One Dom to Love Page 5

She scoffed at him, the sound dripping contempt. “I’m not listening to you anymore. You wanted me, but you jacked off instead of coming in the willing mouth I offered, and why? I’m starting to think it’s because you’re not man enough for me. So if you want me over there?” She cocked her head in challenge and crossed her arms over her chest. “Make me.”

Chapter 3

“Really, precious? You want me to make you?” Hammer’s voice lowered dangerously. She’d trampled over every submissive rule. Insulted him utterly. Challenged him in a way he couldn’t let pass. And damn if he didn’t want her even more. The girl had fire; she would burn him in bed.

The way she’d thrown herself at him told Hammer that she was crying out for attention. But if he gave Raine what she sought, she’d be damned. All he could do was punish her defiance and pray it drove some extra distance between them. Hammer didn’t lie to himself. The thought of spanking her bare ass made the pervert in him get hard all over again. He’d do the job thoroughly, too. Sitting would prove painful for days.

With long strides, he prowled toward her, gripped her silky hair in his fist, and yanked her head back. As he pressed their bodies together, her lips trembled right beneath his. He fought the urge to kiss her. Why did Raine stir such insatiable hunger? What was it about her that drove him to crave her? Made him want to rip her clothes off and sink into her over and over?

As Hammer struggled for control, he stared into her tumultuous eyes and looked past her anger, through her soul, all the way down to her shattered heart. He’d done that, and her agony split his chest. He wished to fuck they could go back in time, when his relationship with Raine had been easier. Guiding her had given him great joy when she hadn’t been quite a woman. But he’d been unable to ignore her passionate beauty for long, and thoughts of claiming her had begun to plague him relentlessly. Rejecting her now made him feel like a first-class asshole. This was hardly the first time he’d questioned whether he was protecting her from himself or simply hurting her more, but the answer was always the same. Keeping her at arm’s length was for her own damn good. Her dented pride would heal faster than her crushed soul.

So he had to step carefully. If she suspected for a second how close he was to throwing all caution to the wind, Raine would never stop trying to break through his walls. The tenacious little vixen would wear him down because he wanted her too badly to fight her off for long. And that would make him a completely selfish bastard. Despite what Liam thought, he was never going to be whole again. He didn’t deserve to be.

Raine would have to be content with his guidance from afar, and he’d pray that someday, she found the right Dom to treasure her as she deserved. Even if the thought made him homicidal.

“Just what do you think you’re going to accomplish by throwing toys at me? Have you lost your mind?” he demanded in low tones. “On second thought, don’t say a word. You want to be treated like a submissive? You got it,” he snapped, releasing her abruptly. “Strip!”

Yes, he was a stupid bastard, testing his already precarious control. But any Dominant would have to peel back the defenses she hid behind so desperately. He needed her naked, physically and emotionally. Exposed. Maybe then he could make her comply.

Her eyes widened, then suddenly narrowed as she glared daggers at him, crossing her arms tighter. Her breasts lifted in a mouthwatering offering. Forcing himself to ignore the view, he snatched her wrists, flung her arms to her sides, then wrenched the skimpy black lace bra from her chest. It hit the floor. Her breasts bounced free.

Raine rushed to cover herself with her hands, but he blocked her—and tried not to stare at her luscious breasts with their perfect rosy nipples. “The rest, precious. I said strip. Not when you feel like it. Not when it suits you. Now!”

Her plump red lips pursed as she scowled. “You let your opportunity pass, sport. Since you have no intention of doing anything more than pulling my hair and stroking your own cock, we’re done here.”

She jerked free and turned her back to him, revealing her lacy thong and delectable ass as she marched away, leaving her bra on the floor between them. The infuriating minx was on a roll, using every tactic imaginable to challenge him. Hammer wasn’t having it.

He sucked in a deep breath and snagged her by the neck, then spun her around. She crashed against him, head snapping back. Her gaze, silent and furious, locked on his. Fuck, all the ways he wanted her raced through his head…

“Enough! This defiance ends here and now.” Hammer hoisted Raine over his shoulder.

At her shriek of indignation, he smacked her bare ass and carried her through the deserted dungeon, down the hall, and back into his private bedroom. The second they cleared the portal, he kicked the door shut, tossed Raine on the bed, then tore the black lace thong from her hips. And stared.

Shit! Her pussy was bare, plump, and pink. As her heady scent filled his nostrils, he nearly staggered back. The room swayed. His cock throbbed painfully. He couldn’t fucking breathe.

Gritting his teeth, he sat on the edge of the bed beside the little hellcat, forcing himself to remember that she was mostly naked in his bed for her punishment, not his pleasure.

In one fluid motion, Hammer flipped her over his knees and gripped her hair. He ignored her yelp while he threw her shoes across the room, then shredded her silk stockings impatiently.

Now she lay completely bare across his lap. Swallowing back the thick swirl of lust as he stared at her smooth, supple ass, he drew back his hand. He hesitated, fantasizing that he could slip his fingers into her pussy, collect her juices, then slide them back to her puckered rosette, properly prepare her like a Master should—like he fucking wanted to—before driving balls deep into her ass and claiming her. That fantasy had played over and over in his head a thousand times.

Not happening, man!

Dragging in a steadying breath, Hammer closed his eyes to center himself. A responsible Dominant always handed down punishment in a calm, cool manner. It didn’t matter that Raine had taunted the sexual beast seething inside him. He’d be damned if she’d provoke him into something he’d regret.

He silently counted to ten, then focused on the lesson she needed to learn. “You will count for me, precious, loud and clear. I have no qualms about spanking you hard until you follow instructions and respect the boundaries between us.”

“No…you…won’t!” she vowed as she wriggled to work free of his hold.

She squirmed all over his cock, her alluring scent assailing him with every twist of her body. Hammer glimpsed the delicate folds between her thighs and cursed under his breath. Raine was drenched.

“Don’t you even think of—ouch!” she yelped as he landed the first stinging blow across her ass.

As she struggled to get away, he felt her molten honey seep through his trousers, scalding his thigh. Her intoxicating scent breathed more life into his already painful erection.

“Count,” he snarled.

“One, you rat bastard. You’ve made your point. Now let me go!”

“Rat bastard? Oh, precious, I haven’t even started to make my point, and you have no idea how big a bastard I can be. Just wait.” Landing another blow on her silken backside, he clenched his fist to quell the burn she blazed across his palm. “Now count, without your smart-assed commentary.”

She hissed as she struggled over his rigid cock. Damn it, Raine was going to massacre every shred of his control before he finished her punishment.

“Fine. I’ll count.” She slipped into a sing-songy voice dripping sarcasm. “One, two. I don’t belong to you! Three, four. Go fuck your little whore. Five, six. Oh, look who’s got a hard dick. Seven, eight. If you want me, asshole, guess what? It’s too late.”

Hammer barely managed to smother his stunned bark of laughter. Only Raine would still be dishing out insults while he smacked the hell out of her ass. This punishment wasn’t going to put a dent in her attitude. He was pretty sure the only way to strip her sass was to settle himself between her legs and fuck her blind. As incredible as that would feel, once he started, he would never stop.

Landing two more quick blows to her bright red ass, he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Nine, ten, guess we’ll have to start again.”

She screeched in fury, and he swung his hand back to land another blow. Then her supple thighs fell apart—and his mind went blank. Before he could summon his sanity, he drove two fingers deep into her seeping cunt. Oh god… Tight. Slick. Swollen. Everything he’d ever imagined. His lust raged, melting his brain and good intentions. Fuck.

Gasping, she rocked against his embedded fingers. The sound of her pleasure cut into him like a white-hot spike. He’d never touched Raine sexually. Now his cock pulsed in time with the pounding of his heart.

Driving his fingers deeper, he turned his hand and brushed his thumb over her pebbled clit, his heart galloping as she melted against him. “Am I a bastard now, precious?”

“No,” she whimpered and bowed her head in surrender. “Please…”

It was the singular most arousing moment of his life. God, she looked so beautiful, her dark hair spilling around his thighs, her nape exposed, her bare ass reddened by his hand. He fought hard not to roll her over, pin her to the bed, and shove himself inside her wet, snug cunt.

“Do you think I don’t know what you want?” Strumming her clit as she mewled so beautifully, he inhaled a ragged breath. “See, precious. I do. Now, who is the Master?”

“You, Sir. Please... You. You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”

Christ, she’d sliced open her chest and shown him all the feelings she’d been holding inside. Unlike him, she had the balls to confess everything in her heart. His pride swelled at her courage, even as his heart seized. Maybe for this—for her—he could try to heal the past…but then he’d have to confess his greatest failure to Raine. Fuck, no. He’d rather have her idolize him from afar than loathe him to his face. Or worse, fear him.

“You’ll always have me, just not on your terms.” Unable to stop himself, he arched his hips, driving his steely cock against her soft belly. “I won’t deny that you make me hard when you’re naked and poised over my lap, your soul open and raw. But I won’t give you anything more. And you can’t demand it, as if it’s your right. Don’t pin your hopes on me, precious. I’m not good for you.”

Now that he’d made his point, he should pull away, set her on her feet, and send her out the door. But with the feel of her silken pussy clutching his fingers, making his cock scream in need, he couldn’t bring himself to dismiss her yet. Just a few more moments to savor her… It was unlikely he’d ever touch her this way again.

Calling himself a fool, Hammer squeezed another finger into her sodden cleft and found the bundle of nerves hidden deep within. He massaged the soft, sensitized tissue, his body stiff, breathing harsh, as her nectar spilled over his hand. “Do you want to come for me?”

Raine panted and nodded frantically, whimpering in desperate need. He felt her folds flutter as she tensed like a tightly drawn bow, her entire body humming.

“Please...Yes,” she begged. “I want it. So badly. From you.”

Probably every bit as badly as he ached to give it to her. But he had to do what was best for Raine. She needed a lesson about respecting the boundaries between them—or there’d be disaster in their future.

Steeling himself against her soft pleas, he withdrew his fingers from her sweet cunt. “No, you may not. That’s the punishment for your bratty behavior, your insults, your brazen seduction, and most of all, your blatant manipulation.”

As he set her on her feet, she cried out in frustration. He resisted the urge to growl along with her. But he couldn’t stop his gaze from sweeping over her naked body. Her glistening pussy, those red nipples puckering in the morning chill, her hypnotic eyes lost in sexual splendor, all tempted him. And he’d put that look on her face.

Swallowing back his desire, he stood and handed down the rest of her punishment. “You’re denied orgasm for three days, girl.”

Her jaw dropped. “You drive me to the brink of madness with those big fingers, then expect—”

“Yes.” He tilted his head, silently warning her not to defy him. Her mute stare gratified him. “Go pick up your mess in the dungeon, precious. We’re through here.”

Turning his back and dismissing her, he strode into his private bathroom, locking the door behind him with a ragged breath. Shoving his trousers off and flipping the shower on, he looked down at his angry cock throbbing—again.

Cursing, he leaned against the cool tiles. But now he had new fuel to add to his fire, the feel of Raine draped over his lap, her intoxicating pleas as she begged him to let her come. Squeezing his eyes shut, his mind filled with more images of her. Regretfully, he soaped up and began stroking his shaft once more, the distended veins and swollen head aching for attention.

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