Night Game Page 36

“Let me help you into the car,” the driver said. “I’m Carl. Carl Raines, Mr. Parsons’s chauffeur. You remember me. My God. What happened to you?”

Flame heard his voice as if in the distance trying to soothe her. She shook her head. She couldn’t go to the hospital. There was no way she could protect herself if they took her there. She was too weak to stop the two men from putting her in the car. James Parsons slid in be side her and slammed the door closed.

Out of energy and unable to turn her head, Flame just stared at the closed door. All around her was rich leather and mahogany. She slipped farther down on the seat unable to hold herself upright. Her line of sight was below the seat. It took a moment or two before she noticed small details. Leather ties anchored to the seat. The scratches in the leather. There were three of them, one deep and two much more shallow. Her hand fell heavily to the floor between the seat and the door. Her eyes followed. There was a small distinct earring, one she was certain she’d seen before. It was a gold hoop with silver footprints on it. The same earrings Joy Chiasson wore in the picture her mother had given Flame. She’d told Flame all about giving the earrings to her daughter.

Flame managed to bring her head up, her movements slow and uncoordinated. Across the leather seat her eyes met James Parsons’s. He was smiling. She became aware of the musty scent of sex. Both James and the driver wore evening clothes, as if they were returning from a party.

She smiled back, sliding deeper into the seat. Her gaze shifted around the car, taking in the neat bar and the plasma screen. The player was tiny, a mini DVD player. Beside it was a disc much like a CD but smaller. “Thanks for helping me.” Her gaze drifted toward the front. A small red eye blinked back at her.

“James, get her something to drink.”

The order came from the driver and there was a distinct command to the voice. James reddened as he leaned forward to pour amber liquid over ice in a small Waterford tumbler. “I know what to do,” James snapped under his breath. He thrust the glass into her hand. “Drink this.”

Flame swirled the liquid over the ice. She’d bet her last dollar that the drink was doped. “I’m dripping blood all over your seat. Do you have a towel?” No matter how hard she reached for her voice, it wasn’t there. She sounded thin and reedy.

James’s smile stretched wider, but didn’t reach his eyes. His expression remained flat and cold and empty.

Flame glanced away from him to the front where the driver sat. His eyes stared back at her from the rearview mirror. Not cold. Not flat. Not even empty. There was cruelty there-worse-evil. And there was a carnal lust she’d never encountered. Not normal, not even kinky. Just raw depravity.

James leaned into her, pushing the drink toward her mouth. Still staring into her eyes, he yanked at the front of her plaid shirt, ripping it away to expose her bare br**sts.

She threw the contents of the drink in his face, followed the liquid up with a hard slam of the Waterford crystal tumbler to the side of his head. “Back off you slime bucket.” She tried the door, found it locked and slammed the tumbler against James’s head a second time when he lunged at her. “I’m not sweet little drugged Joy, am I?”

She might not be drugged and she might not be Joy, but she was definitely going to get sick again. The bones in her arm grated together, this time taking her breath away.

“What the hell!” Carl exclaimed.

Flame glanced at him and her eyes widened as she saw the GhostWalkers materializing out of the gray rain.

They stood in a line across the frontage road, semiautomatic rifles to their shoulders, muddy, wet, barely discernible in the driving rain. Behind them, a helicopter set down making it impossible to get past them. Carl slammed on the brakes instantly.

He shoved open his door. “I’ve got a woman hurt here. I’m trying to get her to the hospital.”

Gator and Kadan split off from their group, walking up from either side of the car, the rifles rock steady. “Where is she?” Gator asked.

“In the back,” the driver said. “She’s bleeding all over the place.”

“Did you call an ambulance to meet you?” Kadan asked. “Unlock the back door,” he added when Gator stepped back as if he might drive the butt of his gun through the window.

“I just picked her up. I was calling when I saw you.”

“We’ll take her from here. We’ll airlift her to the hospital.” Kadan never once lowered the barrel of his rifle.

Gator yanked open the door and stared at Flame. She was covered in blood and mud. Her shirt was torn open, her br**sts exposed. She was so pale he thought she might have already bled out. “God, baby,” he whispered.

She turned her head, the movement obviously painful. “I’m okay. You ought to see the other guy.”

“I did.” He reached in and drew her out to him, careful of her broken arm. It was only when he was settling her against him that he realized the man in the backseat was James Parsons and his face was split open above his eye. Flame still clutched the bloodied crystal tumbler in her hand. “You son of a bitch. What did you do?”

‘Nothing.” James put his hands up. “I swear. She was hysterical. Her clothes were ripped, she was bleeding. We it her in the car and were taking her to the nearest hospital. I tried to get her something to drink, but she went crazy on me.”

“The thing is, James,” Gator said, “I know where you live.” He kicked the door closed and carried Flame to the helicopter.

Kadan stayed at his back, rifle trained on the driver of the car. The other GhostWalkers were motionless until Gator was safely in the helicopter and then they folowed, one by one, rifles still trained on the black town car’s occupants.

Gator covered Flame with a blanket, his throat tight, his heart squeezed hard in his chest. “I’m really pissed at you cher. You should have stayed where I put you.”

Her hand twisted weakly in his shirt. “Whitney will come after me in the hospital, Raoul. I won’t be able to protect myself. Swear to me you won’t let him take me. Swear it.”

He looked down at her face. Her eyes were closed, her breathing shallow. Beads of sweat formed on her face under the mud. There was still strength in the hand gripping his shirt. Gator leaned close, pressed his lips against her ear. “You have my word, Flame. I swear it.”

Her fist relaxed slowly and she turned her head into his chest, giving up the fight against unconsciousness.

* * *

Flame smelled the stench of the hospital first. She could hear the murmur of the nurses talking. Someone leaned over her and adjusted the IV in her arm. Fear choked her and she tried to struggle awake. She heard groaning and again there was a soft murmur, this time a man’s voice soothing her. She wanted to open her eyes, but the command between her brain and her eyes didn’t seem to be working.

“Flame? Can you hear me, cher? They operated on your arm, set it, and are pumping you full of antibiotics. Everything looks good.” That was definitely Raoul’s drawling voice. “You’re in the recovery room.” He leaned closer. “You were never alone. We were in the operating room with you.”

“She won’t remember anything you say,” the nurse advised, “but it’s good to talk to her. It will help bring her out from under the anesthesia.”

Flame felt his hands on her and a part of her relaxed. Raoul was there with her, just as he promised. “You sure she won’t remember?” he asked.

The nurse must have shaken her head because Raoul leaned closer to her and pressed a kiss against her ear. “Can you hear me?”

Flame nodded her head.

“I think I’ve fallen in love with you.”

Flame stayed very still. She almost held her breath as his soft drawling voice went straight to her heart. It wasn’t commanding, or cajoling, it was a voice filled with fear and wonder.

“You sure she won’t remember anything I say?” Gator raised his voice again.

“They never do.”

She waited, her heart beating hard in anticipation. She felt the warmth of his breath against her ear. His lips touched her. “You scared the hell out of me, cher. If you ever do something like this again, I’m goin’ to turn you over my knee and beat your pretty little ass until you can’t sit down and you beg me for mercy.”

Laughter bubbled up out of nowhere. She was smiling as she succumbed to the drugs in her body.

The second time she woke she knew she was in a hospital room. There was that same choking fear, amounting almost to terror. She smelled Whitney, his drugs and his experiments. They were all around her. She wanted out. She needed to be out.

“Raoul?” She whispered his name. Her guardian angel. He’d slipped past her guard somehow and she’d let him in. When had she gone from thinking him her enemy to believing in him so strongly?

“It’s all right, you’re safe.” That was definitely Raoul. She tried to pry her eyes open. She frowned. Nothing made sense. She could swear the male nurse was Wyatt. She seemed to be drifting so maybe she was caught in a dream.

The nurse leaned over her talking overloud. “Did you say Wyatt? Cuz you can’t be whispering my name with my brother in the room.”

There was no doubt in her mind that the voice was Wyatt’s. She focused on him. “What are you doing dressed like a nurse?” Maybe she really was dreaming. He was in green scrubs.

He winked at her, reminding her all too much of Raoul. His dark curls fell into the middle of his forehead. “I’m undercover.”

“Well you look ridiculous.”

“I look fetchin’. I’ve got Gator all hot and bothered worrying you’re goin’ wake up and fall in love with me.”

“You look ridiculous,” she repeated.

“All my patients think I’m cute,” he argued.

Gator snickered. “You don’t have any other patients.”

Flame kept her focus on Wyatt. Nothing made any sense. “You’re giving me a headache. What exactly is your job?”

“I’m guardin’ you, babe.”

Flame turned away from him to find herself looking into Gator’s eyes. He was sitting beside her, both hands holding hers, his thumb rubbing back and forth over her skin in a long caress. His eyes were shadowed and dark. He leaned forward and brushed a kiss on the corner of her mouth.

“You scared me.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t ever do it again.” He stroked back strands of hair from her face. “I mean it, cher, never do that to me again.”

“Take me out of here, Raoul. Anywhere else. The cabin. Take me out of here.”

“Don’ be breakin’ my heart, Flame. You need more antibiotics. And they’re giving you strong painkillers. Believe me, cher, you need them. The team is here and we’re covering you. No one’s goin’ to be takin’ you away from me. Go back to sleep now.”

She tried to be reassured, but the idea of Whitney finding her was terrifying. “He’ll know I’m here. The computers…”

“Have been taken care of. Go to sleep and let me handle this. You’re a ghost, honey, just like the rest of us.”

She dreamt of the other girls. Young girls rocking back and forth in pain. Girls laughing together, stolen moments of happiness. She dreamt of a room with no windows and no comfort and being so alone. She dreamt of betrayal- and Lily.

It was dark the next time she opened her eyes. She looked around the room. A small woman with dark hair was adjusting the IV. “I don’t like the look of all the bruises, Ryland. I should be getting the blood tests back soon. She looks so worn down.”

A man moved into her view, his fingers going to the nape of the other woman’s neck. “She’ll be okay. Gator isn’t going to let anything happen to her, Lily.”

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