in waiting.

Breathing hard now, he grasped her hips. “I would rather take my time with you.”

“We haven’t more time. Take me now,” she gasped as he caressed the hard bud of her clit with a pair of fingers.

Regrettably, she was right. And a part of him needed her now, needed the memories … in case this challenge did not end well. At least one of his last memories would be of Sabelle’s sweet touch.

With that thought, he plunged deep inside her. She arched up to him, spreading her legs wider, then wrapping them around his hips.

“Please . . .” she pleaded, then her body tightened on him.

Ice was happy to comply.

He set a deep, steady rhythm, never wavering, never faltering, never stopping until she dug her fingers into his shoulders, cried out his name, and tightened around his cock. Ice clung to his self-control by a thread as he rode the storm of her orgasm.

As soon as her body sagged against the bed, he lifted his head from her neck and stared into her flushed face. Brushing the strands from her forehead, he was struck anew by her loveliness. She was exquisite each time he saw her, but with her eyes shining bright and naked with love, she was at her most beautiful.

Something welled up in him and threatened to swallow him. A feeling. More than need, way more than desire. Love, blinding in its intensity. Bloody hell, it threatened to choke him. It emptied his mind and lungs, even as it filled his heart and soul. He covered her mouth with his once more, delving inside. And with another deep stroke inside Sabelle, Ice exploded, calling her name.

She tightened her embrace on him, face buried against his shoulder. His skin there was wet, and it wasn’t his sweat.

Ice lifted his head. Tears trailed down her pink cheeks, and he brushed them away with his thumbs. “If making love to you makes you cry, princess, I’ve done something wrong.”

With a watery laugh, she held him tight, her blue gaze clinging to him. “You made a joke?”

“We haven’t had much to laugh about together, have we?” He sighed. “Please don’t cry.”

“The thought of you stepping back into the challenge ring with that monster is intolerable. I know we said we cannot allow Mathias to win that seat, but at the cost of your life, I—”

“Five minutes!” Blackbourne’s voice called up the stairs. “The challenge resumes in five minutes. Return to the challenge ring!”

At the summons, Sabelle grabbed his hand for dear life. Ice understood, truly. If their roles were reversed, he’d be terrified. But they must go on, even if he forfeited his life. He would not quit otherwise.

“We’ve agreed. This is something we must do.” Ice disentangled himself from her silken body and rose from the bed before she used her aphrodisiac kisses to lure him back to her side.

Ice grabbed his clothes and yanked them on. Sabelle watched, wide-eyed, sitting up in the bed, the sheet scarcely covering the most delectable parts of her. He tried very hard not to be distracted, not to grab on to the woman he loved and refuse to let go.

Gritting his teeth and praying for strength, he kissed her forehead, then whirled away.

“Ice.” Her voice trembled.

He wanted to reassure her that all would end well, but he couldn’t lie.

“I need a word with your brother. Never forget I love you.”

Before she could tempt him back, he sprinted down the stairs. Energy burst from every pore of his body, and he thanked Sabelle for her gift of the touch. Now, he simply had to put it to good use to stop Mathias from taking this Council seat—and continuing his reign of terror.

Today was Ice’s day for revenge.

What Sabelle really wanted to do was tuck her knees under her chin and cry miserably. Succumbing to the urge would accomplish nothing, however. And the challenge would begin again soon. She needed to be dressed and sitting outside the challenge ring supporting Ice … and praying.

Though Ice was a skilled warrior, and now well trained in human combat tactics, thanks to Marrok, Ice was honest. He would abide by the challenge’s rules. Mathias would circumvent as many as he could possibly manage and still escape detection. She felt helpless and frustrated—her least favorite emotions—because she could do nothing more than tell him to be careful and give him her support.

With a sigh, she rose, magically repaired the rips Ice had made in her clothing, and dressed herself again. She didn’t take time for a soothing shower or to tidy the room. No time or energy; it was all reserved for Ice.

Hurrying out of the room and down to the stairway, she gripped the banister and began her descent—then felt a presence behind her. Heart jumping in her throat, Sabelle whirled.


He stood at the top of the stairs, clearly enjoying his superior position several steps above. His smile looked pleasant on the surface, but she did not trust him for a moment. He held his shirt in one hand, revealing the slick, rippling muscles of his chest and abdomen. Even his hair was unusually disheveled.

A witch stood behind him, clinging to his arm, dressed from head to toe in red. Lacy red that revealed more than concealed her large breasts with hard nipples, the absence of pubic hair.

Removing her hand from his arm, Mathias dropped a quick kiss on her neck, burying his fingers in her tangled hair. After he released her, the witch stepped away with obvious reluctance.

“Ms. Rion, have you been keeping Mr. Rykard company?”

Sabelle bristled. Whatever passed between her and Ice was not anyone’s affair, particularly Mathias’s. She turned away and resumed her trek down the stairs.

“I asked you a question,” he snapped.

She refused to give him the satisfaction of an answer.

“You provided Mr. Rykard with energy, I presume. Tsk, Ms. Rion. Somehow, I don’t believe your brother would approve of your association. Bram would think him rather beneath you. But from all appearances, I would guess it’s you who’s been beneath him.”

Sabelle clenched her fists and bit her lip. And walked down the next step.

Mathias raced down until they stood shoulder to shoulder. “Have I offended you?” When she still did not reply, he entreated, “A thousand apologies, pet.”

“I am not your pet,” she growled, descending another step.

“Stop. Face me. Let me apologize.”

Sabelle didn’t dare. Lord knew what he truly sought. “You’ll be late for the challenge.”

“I have a few moments. Let me apologize.”

Cold dread filled Sabelle’s stomach. The wizard was up to something, likely something terrible. All along, she’d feared he would find some way to harm Ice. Now she saw that Ice was strong enough to fight this bastard, and Mathias was too clever to risk doing something underhanded to Ice that might cost him the challenge. Instead, because he had Called to her, Mathis knew he could instead prey on someone Ice would defend to the death.

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