Lost in You Page 23

She pulled off and flopped back to the mattress with a pout.

He kissed her quickly. “Don’t pout.” He returned in moments with a foil square and tore it open with his teeth. Anticipation sliced through her as she couldn’t tear her gaze from the sight of him rolling the latex over his cock, suiting up.

“On your hands and knees.” He turned her. “Facing the mirror so I can watch.”

He was totally going to kill her with the dirty stuff.

He got behind her, on his knees and watched the long line of her back. He spread her thighs and teased her with the head of his c**k until she was nearly insane and pushed back, taking the head of him inside.

He put a staying, slowing hand on her hip. “Shhh. It’s coming.” She was so tight he needed to go slow. He didn’t want to hurt her, and he was already so close to coming that if she took him any quicker it would be over before it really got started.

She hummed, a sort of moan, as her fingers tangled in the comforter. Her eyes were closed, so it left him free to look at other parts of her. The ones he saw reflected in the mirror—the sway of those tits as he pressed in deeper and then deeper, the way her lips parted on a sigh when he reached around and gave her clit a feather-light touch. And the ones laid out before him like a buffet. The silky-smooth skin of her back. The curve of her ass. The definition of her biceps as she moved. The sable-dark hair as it slid over her shoulders.

She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever had in his bed, definitely the most beautiful woman he’d ever been inside of.

“More,” she gasped. “Please.”

She swiveled her hips a bit, making him see spots as he locked his jaw and concentrated. He pulled her hips back as he pressed in, just a little. And then a little more.

She was inferno hot. Hot enough to scald him even through the condom. So tight, sweat beaded on his forehead as he struggled to keep control.

“You feel so good,” she whispered and it tore at his heart. At the walls he built around himself. This woman was so honest, so raw. It made the sex a million times better, but also left him stripped down.

That she seemed to enjoy f**king as much as he did was a good thing. He needed to stop tripping on the other stuff that didn’t matter. He shook his head, sliding in that last bit. This was hot. She was hot. There was no reason not to enjoy every last moment of it.

He began to stroke, f**king her slow and deep. She kept his pace, pressing back with that swivel of hers. Over and over until he wasn’t sure where he ended and she began. Until he found that place of no return.

He reached around again, finding her slick, her clit swollen to his touch. He slid a fingertip over it and around it. In time with his strokes until her inner walls fluttered, tightened around him, sucking a gasp from his lips as she came. Dragging him right along with her as orgasm hit him so hard his skin tingled as he groaned long and low. It went on and on until he collapsed beside her, finding his muscle control enough to get up to rid himself of the condom and return to her again.

She smiled at him, leaning to kiss his elbow as it was right next to her face. “Wow. If you can fix a car half as well as you can sex a girl up, you’re going to make a million dollars.”

He laughed, pulling her closer. “I’ll take that compliment quite gracefully. Though admittedly you certainly made it all worthwhile.”

Buck bumped the door Joe had closed on the way in earlier.

“My dog has a crush on you.”

She snorted. “He’s awfully cute. Like his human.”

He sat. “I’m hungry again.”

“I may need those promised Epsom salts first.”

He laughed harder. “I meant for actual food. Meet me in the kitchen and I’ll make it worth your while.”

Chapter Eight

Joe stepped in between his father and their neighbor, ending the yelling. “Mr. Pierson, I surely do apologize. I’ll get this handled today.” He steered his father away, though his father resisted.

“Get your hands off me, boy!”

“Do you want to go to jail?” Joe was a man in the prime of his life while his father had been battling injuries and illness for the last three decades. It wasn’t hard to get him to go where Joe wanted.

But his father was on a tear. Angry words fell from his mouth like rain. “You think you can be gone for ten years and just come back and everything is all right? I can take care of my own business.”

Joe gently, but firmly pushed his father inside, closing and locking the door, standing between his father and any escape.

“You don’t have anything handled.”

His mother sighed, wringing her hands. “Carl, be easy now. Joe’s just trying to help.”

“He’s useless. It’s a wonder he’s here and not in prison.”

Joe took a deep breath. “The Joe who left here ten years ago could have easily ended up in prison. But I’m not that dumb kid anymore. I’ve changed. I’m hoping you’ll let me show you that. But in the meantime, you can’t start fights with the neighbors. You’re going to get the cops called and then what?”

“I can store my trash any damned way I see fit!”

“No, you can’t. You’re in the city limits and there are laws about how you deal with your trash. You know that. Pierson knows that. I’ll get the trash dealt with in a few minutes. I’ve got the truck, I’ll take it to the dump.”

“I don’t need you to take my trash out!”

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