Ours to Love Page 36

She closed her eyes, letting the sensuality of the moment wash over her. “I understand, Sir.”

She’d barely gotten the last word out when she felt his hand slap her other cheek. The initial pain made her gasp and her knees buckle. Then Javier grabbed her hips and rubbed her cheeks with his warm palm. The hurt instantly diffused to a tingling heat. Her skin felt alive.

And her pussy ached like never before.

“Oh!” The little exclamation slipped out.

Suddenly, she felt two fingers slip between her slick folds and sink deep inside her. She moaned and arched to take them deeper inside to ease her need.

“She’s so wet, Javi,” Xander reported. “She’s ripe.”

“So my bad girl is naughty, too?” He murmured in her ear.

London had no idea when he’d gotten so close, but when she tried to turn her gaze over her shoulder to him, Xander’s free hand tangled in her hair, preventing all movement. “Stay still. Eyes forward. Take the rest of your punishment.”

“Yes.” Her voice shook, then she whimpered.

He withdrew his fingers from her needy channel.

Javier quickly took up where his brother left off. The next two blows hit lower on her ass, making the burn spread across her skin. After that, he inflicted two more back on the fleshy curve, then gave her another handful in the same spot for good measure. The pain always startled her. She braced and winced and dreaded . . . until he smoothed it all out with that magical touch of his, spreading the sweet heat everywhere and distributing the burn through her body.

London moaned as his lips traced over the hot flesh of her right cheek. His tongue peeked out to drag across one curve before he bit gently into her. An incomprehensible pleasure slid over her. She had no idea why she liked Javier’s punishment. It hurt . . . but even the pain became something beautiful and wound through her body like the softest ribbon. It held her together when she really wanted to unravel.

Xander released her hair with a little warning tug, then backed up, standing somewhere behind her with his brother. He whistled. “That is one beautiful, rosy ass.”

“It is,” Javier agreed. “Any time you goad me into giving in, little one, expect me to retaliate.”

“Would I be allowed to ask if you would please fuck me?” she panted.

“Do you ache?” he asked, sounding supremely satisfied by that prospect.

“Yes, Sir.” She whimpered and squirmed.

“Do you need it?” he bellowed louder.

“I do.” What she’d started to distract him had ended up consuming her. Her entire body was a living flame, and only he could douse it.

“Don’t forget, Javi. I have something to add first. Wait patiently, belleza,” Xander said.

Holy hell, was he going to spank her, too? The thought made her hot, dizzy, and weak with need.

Instead, she felt something cool slither over her back entrance. She gasped and tried to clench her cheeks together, but Xander pried them apart with his hands and slid one finger down slowly into the passage no one had ever touched.

“Xander?” Alarm made her voice a squeak.

“Shh. This won’t hurt. But you have two men who want you, and we’re going to want to fuck you at the same time. We have to stretch you to take us both.”

Anal sex. She’d heard of it, of course. What they were saying made sense. But did women really let their men take them there?

Questions whizzed through her head as Xander withdrew his finger, then probed at her hole again, this time doubling the thickness of the intrusion.

“Damn, I want that,” Javier groaned, then rushed beside her to growl in her ear. “I want to fuck you there and hear you whimper and yelp as I slowly feed you every inch of my cock. I want you to sit on it and squirm and cry, yet still take me because I want you to.”

When he put it like that, London wanted it, too. It would probably hurt at least a bit at first, and still she wanted to do it because he wanted her with a primitive passion. And she desperately hoped that she meant something to him beyond sex. She hadn’t started anything with either one of these men with the intent to fall in love . . . yet London suspected she was about to fall off the cliff.

“I want to take every perfect, pretty hole you have so deeply and thoroughly that you scream. Then I want to see Xander do the same before we take you together. Can you handle being between us as we both fuck you?”

London didn’t know for sure, but she desperately wanted to try. With a mewl, she nodded at him. “Please . . .”

“Xander, be quick, damn it.” Javier’s deep growl told London that he was at the end of his rope.

“I can’t rush this.” Xander probed her, his two fingers thrusting deep and slow into her ass.

The sensations were foreign and primal. London arched to take more, and Xander petted her hip, then leaned in to whisper to her. “I can’t wait until I’m feeding my cock into this tight little ass. I’ll do it long and slow until you’re screaming and clawing—then Javier will do the same, until you know exactly whose cocks belong here. It’s the most submissive gift you can give us. Are you going to give it all to us?”

London didn’t hesitate, just nodded frantically. “Yes. Whatever you want.”

“Good girl, belleza,” he crooned, then turned to his brother. “I think she’s ready for the next step now. I’ll bet her pussy is juicy and ripe.”

Javier’s fingers slid over her so-swollen folds, just barely touching her distended clit. London bit her lip to hold in a cry of need.

“Very juicy. And delicious. Do your thing.”

She barely had time to question what either of them intended before Javier dropped between her legs, back propped against the desk, and fastened his mouth onto her pussy. She gasped at the rush of sensations to her clit . . . just as something hard and cold and foreign began to invade her ass and fill the empty space, burning and stretching. She tried to twist and slide away. It was a reflex, but Xander’s hard slap to her ass and warning growl made her stand still so he could slowly feed the rest of the object into her untouched passage.

She wriggled and moaned, biting her lip as it widened and stretched her even more, but Xander just kept pushing the soft plastic-like plug deep into her. Nerve endings she’d never known existed tingled to life. London tossed her head back with a cry at the pleasure-pain, urged higher by Javier’s insistent tongue on her clit.

Pleasure roared through her blood, gathering to fill and heat and tighten everything between her legs.

“Come!” they both shouted.

Their insistence, their togetherness, the ecstasy they heaped on her made it impossible to resist. Javier’s tongue rubbed her aching little bud as she exploded into a trembling heap of dazed pleasure so thick she felt drunk and weak. Xander stepped away and fumbled into the bag for something as Javier lapped at her once more, twice, then stood and jerked his pants down. His brother tossed him a little foil square. He ripped it open and scrambled to his feet behind her. Two seconds later, he prodded her pussy, sinking in so deep through her swollen tissues made tighter by the plug. The extra pressure awakened more nerve endings, and she howled for him.

Xander didn’t wait long to jump into the action either, unzipping in front of her face. He took his hard cock in hand and caressed her lips with the silky velvet, hard head. She opened, and he slid deep onto her tongue, filling up her mouth and nostrils with everything that reminded her of Xander. Musky, manly, teasing—he rarely pounced, but slowly approached with something sly and irresistible, until succumbing was her only choice. She opened wider to take him in, laving him with her tongue as he held her chin with one hand and grabbed her hair with the other. Those sensations alone would put her on overload, but Javier behind her—inside her—filling her completely, stretching and scraping every sensitive nerve, compounded by his hand cupping her mound possessively, gently kindling her clit into a roaring burn. She couldn’t take it. Couldn’t stop it. Couldn’t do anything but feel it.

She flipped her gaze up to Xander’s face, pleading silently. He focused solely on her, staring at her, breathing with her, consuming her. She cried out around his cock, the sound beseeching, even as she felt herself tightening around Javier’s thick, blunt cock. The bliss built again, the high of it starting to overwhelm her once more.

London held her breath as her every muscle tightened, filling until she was primed—and then she let go. The wave of ecstasy ripped through her body, over her head, making her jolt and scream and open herself all the way to her soul. Xander cursed. Javier groaned. Both picked up the pace, then released, cocks pounding and jerking as they poured into her.

Salty seed coated her tongue. Perspiration covered her skin. Repletion unfurled in her, a happy, hazy lethargy almost as addicting as the pleasure itself.

As Xander eased his cock from her mouth, she sank to the desk, blazing cheek resting on the cool wood, and closed her eyes in contentment.

“You all right?” he asked, bending to kiss her other overheated cheek.

Lazily, she smiled and nodded.

He laughed as he uncuffed her wrists with a few metallic clicks. “I think your assistant might be done for the day.”

Gingerly, Javier withdrew. She heard the gentle whoosh of his condom hitting the trash can. “We may have worked her hard today, but I’d like to worship her just a bit more.”

With a gentle hand around her middle, he assisted her to her feet. She swayed in his arms, loving how solid and comforting it felt to be in his embrace, especially when he called her beautiful and whispered kisses up her neck. She shivered. Xander approached, sandwiching her in between them and holding her close.

“I need to see you, little one,” Javier murmured. “Undress for me.”

“For us,” Xander said. “I’m dying to see you, too.”

Their request hit her like a splash of icy water into her eyes, shocking and painful. Something to be avoided at all costs. Brian, a man in the medical field, had seen her back and been too repulsed to continue dating her. But two beautiful billionaires catching sight of all her flaws?

London swallowed down bile as she wriggled out from between them and lowered her skirt. Hands shaking, she held back tears and fumbled with the buttons of her blouse. “No. I’ll do most anything you ask of me, but don’t ask me for that. Please.”

They turned identical scowls her way, and she felt their confusion and disappointment like a palpable wave. Her stomach balled painfully, and she pressed a fist to it. It hurt her to upset them, probably more than it should. But it would hurt so much more to disgust them with all the scars she couldn’t change. Even the thought of her horror and rejection was more than she could take.

Shoving the last button of her blouse into its mooring, she gave into her tears as she ran from the room, grabbed her purse, and emerged into the steamy Lafayette afternoon.


“WHAT the hell just happened?” Javier blinked. He didn’t understand anything except that London’s stricken, terrified expression made him feel sick to his stomach.

Xander scowled, and Javier understood. They had no idea what brick wall of a boundary they’d run into. He’d seen London naked this morning in his bed, her beautiful breasts rising above her soft stomach, tapering down into her plush thighs and the wet feminine flesh between that hugged his cock so snugly. She’d opened up and given more than he’d possibly hoped for—until this moment.

“No idea, but I’m going to find out. I’ll be damned if London is going to walk home in this terrible heat in a business skirt and heels.”

Xander nodded. “Good point.”

Together, Javier and his brother ran for the door and scrambled down the stairs. He beat Xander by less than a second through the lobby, and saw London making her way across the parking lot, toward the street.

“London,” he called out to her, every muscle in his gut tight with the need for her to turn and face him, return and explain—let him hold and reassure her.

She ignored them and kept walking away.

Suddenly, she paused and swayed on her feet, reaching out for something to grab and steady herself. There were no cars nearby, just air.

With a gasp, she stumbled. Her knees buckled, gave way. Javier sprinted after her with everything he had. Beside him, Xander did the same.


They were too late to save her. They simply had to watch her crumble to the asphalt. Javier’s heart stopped as her head hit the blacktop with a thud. Worry raced through his veins. The few feet between him and London seemed like an insurmountable divide. The more he ran toward her, the longer it seemed to take.

With a curse, he skidded to a halt beside her. Xander did the same, cradling her head in his hand. London was passed out cold.

The fear scratching through Javier’s veins like a hundred needles bled all through his body and was mirrored on Xander’s face.

“Call 911,” Javier snapped.

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