Making Chase Page 51

“It never hurts to hear it again.” She tipped her head back and looked up at him.

“Thank you for coming tonight. I know you’re not thrilled about it.”

“Yes well, I’ve thought of escaping but you’ve got my routes blocked. It’s my only hope that Liv goes into labor tonight.”

He laughed. “So charming. If I didn’t know better I’d think you were avoiding my company.”

“Order your stuff, goober.” She indicated the window and he held her, one arm around her waist while he procured enough sugar, hot chocolate and food to keep the group happy.

They took the stuff back, arms full of food and passed it down the row before sitting down. Matt realized he needed to hit the men’s room and excused himself. Kyle came along.

“Don’t try and run for it, Venus,” he called out, laughing as she gave him a subtle scratch to her nose with her middle finger.

Kyle laughed all the way to the head. “Your woman fits in just fine.”

“She does and I think she’s finally seeing that too.”


Matt turned to see Ron Moore approach with a few of their other friends. He narrowed his eyes and Kyle tensed too.

“Just the man I was looking for.” Ron had the audacity to smile at him.

“Yeah? Why’s that? So you could talk shit to me instead of harassing my barely five foot tall girlfriend in a public library like a pu**y?”

“I see she ran right to you. I figured she would. Make herself look better. She’s working you, Matt. What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Whoa!” Justin Fields, another friend stepped up and put a hand on Ron’s shoulder. “Hey, what’s wrong with you? What is Matt talking about?”

“This chick is working him for cash like a two dollar wh—”

That’s all he got out of his mouth before Matt’s fist landed square in his mouth.

Kyle waited until the punch landed before stepping in and pulling Matt back. “Okay, it’s done. Let it go,” he murmured in Matt’s ear.

“Don’t you ever, ever talk about Tate like that. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You’ve been my friend since third grade and you harass a woman you haven’t bothered to get to know. Does it make you feel like a big man to terrorize women?” Matt stood over Ron as Justin helped him up.

“Tate’s good people, Ron. What are you talking about? You’re harassing her?” Justin turned to their friend.

“Melanie told me she was working you for money.”

“Melanie is a jealous, bitter, angry psycho. I live with Tate, she won’t let me pay half the mortgage. She’s never asked me for money although she’s made dinner for my entire family on dozens of occasions. She usually makes me go dutch on dates. Melanie has issues, Ron. She’s taking them out on Tate.”

“You don’t know what she gets up to, Matt.”

“Ron, you don’t know her at all. What do you think she gets up to? She owns a small house, an old car and works sixty hours a week in her own business. When does she have time to work out of town businessmen for their wallets? Why don’t you share with us just what you think Tate gets up to?”

“She’s a gold digger. She’s reeling you in for your money.”

“You’ve said that and I’ve told you she hasn’t asked for a cent in all the time we’ve been together.”

“You’re the fatted calf, which sort of makes sense since she’s a cow. Shit!”

Matt hit him again.

“You said to tell you!” Ron yelled from the ground. Justin didn’t bother trying to help him up and a crowd had gathered.

“I told you to explain your accusations, not insult my woman.”

“Holy f**k.”

“Tate! Get back here,” Shane ground out and Matt closed his eyes for a brief moment as he heard Tate approach.

“Just what the hell is going on here?” Tate demanded as she shoved her way into the group knotted around them. She looked at Matt and then Ron’s face. “Did you hit this ass**le?”

Matt couldn’t help it, he started to laugh. “Why yes I did, Venus. Twice in fact.”

She took his hand and kissed the knuckles. “He’s not worth a hurt hand.” Shaking her head she looked up at him. “What? Did you think I’d be mad because you punched him?”

Still laughing, he hugged her. “Of course not, Venus.”

“Tate,” Justin said, “I want you to know I don’t think the same way Ron does. I think you’re good people and I’ve never seen Matt so happy.”

Matt lifted his chin at his friend in thanks.

“You’ve ended a friendship by believing someone who isn’t trustworthy, Ron. If you so much as look in Tate’s direction without an apology on your lips there’s more where those two came from.”

Shane finally pushed his way through the crowd. “What’s going on here?”

People mumbled and began to wander off.

“Anyone see anything? Matt, you want to tell me why Ron is covered in dust and has a bloody nose?” Shane asked, stifling a smile.

“I think he fell,” a passerby said.

“Yeah,” someone else echoed.

“I fell.” Ron brushed himself off. “Not a problem. Don’t come crying on my shoulder, Matt.”

“I’d get a rabies shot if you’re planning to hang out with Melanie much more.” Tate turned her back on Ron and Matt kissed the top of her head.

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