Lost in You Page 34

Buck danced over in his adorable way, yipping, his tail wagging so hard his entire back end weaved as he moved.

She knelt, pulling a treat from her pocket. “Hello, baby.” She gave it to him, bending to kiss the top of his head.

“You’re spoiling him. Every time someone knocks on the door, he thinks it’s you. And when it isn’t, he gives me a dirty look.” Joe gave her a hand up and pulled her close.

“Thanks for getting my back, Buck.”

“You have on way too many clothes.” He said this as he moved her toward the bedroom, all while unbuttoning her shirt.

“Police tend to look unkindly at driving around town naked.”

“If I’m king, I’ll change that rule.”

He pulled the shirt off, not fast, but agonizingly slow. Kissing over the skin he revealed as he went. “I’ve missed your taste so f**king much.”

She sighed happily as his lips cruised over her shoulder, across her collarbone.

He bumped her back to the bed, pulling her jeans, underpants and socks off. “Here I am, all naked in your bed. Whatever will you do to me?” She fluttered her lashes, and he laughed as he got rid of the rest of his clothes and came to join her.

“You’re so beautiful.” He kissed her lips, down her chin and neck. To her ni**les, giving her the edge of his teeth until her breath came short.

She pushed him back. “You always go first. It’s my turn.”

He looked up at her, a smile on that mouth. She leaned down to take it, kissing him long and slow as she skimmed her hands all over his arms and chest.

“You’re a mighty big man, Joe Harris.” She scooted down his body. “So much of you to touch.” She licked over his ribs. “And lick.”

He groaned. “Take your time. Plenty of time to lick all you want, darlin’.”

She did just that. Licking down his belly, kissing up his thighs, getting him nice and worked up before she allowed herself to grab the base of his c**k and angle it to lick around the head.

“I’m greedy for you.” She kissed him, up the length of his c**k and back down. Over and over as he gripped the bedding beneath him.

“Works for me,” he managed to get out through his clenched jaw. He hissed as she sucked, hard. “Goddamn.”

She smiled, looking up his body, into his eyes as he took her in.

He let her have her way with him for some time. She drove him up slowly but surely until he barely held on with his fingernails. He hadn’t been with her, not like this, for two weeks, and he needed to be deep inside her. Needed that connection so much.

“Enough. You know what I want.”

She pulled off. “Yeah?”

“I want that sweet, hot pu**y wrapped all around my cock.”

She blushed, but that didn’t stop her from crawling to his nightstand to grab a condom and suit him up.

But that wasn’t anything compared to what it felt like as she sank down on him.

“Jesus. Beth, you’re something else, but if you move even just a little bit, this will be over before I really get started.”

She put her arms above her head, stretching like a cat. He stroked over her belly, up over her br**sts.

“Gonna be hard not to move when you do that,” she murmured as he tugged and rolled her ni**les between his fingertips.

“You seem to like challenges.”

She laughed, bending down to kiss him. He grabbed her hips and held her in place as he pressed in deep. She made a sound against his mouth, ragged, filled with desire, and he swallowed it.

He let go with one hand, moving it to her lips. She sucked his fingers inside. “Get ’em nice and wet. I’m going to use them on your clit.”

She groaned as he took his fingers back, sliding them between his body and hers, finding her clit hard and ready. He stroked across that bundle of nerves, and she sucked in a breath, her inner walls tightening around him, sending a wave of pleasure rolling through his belly.

“Mmm, you’re close.”

She nodded as she undulated, moving her hips to take him deeper, grinding herself against his fingers at the same time.

She demanded her pleasure. There was something so amazing about that. Sexy. She wasn’t ashamed of liking sex. She made it good for him, hell yes, but she expected the same. This was about the two of them finding pleasure together. It got him off, but also laid him bare before her. Left him vulnerable.

He loved to watch her as she approached orgasm. Loved the way her skin pinkened, the glossy look to her eyes, the way her lips parted as her breath came shorter. Her ni**les darkened.

She tightened around his cock, fluttering, so hot and wet. He was right there with her and when she flew apart, he came along for the ride. Letting the waves of sensation suck him under, his hand on her hip his anchor keeping him from floating away.

He stumbled into the bathroom briefly and came back, collapsing next to her. He heard the door hinge squeak as Buck pushed in.

“Hang on, I’ll shoo him out.”

She put a hand on Joe’s thigh. “Nah, he’s okay.”

Indeed, Buck had settled in his bed near the closet. Laughable since the dog normally jumped up and slept in Joe’s bed.

“Good to see you use those company manners, Buck.”

Buck barked and went back to chewing on his toy.

“Do you have to be at work in the morning?”

He drew lazy lines up and down her spine, unwilling to move more than that as they lay in his bed in a warm tangle.

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