Never Enough Page 64

“I did. I threw him off my land and that was that. And if you recall, you showed up, took Miles and his buddies to pizza and brought him back too late to finish his homework so he had to get up early to do it. And then you leapt on me and kept me awake until nearly two. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. That part is always enjoyable. When is it you needed to know and how do you propose I should have told you? Are there rules you have? If so, perhaps you should share them with me.”

He got that look and she knew there would be bite marks and scratches when they finished with each other.

“When anyone in the media approaches you, I want to know immediately. I prefer you don’t speak with them, but if you do, I’d like a heads-up on what you said.”

“Fine. Fair enough. I told him to get his nosy arse off my porch or I’d call the police. Then I menaced him, which wasn’t effective, as he was quite big. Then I used the broom and he got moving. If I speak to them, I’ll be sure to let them know you’re a generous lover and a good father. Is that to your liking?”

“You’re bitchy today.”


“I like it.”

“Hm.” This time he got a raised brow, but the glimmer of a smile to go with it. “If there are safety concerns, I’ll move him. I’ll put a bodyguard on him or whatever it takes. Otherwise, I want him to keep having a normal life.”

“Can we talk to him about private school? You know, after this school year is over?”

“See? That wasn’t hard at all. And yes, we can. In June. And yes, you may take your son to Miami. He’s only been on an airplane once before. He’ll be thrilled.”

“Both of you. I know you heard that part. He’s my son, but you’re mine too. Anyway, it’ll be a good trip. A friend of mine has a house right on the water. A dock. A pool too. The weather should be nice. I figured we might be able to, you know, do something silly and touristy, maybe even head up to Orlando and do theme parks. And we’ll be traveling with a bodyguard, just so you know in advance.”

She was his? Oh. Well, that made her all tingly.

“English, say yes. Let me show you and Miles a great time. Let me spoil you both. Our first family trip.” He looked so sweet she couldn’t have refused, even if she’d wanted to.

“I’ll have to get someone in to deal with all the animals. A day here and there while we’re at your place is one thing. But several days with all Miles’s cats and the turtle will take coordination.”

“We can board them.”

She laughed. “Board a turtle? Between Mary, Cal, Jules and Miles’s friends we can get people over here to feed, water and give love to everyone just fine. You have no idea what it’s like to get Claypool into a cat carrier.” She shuddered. “Getting that big blob of fur to do anything but eat and sleep is hard enough. If he thinks shots or anything of the like is involved, his claws come out. Thirty pounds of fat, pissedoff cat is no fun.”

Adrian lost his annoyance and barked a laugh. “Erin thinks naming a cat after a bass player is pretty hilarious. And in case you haven’t noticed, Fat Lucy is also gigantic. Not sure about the orange one since I see him so rarely.”

“That’s Pikachu. Miles brought him home when he was still obsessed with Pokémon. He’s not fat, just crazy. He lives under the back porch and he likes it that way. Jones—that’s the Siamese—is all about stealth and he’s sleek and manly. I have to tell him this over and over so he won’t get a complex about it. He’s also Fat Lucy’s guardian. He has a crush on her.”

“Just when I think you’re one thing, you prove me wrong. I do like that whimsical streak you’ve got.” Before she could get embarrassed he continued on. “So okay, we’ll get the pet-sitting in place and you’ll come.” His smile was so pleased she couldn’t remain cross.

“I’d better. Heaven knows we don’t need that to get to the press.”

“The longer I know you, the more devious I find you. Sexy.”

“Back off there, Mister Hands. I have to finish this project. Give me half an hour and then I will be available for ravishment.”

He pouted, which only made him more handsome. “Fine, fine. I’ll get the plane reservations made.”

He pretended to work for half an hour. Put a call in to get the plane tickets taken care of. They’d arrange to pick Adrian up at the airport. Gavin, his bodyguard, would meet them in Miami.

When she turned back to him, she caught him watching. “You’re a terribly impatient man, Mister Brown.”

“When sex with you is what I’m supposed to be waiting for? Yes, yes, I am.” He stood. “I think we need to break in that hot tub.”

She blushed. “Adrian! It’s broad daylight!” But he heard the way her voice changed. Knew she was intrigued.

“You have a gazebo around it and it’s surrounded by big bushes and plants. You can’t see it from the yard unless you’re standing a foot away. Who’s going to see? Hm? If you like, we can put sheets out to protect you from view even better.”

Which is how she ended up naked in her backyard in the middle of the day when it was about forty degrees and misting.

“Come here,” he murmured, pushing her up against the side of the hot tub. He did like to hem her in, against doors and walls, the kitchen counter, a car. It didn’t matter, he liked it and heaven knew she did too.

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