Never Enough Page 79

He paged through an appointment book. “I haven’t worked in Seattle for a very long time. Do you have a home studio?”

Adrian hoped he looked calm when he managed to find his words. “I do, yes. I also have access to a larger studio should we need it.”

“I’ll send my assistant out to yours in March to be sure it’s up to snuff. We’ll start work in April. I want you to get your sister on this one. You and she have a rhythm, it’s good for you to keep that when you make a leap.”

Thorne’s gaze locked onto Adrian’s. “And you will make a leap, old son. You ready for it? This stuff is going to take you to a whole new level. I gotta admit to you that I’ve not been this excited about a project for at least a few years.”

Relief warred with excitement of his own. “I’m more than ready. And Erin is in already. Working in Seattle will make it even easier for her. And for me too since my family is there.”

Reg nodded. “Good. Just so you know up front, I’m not a label lackey. I don’t play with keepers, so if the label wants that, you make them understand that’s not going to happen. I don’t want anyone in that studio who will muck up my work. You’re a big enough property that this probably won’t be an issue, but it needed to be said anyway. You have drug problems?”

Adrian snorted. “I don’t have the time for a drug problem.”

Reg stood. “Glad to hear that. I’m not a song doctor. I can’t fix your f**kups. But this is good material and you’re not a newbie so you know how to do that yourself anyway. You’re going to hit your audience with a face full of your inner life. Send me the songs as you begin to polish and I’ll send back from time to time with notes. When we get into the studio we will work as long as we have to to make the record.”

Adrian nodded. “I’m amenable to all that.”

Reg held out is hand and they shook on it.

“Don’t let this go to your head or anything,” Reg began as they walked out to where Jeremy waited with Gillian and Miles, “but I’ve wanted to work with you for years. I asked around, never heard an unkind thing.”

They paused as they entered the room and everyone’s gaze swung to the two men.

“You must be Miles.” Reg held a hand out and Miles, gobsmacked, took it and gave his arm a few pumps up and down.

“I’m a big fan of your work, sir.”

“Nice job raising a kid with some manners.” Reg looked to Adrian, who redirected his attention to Gillian.

“I can’t take credit for it. Miles’s mum did it all. Gillian Forrester, please meet Reg Thorne.”

Gillian shook his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Reg’s crusty reserve melted away when he heard Gillian’s voice and Adrian managed to stifle his laugh.

“Darlin’, whereabouts do you hail from? You’re working the Queen’s English, but that’s not your roots.”

Blushing, she managed a quirk of a smile. “Newham.”

“Ah, a London girl.”

“Born and bred. You’re not though. You’re a Geordie.”

Reg’s delighted laugh cut through any remaining tension. “I am. Six generations of us from Newcastle. What’s a fine-looking woman like you doing here in the States instead of back home?”

“Came here when I was fifteen.”

“Have you been back to visit? Do you still have people there?”

“None I’d want to spend time thinking on.” She looked to Miles and then Adrian. “Everyone I want to see lives here.”

“Ah, that’s the way of it then. My wife is Welsh and she keeps me coming back to England again and again. I should bring her with me when I’m in Seattle later next year. You’d get on with her, I think.”

“You’re a right clever man to be working with Adrian.”

Adrian stood with Miles and Jeremy as she flattered and joked with Reg. In Thorne’s company her accent had deepened and it was damned sexy. Nearly as sexy as the way she talked Adrian up with such pride.

“Aye. He’s a good one, your man. I certainly won’t be questioning his choices now that I’ve met you and the lad.”

She laughed, patting Reg’s arm. “Aren’t you the charmer.”

“The wife says so and I never argue with her because she’s always right. Though you can’t tell her I said as much. It’ll only go to her head.”

“How long have you been married?”

“We’ll all take lunch together.” Reg made this pronouncement and a young man leapt up to make it happen.

Later, as they watched Miles frolic in the pool, Adrian put an arm around her and pulled her to his side. “I think Reg has a crush on you.”

She laughed. “Our Reg loves his missus very much. He also loves your music. The two of you will work well together.”

“From your mouth to God’s ears.”

“You have these wonderful songs. He wants to work with you. You want to work with him. It’s fate that you two should come together and make something amazing.”

“Your faith in me means a lot.”

“You have great talent, Adrian. I’m not the only one who feels that way. You feel it too. Of all the things to worry about, you don’t often seem to fret about your music. And there’s a reason for that. You’re confident of your music and that’s how it should be.”

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