Once and Again Page 30

Sweet Christ, her taste when he drew her thighs apart and took a lick was so good he groaned nearly as loud as she did. Over and over again as he took her higher and higher. Listened to her cues as she tugged his hair to hit certain spots in certain ways. It wasn’t the first time he’d gone down on her, but he wanted it to be the best time for her.

When she came, the sounds she made, the sounds she still made rocked him to his foundations as he realized he’d been looking for that sound for years to no avail. Rocked him to realize he’d never let go of her and sure as hell wasn’t going to now that he had her back.

He looked up the line of her body to see her face. To watch her sleepy eyes widen when he licked his lips.

“I want you in me.”

He was up and searching through his toiletries bag in moments, hoping and praying a condom was somewhere to be found. It took him a bit, but he returned to her, victorious.

He was feeling pretty studly until she got to her hands and knees and sent him a look over her shoulder. “Get to it, cowboy.”

“You’re going to kill me,” he said as he ripped the packet with his teeth and got the condom on in seconds flat.

“Yes? But not until after you’re finished.”

This Lily was more confident than the younger version. It made him even hotter for her, this absolute sense of ownership of her sexuality. Nothing was sexier in his mind than a woman who knew what she wanted and went for it.

“You seem less than worried about the me-being-dead part.” He got on the mattress. “Turn around. I want to watch.” He indicated the mirror above the dresser across the room.

She turned and then blushed a little before sending him a smile. “All right. And really, as long as you wait until you’re done…”

He slapped her ass playfully and forgot all jokes as he spread her open and started the slow push into her body. Watching the pink flush over her skin and the way her br**sts jiggled as she squirmed back to meet his thrust was sweet torture. The tattoo on her back was beautiful, and he bent to kiss her spine, having to pause as he seated himself completely inside the inferno-hot embrace of her pu**y.

“More,” she whispered, meeting his gaze in the mirror.

Gathering her hair back away from her face, he shifted to grip her hips. “Your wish is my command.” And began to f**k her in earnest.

He still fit perfectly, as if she were made for him. Now he could believe that. He could believe that this woman with him, the woman whose scent lived in his blood was meant for him. He’d been too young and prideful before. Nathan the man knew just what it meant to have this sort of connection.

He held the words back, wanting to save them for when she might believe them. Knowing her she’d make up reasons to not believe him if he told her what he felt while buried to his balls in her body.

Instead he fell into a rhythm, ramping up the speed and force of his hips as he drew closer to climax. The sounds she made only stripped him of any real control. In her, around her, on her, he knew it was good. Knew he wanted more. His body responded to hers just like the rest of him did.

He slid a hand around the front of her body, finding her still very wet and ready. He brushed his fingertips over her clit, delighting in her gasp. The way she tightened around him brought a grunt of satisfaction. “So good. Lily, come for me again.”

She pressed back all the way, taking him in deep and tightened, coming hard and fast, bringing his climax in response as the pleasure of it all inundated him, drowned him until they both collapsed to the mattress, breathing hard.

“Is there any special story about the tattoo?” he asked as they lounged in bed. Tracing over the curls and swirls and the occasional flower, he liked the way her skin felt, liked the weight of her body next to him.

“Not really. I…knew the tattoo artist and had admired his work. I had a picture of this wrought-iron work I really liked with these curves. It stayed with me, so I took it in for him to look at. Later I added the flowers because I wanted a little bit of color.”

“Sexy. And knew in the biblical sense?”

She laughed and turned to him, presenting him with a bounty of new things to visually feast on. “I don’t know that I’d say that. Yes, I dated him a while. But we never…we didn’t have…” She laughed again. “We never f**ked. We messed around a little, and this is quite detailed and I’m sure you don’t actually care. But anyway. I knew him and admired his talent and he did a great job. No great meaning, I just thought it was pretty.”

He frowned. “I do care. I shouldn’t. Of course you had a life after we split up and all. But I guess I don’t like that another man got to be in your bed.”

One of her brows rose. “You were engaged to be married. Really, Nathan, Stephanie Prater?” She rolled her eyes and snorted. “I’ve seen her in town several times now, of course. She did stop to tell me what an awesome lay you were.”

Mortification rose. “Tate tried to warn me she was all wrong for me.”

“I suppose all that blonde hair and the br**sts blinded you to her true nature. Really, Nathan, she’s a vile, vile creature.”

He knew.

“I know. I’m sorry she said that.” He paused. “What did you say back?”

“I told her I knew because I’d been all up in it for two years before she ever came along and I hoped I’d rendered some good training for the boring lay she must have been.” Lily smiled brightly, and he laughed and laughed some more, holding her to him.

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