Making Chase Page 40

But underneath it all, Matt wanted to make his own way. When he’d started the fire academy, Polly had known it was the right choice. Yes, he’d been at the top of his class but he’d had to work for it. And when he was out on the job, he worked, he had to focus and give it his all and that made it perfect for him.

He’d been fulfilled by his career and it made her and Edward proud to see Matt come into himself as a man through his job. But still, no challenges in his personal life.

Until Tate.

Polly watched Tate as she worked on her hair and laughed, talking about Matt. Who’d have thought it would be this girl who stole her son’s heart? Matt had squired some of the most stunning women in the area around. None of them had been right for him and Tate was beautiful in a different way but it wasn’t apparent at first glance.

“So, tell me, has Melanie been keeping up with her nasty little campaign?”

“Blunt. What if I said I didn’t want to talk about it?”

Polly thought about it for long moments. “Well, surely it’s your business and all. But you should know right up front that no one messes with me and mine. Certainly no twitterpated piece of fluff like Melanie. And make no mistake, Tate, you’re one of mine. All your brothers and sisters and their children are too. I don’t take kindly to anyone threatening Matthew’s sweetie. And I really don’t like her attitude about you and your background.” She met Tate’s eyes straight on in the mirror. “Because money doesn’t give you class or pride and your address or your parents don’t make you better than anyone else.”

“That’s not true, Polly. You and Edward made your sons better men.”

Oh. That tore at Polly because the girl meant it and that was a shot straight to her heart. Reaching up, she took Tate’s hand and squeezed it. “I do believe that’s the best compliment I’ve ever received.”

“Melanie hasn’t been back but several cancellations called up and rescheduled. Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. I don’t like that sort of play on class differences. It puts my back up. I wasn’t raised that way, my boys weren’t, it offends me. Girls like Melanie after my boy offend me. You are coming to dinner tomorrow night, right?”

“No, Mrs.…Polly, it’s family dinner at my house this week. Last week at your house was pretty disastrous, I wasn’t sure you’d want me back. I’m sorry. I didn’t get a chance to apologize for making a scene.”

Polly saw the girl go pink. “Tate, I understand there are reasons that made you react the way you did. Matt, like his brothers and his father, is a very protective man. He wanted to help you when he knew you’d been harmed. You know that I expect, as well as you know he wouldn’t ever hurt you or try to control you. We all have buttons, honey. Yours got pushed. It makes you human. Why don’t you all come to my house tomorrow? I’ll put an extra leaf in the table and we’ll eat in the formal dining room. We’ve got room for an extra dozen. Your brothers and sisters and those children are always welcome.”

Beth strolled past and waved hello. “Afternoon, Mrs. Chase. No offense or anything, but you’re going to find it a hard proposition to talk a Murphy out of a dinner where Tate cooks. It’s the highlight of the month, those Sunday dinners at her table.”

“I’d heard you were a wonderful cook, Tate. Good enough to give me a run for my money even.” She winked to let the girl know it didn’t make her angry. “Tell you what, we can cook something together. How does that sound?”

Tate was quiet for a bit as she continued to do Polly’s hair.

“Tate, honey, it’s no secret my son loves you. He wants to be with you and eventually, our families will have to merge more. Why not start now? In fact, why don’t we eat at your house this time, trade back and forth.”

“Polly, my house bursts at the seams with fourteen as it is. But we can do something out back since the weather is so nice. It’s a huge yard with lots of shade. Play equipment for the kids although Nicholas isn’t quite big enough for most of it just yet. I don’t want Liv to be outside in the heat, though, being as pregnant as she is.”

The girl was really a miracle.

“Livvy loves the heat, unlike Cassie and Maggie.” Polly chuckled. “But if we make it after seven when the sun is going down it’ll be fine. I worry that you’re taking on too much though so soon after the hospital. That’s ten extra people.”

Tate stepped back and looked at Polly’s hair, making sure it was even. She patted it and handed Polly a mirror.

“You did a great job with that, honey.” Polly spun the chair and checked out the back.

Tate wanted to offer her the chance to change it with a new look but women like Polly identified strongly with their hairdos and Tate didn’t want to upset that applecart. Polly Chase had a strong enough sense of identity that she could ask for something new if she wanted it.

Tate was scared shitless over the idea of having ten Chases at her house. Her little house. But Polly was right, Tate and Matt had gotten a lot closer since she’d returned from the hospital earlier in the week. Things between them were serious and if she meant to go on with him, they would have to bring their families together. It didn’t make sense to keep them all apart when both Matt and Tate were so close to their families.

“Well, if you’d like, you could come over early and help me cook.” Another woman in her kitchen, an alpha woman like Polly would be a challenge but Matt was worth it. Family was worth it.

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