Lost in You Page 29

She sucked in a breath, both at the feel of his mouth on her nipple and the words. He stripped her raw, bare.

She managed to grab his shirt and pull it up. Hissing at the feel of his skin against hers. Hot and taut. She’d wanted this all week. Had thought of it over and over. Just as he had, apparently.

She was wet and achy. Drowning in a need no one had ever evoked this way before.

Her nails dug into the muscle at his back, urging him forward.

Then he dropped to his knees, pressing his face into her belly as his hands skimmed up her calves and thighs until he reached her underpants, pulling them down and off as she stepped from them.

She leaned against the wall, watching down her body as he pushed her skirt up and parted her, taking a long lick, all while his gaze was locked on hers. Watching her watch him.

“I love the way you taste.”

She managed to gasp as he held her labia open with his thumbs, licking her until the only thing holding her up were his hands and the wall at her back.

She came so hard and fast it consumed her until there was nothing but the place his hands touched, nothing but where he’d kissed her thigh. He stood and picked her up like it was easy, carrying her to her bedroom.

“Now that I’ve taken the edge off I can take my time,” he murmured as he got the rest of his clothes off.

“But my edge was the one taken off.” She grinned up at him.

“You clearly underestimate how hot it is to watch you fly apart, darlin’. I’m going to f**k you now.”

He said it as he tore a condom packet open, rolling it on his c**k as he climbed to the bed.

She got to her knees, grabbing his c**k at the root. “You’re stingy with this.” Leaning close, she licked over the nipple closest to her, and he arched with a hiss.

“Am not. I’m planning on letting you have it as soon as you climb on top. I want in your pu**y right now.”

She groaned at the power of his words. “I want this in my mouth.”

He cupped her throat with his palm. So much power in that hand, he could have easily harmed her. But he didn’t. He held her there as he plundered her mouth.

He didn’t feel like this. Not while f**king—and God knew he loved sex and had had it with all sorts of women. Not with any woman. Beth Murphy got under his skin in ways he hadn’t thought possible.

“Next round. If I don’t get inside you I’m going to explode. I need those wet, hot walls all around me.”

She closed her eyes and a flush crept across her skin. He never held back with her in bed, and it thrilled him that it turned her on rather than freaked her out or scared her off.

When she opened her eyes again, they locked on his as she shoved him back to her bed and climbed on top, straddling his waist.

Her tits jiggled, ni**les hard and dark, as she lowered herself down the length of his cock, so tight he had to breathe through his nose and concentrate really hard to keep from coming right then.

Her taste was on his lips, on his tongue, tantalizing. Teasing. Seducing.

He gave in to his need to touch her. Sliding his hands up her thighs, over her belly, up her sides to those tits he loved so much. Every time he closed his eyes, it had seemed like it was Beth in his mind’s eye. But the reality of her was way better than his imagination.

Bold. Full of vitality and sensuality. Sure of herself but there was vulnerability too.

Her body around his was so damned good he never wanted to leave.

He hummed his pleasure and she smiled.

“I agree with that sentiment. This is…” She stretched, arching, taking him even deeper. “So good. I have to confess that I’ve never considered myself a size queen. Until now.”

He laughed and she writhed. Really, not that he’d say anything, but a compliment about a guy’s cock? He wasn’t going to complain at being called big.

She braced her hands on his belly and levered up and down, changing her angle as she pushed back to take him deeper.

Her eyes had gone glossy, her breath coming short. Her nails dug into his belly and he didn’t f**king care. No. It was more—he loved it. Loved pushing her to the edge of her control. Because he was right there with her.

He rolled, looming over her, getting deeper. She pulled her knees up, wrapping her calves around him above his waist.

Her fingers tangled in his hair as she held him to her.

“The noises you make, f**k, f**k, f**k.”

She made another, a strangled groan, her inner walls tightening around him.

“You’re close again. Mmm, I love how easy you come.”

“It’s all you,” she breathed out.

Her words cut off when he rolled his hips, grinding himself against her clit. Those nails of hers dug in deeper, and she bit his shoulder as she came all around him, pulling him in until there was nothing else to do but come right along with her.

She moved around in her living room in nothing more than a T-shirt and skimpy panties. Not that he was complaining. He needed to go home, and yet there he sat on her couch, watching television as his totally hot girlfriend made him tea.



She finally settled next to him, smelling warm and sexy.

“What was going on with Clancy?”

He sighed. “Nothing.”

She rolled her eyes. “It won’t kill you, you know. To share your burden a little. I know something is up.”

“I’m relaxed and sex tired. I don’t want to talk about any of that now. I should be going, actually. I’ve got to be up at six.”

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