Nauti Deceptions Page 37

“This is so good,” she moaned as he walked. “Oh God, Zeke, its damned wicked.”

Each step was agony, it was desire in its rawest form.

“You haven’t seen wicked yet,” he promised her as he mounted the stairs, his hands moving to her ass again, cupping the cheeks and holding her to him as he moved up the steps.

Each step raked fiery sensations across her clit and drove fragmented arcs of sensation throughout her body.

It should be illegal to give this much pleasure, she thought. There should be a law against warping a woman’s mind until nothing mattered but one man’s touch.

As he carried her, she made it a mission to ensure that he was just as crazed from her touch. Her lips moved over the side of his neck as she ignored his groan for mercy. Her teeth raked over his pulse, then her lips settled at the base of his neck, parted, and she drew a small bite of tough skin into her mouth for a sizzling little nip.

She had carried his brand more than once; now he could carry hers.

She was surprised as one hand jerked from her butt. His palm covered the back of her head and a strangled groan left his lips as he seemed to stumble against the wall.

Rogue tightened her legs around his hips and kept her lips at his neck. She licked, nipped, and suckled delicately at the masculine flesh as she heard him curse, then whisper her name as though on a prayer.

“I should spank you for what you do to me.” His voice was dark and rough as he moved into a bedroom.

“Promises, promises,” she murmured.

A second later Rogue felt her back meet the mattress, though she refused to release the hold she had on him. Her hips lifted and she ground herself against his erection. A gasp of agonized need left her throat at the pure sensual pleasure that raged from the action.

“Get this damned shirt off.” He forced her arms down as he leaned back and ripped buttons and all.

“You like tearing my clothes,” she gasped.

“I want you naked. Naked and ready for me. Besides, it’s my shirt,” he reminded her, his gaze going over her breasts as they rose and fell with each desperate breath she tried to take.

Evidently, he didn’t care if she breathed or not. His head lowered and Rogue watched, suspended, held in a vortex of pleasure as his lips descended, parted, and sucked a tight, hard nipple into the hot, damp cavern of his mouth.

Arching, she cried out at the pleasure. It whipped its way across her nerve endings, sent jagged forks of heat racing across her flesh.

Tightening her legs around his hips, she lifted closer to the erection throbbing beneath his jeans and dug her nails into his scalp as he ground against her.

There was nothing like being held against him, feeling his touch, losing herself in the pleasure. He caressed each nipple, sucked it deliciously, and reduced her to begging for his possession.

“Not yet,” he growled long moments later as he pulled her legs from around his waist.

His fingers hooked in the elastic band of her panties as he pulled back from her and stripped the fragile material from her legs before dropping it to the floor.

Anticipation and sexual awareness sizzled in the air now. Rogue felt perspiration dampening her flesh, sizzling over her skin as he straightened at the side of the bed and lowered his hands to the band of his jeans.

He disposed of his jeans quickly, efficiently, and within seconds stood before her, naked and aroused. Rogue could feel anticipation like a physical caress as he watched her, his eyes narrowed, one hand gripping the stalk of his cock as his expression tightened with hunger.

“Spread your legs for me,” he ordered, his voice rough.

Rogue spread her legs slowly, watching him as excitement flooded her body. In that moment she realized how much he meant to her, and it terrified her. She should have run from him; she should have pushed him out of her life rather than giving him the opportunity to hurt her more.

But she couldn’t run. She couldn’t say no. Because she needed him more than she had ever wanted to admit.

“Have mercy,” he growled, his gaze centered between her thighs as he moved between her legs, his broad shoulders pushing them farther apart as he stretched out below her.

“Sweet, sweet Rogue. You’ll be the death of me.”

She didn’t have time to argue the statement. Rogue’s head tilted back on a strangled cry as his lips lowered to the wet flesh between her thighs. Hot and voracious, he consumed her from the first lick. His tongue swirled around her clit, licked at the overly sensitive folds and sent her flying into a pleasure she couldn’t deny if she wanted to.

The rush of pleasure was intoxicating. Her legs fell farther apart as her fingernails dug into his scalp. The sensations were overwhelming, thundering through her veins.

Nothing mattered but holding him to her, feeling him, touching him.

“Zeke, please,” she whispered as the pleasure began to build and tighten between her thighs.

“Oh, you please me very much,” he promised before his lips pursed over her clit and gave her a sucking little kiss.

Her hips arched as excruciating pleasure tore through her from the caress.

“Easy, baby,” he crooned as he lifted his head. “Just feel good for me.”

His lips returned, another kiss, the feel of his fingers easing through her juices, moving lower, lower, then touching, caressing the entrance to her rear.

Sensation whipped through her; it drove white-hot spikes of pleasure through her clit, her womb. Heat whipped through her, bonded her to him.

His fingers were as wicked as his mouth. He drew her dampness from her pussy back to the tiny entrance of her rear. He stroked, he massaged, then one broad finger slid inside her, stretching the opening and sending flares of heat racing through her.

She wanted more. Needed more. She could feel her mind dissolving as she cried out, arched, and drove his finger deeper only to cry out in protest as he retreated.

“Turn over, Rogue.”

He didn’t give her time to turn. Before she could catch her breath he rose between her thighs, gripped her hips, and turned her to her stomach.

Rogue felt the hands at her hips pulling her to her knees.

His hand smoothed over her rear, then landed in a series of small, heated taps that had her shuddering, shaking from need as he used the fingers of his other hand to lubricate and stretch her rear.

She was panting for breath, feeling the burning stretch of his fingers, the tension in the air, the hunger that seemed to sear every inch of her flesh.

She was crying out his name, lost in sensation, lost in the pure dominance of what he was doing. The significance of the act swirled through her head. A sense of submission, of bonding wove silk-covered chains through her psyche.

When she felt the broad head of his cock against the opening she stilled, barely able to breathe now and definitely unable to protest.

“Are you mine, Rogue?” His hand smoothed over her rear before he used both hands to part the cheeks of her.

“Are you mine?” Her voice was strangled, the need to own as much of him as he owned of her tearing inside her.

“Always yours now, Rogue.” His voice was heavy as he held her still and pressed inside her. “All of me, Rogue. Take all of me.”

“Oh God, Zeke.” Her back arched as burning pleasure tore through her. Her rear parted beneath the pressure as jagged lightning-hot sensations began to race through the nerve endings there.

She thought the pleasure couldn’t become more brutal. She thought she had experienced everything she could know about the extremity of sensation.

When the broad head popped inside the tender entrance, Zeke paused. She was lost in the flames of that small penetration when she felt another one.

“Zeke!” She tried to scream his name, but the breathless sound was more of a weak plea.

She felt the vibration of the vibrator tuck against the entrance to her pussy. Felt his wrist moving against her thigh as he impaled her slowly with it.

“There, baby,” he crooned behind her as the toy slid slowly inside her, parting her, working every nerve ending with an insidious, buzzing caress.

When it was lodged fully inside her she thought she was going insane from the pleasure. The vibration of the toy inside her set mini-explosions off inside her nerve endings. Her pussy flexed around it, her rear tightened around the intrusion easing inside it. She was a singular mass of sensation and she was drowning in the pleasure-pain filling her.

“Easy,” Zeke groaned behind her.

Easy? She didn’t want easy. She wanted it all.

“Here, baby.” He grabbed her arm, eased it down until her hand was between her thighs. “Hold it inside you.”

Rogue whimpered at the demand as her fingers curled around the heavy base. He pressed her hand forward, pushing the toy fully inside her until the thick, rough extension that rose from the base began to massage her clit.

She lost her mind, her senses. Sensation tore through her as Zeke began to move behind her. His hands gripped her hips; his cock surged into her ass as he began to fuck her with long, even strokes. She was filled, stretched, burning, and aware of each and every stroke against nerve endings that were too sensitive to bear the pleasure for long.

Her pussy was filled, stretched tight with the buzzing toy. Her ass was on fire from the heavy strokes he was pounding into her now. She could feel every pulsing throb of his erection, each thick vein that ran the length of it.

Her head dug into the mattress as his hands tightened on her hips, and she felt the pleasure begin to build to critical mass inside her.

Every bone and muscle in her body began to tighten. She lost control of her senses, of her body. Fiery flames raced over her flesh and exploded in her womb as a long, agonized wail left her mouth.

Shock waves of destructive ecstasy flamed out of control and tore through her sensitive flesh as pinpoints of sensation ruptured inside her.

She screamed his name, the muscles of her rear tightened, trying to lock his erection inside her. Her pussy clenched on the vibrator, tightened. Her clit exploded in a cataclysm of sensation that raced to her pussy, her womb, and every point beyond as she heard him cry out her name.

He thrust inside her hard and deep, his hands tightened on her, the hard muscles of his thighs pressed into the backs of her legs, and within seconds she felt his release.

The feel of each shockingly heated spurt of semen inside her threw her higher, harder into the maelstrom of rapture.

She was flying through space and time, locked in a pleasure so intense she wondered if her heart could bear it.

Her back arched, her nails dug into the blankets, and finally, with one last powerful explosion inside her, she was flung into a place where only heat and pleasure resided.

Where she knew nothing, felt nothing but the sensation coursing through her.

She was left shaking, trembling in exhaustion when it was finished. She had collapsed to the bed. Zeke covered her, still buried inside her, his lips at her neck, his groans still filling her ears.

His hands still gripped her hips, his lips were pressed into her neck, his kiss as fierce as the hold he had on her.

“God, yes,” he groaned. “Ah God, Rogue.”

His voice was tormented, breathless. Behind her, his chest rose and fell harshly against her back as her flesh spasmed in pleasure around his cock and the erotic toy still pressed inside her.

At least the vibrator wasn’t buzzing any longer. At some point he must have turned it off. Damned good thing he had, because she doubted she had the mental capacity to do it.

But she had emotional capacity. Her heart, her soul, and she knew she had just given both to Zeke.


She was going to destroy him. That was the singularthought in his head as Zeke carefully covered Rogue with a blanket after she slipped into an exhausted slumber. She slept as deeply as a child, curled up in the center of the bed. Red gold lashes feathered her cheeks, her pink lips free of lipstick, her face free of makeup, she looked like some innocent little fairy come to tempt his mind to insanity.

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