Making Chase Page 10

“I, I’m sorry to interrupt. I was in the neighborhood and I remembered you saying you lived here.” That pretty blush crept up her neck.

“You’re welcome to visit any time. Is this a social call or…?”

Nicholas jumped out of Kyle’s arms and before either of them could move, Tate had effortlessly dropped the duffel and grabbed Nicholas and held him to her. Face close to his, she grinned and kissed his nose. “Hey you, the ground is lots harder than you think. Let me help.” She lowered him carefully but he didn’t take his eyes from her. Instead, he held his hand up and took her finger, tugging her over to his block tower and began to babble about it.

Kyle’s eyes widened as Tate sat down and began to babble back and forth with Nicholas and work on the tower.

“Not a social call, not purely,” she said over her shoulder.

Matt stood still for a long moment, looking at this woman who took joy from building a tower with his nephew. She wasn’t faking it to seem attractive to him, he’d seen that one and it burned him up every time. No, Tate Murphy genuinely liked Nicholas and was having fun with him. How cool was that?

“Can I get you something to drink? Oh and that’s Nicholas there and his daddy, my brother Kyle. Kyle and Nicholas, this is Tate.”

Kyle moved to the place where Tate sat with Nicholas and joined them. “Hi, Tate. Nice to meet you.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you. Your mother and sister-in-law Liv come into my shop a lot. Sometimes Maggie too. And you, Mister, are a very good builder. I’m very impressed. I haven’t built block towers in a few years and I’m a bit rusty, thank you for helping me.”

Matt brought her a glass of lemonade and swallowed hard. Holy shit, yep, Tate was…well, yeah. He liked her. Liked her liked her. When did that happen?

“What were you doing ‘round these parts?” Jealousy stabbed through Matt as Nicholas reached up and petted Tate’s hair. “Not that I’m complaining, it’s nice to see you.”

“I was just at the assisted living house a few blocks away. I go on the first Sunday of the month with Anne and we do the ladies’ hair. It’s hard for them to get out like they want to, so we go to them. And the last several times we had lunch together you kept telling me you needed a haircut and as I was in the area and had my stuff with me, I thought I’d make a house call.”

“You’re good with kids and the elderly too? You’re running an animal shelter at your house aren’t you?” He grinned.

“I’m horrible with animals! We didn’t have pets when I was growing up and I have to admit dogs scare me and cats don’t seem to like me. I’m also a terrible housekeeper and I’m late all the time. I have many flaws.” She laughed. “I can come by another time for the cut since you’re busy.”

“No. Please. Today is the first Sunday in over a month I’ve not been working or at someone else’s house. The wives are all out baby shopping, that’s why Kyle and Nicholas are here with me.” Did he even breathe through any of that?

“Would you do my hair, too?” Kyle asked and Matt wanted to pop him one.

She stood. “Of course. When Nicholas is ready, you let me know. I do children’s cuts too.”

“You can do it today if you like. I mean, he needs it.” Kyle picked Nicholas up.

“Oh no. There’s no way I’d cut a baby’s hair without his momma there. You’d be in big trouble with your wife, I’d wager, Kyle. But oftentimes, if it’s a first cut, kids feel better in familiar places so I’d be happy to cut his hair at your house or wherever.”

Abashed, Kyle smiled. “Yeah, you’re probably right about Maggie. She’s touchy about that sort of thing.”

Tate pushed Matt toward a kitchen chair she’d placed by his window. “That’s not touchy, silly. She’s his mom, a first haircut is a milestone, she’d want to be there. I do love his hair, though. My nieces and nephew have red hair, too.”

Matt allowed her to direct him into the chair and she put a fabric drape over him and one on the floor to catch the hair. He zoned out as she touched him.

“First thing, let me shave your neck.” Gently, the clippers trimmed and shaved his neck. Her hands were gentle as she worked and the soft scent he’d come to recognize as uniquely hers wafted through the air.

She’d nearly finished with his cut when a group of women showed up at his door.

“I’ve come to gather my men,” Maggie said, waltzing into the apartment, stopping when she caught sight of Tate. “Tate, how are you?”

His gregarious Tate suddenly got shy. “Hello, Maggie. I’m fine, just cutting Matt’s hair. I should be going though.”

She started to move away but Matt grabbed her arm. “No, not yet.”

Kyle grinned at them both. “You said you’d cut my hair too.”

Blushing, Tate cleared her throat, her eyes widening and looking to Maggie. “Well, I’m sure you’ll want to be with your family now.”

Maggie laughed. “Oh, hell no. I’ve been after him to get a trim for weeks. He goes to the barber shop and they always cut it too short and then he waits until it gets shaggy.”

Liv came into the room with Marc and seeing Tate, she smiled. “Hey Tate. You do house calls?”

“Hello, Liv. I hear congratulations are in order.” Matt noticed her shyness got even worse with Liv’s presence. He wondered if it was that they used to date or if there was another story.

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