Lost in You Page 16

He laughed and she moved in for another kiss. Good God he tasted good. She squeezed her thighs to hold him in place, and he groaned, his hands sliding down to rest on her ass.

She moved hers to slide inside the hem of his T-shirt, his bare skin taut and hot, and man oh man she wanted him naked and in her bed. She’d have to keep him there for at least a day or two.

He hissed when she dragged her nails up his sides. “Slow down.”


He laughed. “You look like my nephew when his mom tells him he can only have one cookie.”

“I want all your cookies, Joe Harris. I want to eat them all up.”

His pupils seemed to nearly swallow the color of his eyes. “You’re playing with fire.”

“Thank God! I’ve been trying to get you alight for the last month. Have I not been totally blatant? Have sex with me!”

He laughed, and she found herself on her back on her couch, Joe looming over her. She wrapped her thighs around him just in case he wanted to do something stupid like escape.

“This is a dangerous road.”

“That’s why it feels so good.”

He leaned down and kissed her again. Kissed her and kissed her more. Kissed her until she was slow, drunk on his lips and the feel of his weight pressing her into the cushions.

He was so intense. She’d never, ever in her whole life felt this on fire. On the verge of something she couldn’t define. He was big and bad and totally masculine. It was the hottest thing ever. She burned for him.

He tore his mouth away from hers, chest heaving as he caught his breath. “I haven’t even taken you on a date.”

She grinned. “Did this just occur to you? Shouldn’t you be thinking about, you know, other, better stuff?”

“We’re moving too fast.”

She heaved a sigh. Annoyed, she reached down between their bodies, grasping his c**k through his jeans. He pressed into her hand and she squeezed enough to get his attention. “This doesn’t think so.”

“That is not the smartest part of me.”

Beth couldn’t help it. She started laughing. “Why are you so miserable? Jeez. Am I hideous? Does my breath taste like cilantro?”

Buck showed up, putting his face on the couch next to her face. “See, even your dog thinks I’m awesome.”

“You are awesome. You’re beautiful and you feel really, really good. And I’m an old guy with a bunch of jagged bullshit in my head, grease under my nails that I’ll never get rid of and a bad reputation. And I want to f**k you so hard you have trouble sitting down for the following day.”

A flush went through her at the rawness of his words. “Wow. My hand is on your cock. I am not pure and virginal. I am just fine with you f**king me so hard I need Epsom salts.”

He sat up with a groan, and she couldn’t take her gaze from his crotch for long moments. She wanted some of that.

“You deserve someone better. Someone who is gentle. Who doesn’t look at you and want to rut.”

“Oh for f**k’s sake. Save me the bullshit.”

His eyes widened.

“I’m not an idiot. I’m not innocent. I know what I want. I’m a grown-up. I want you. My God, I’ve been chasing you all over town for the last month. You can’t lead me on like a…a clit tease! That’s what you are. I demand you satisfy me sexually.”

He groaned and then burst out laughing. “I am in such trouble.”

“Not really. I mean, unless you have a punishment thing. I could probably work with that.”

He blushed. “No! Not like that. You’re really perverted. It’s a good trait.”

“So can we stop talking and get back to what we were doing?”

He pushed up from the couch and began to pace. She frowned at the sight. “I have a lot going on right now.”

“Not as much as you could.” She scratched Buck’s ear.

“You’re not helping.”

“Should I be? Just say it. Are you with someone? Married? Engaged?”

“And if I was?”

“Then we’d have to be just friends. I don’t f**k around with other people’s men.”

He paused and she felt sick. First that he was taken and she wanted him so bad. Then that he’d done all that with her and he had someone else.

“I’m not. Married or engaged, I mean.”

She got up and stalked to him, poking his chest. “You’re an ass**le. You scared me. What is your deal? You want me. I know you do.” She grabbed his c**k again. “This stuff about me being too good and your friend’s little sister is just dumb. You’re a big boy.” She paused, smiling even though she was annoyed. “A really big boy. And I’m an adult. You’re not a virgin and neither am I.”

“I’m sorry.” He turned to her, pulling her closer. “My father…he’s not well. I’m trying my best but I’m not…I don’t have the time for anything deep. You’re not a f**k ’em and walk away type of woman. And not because you’re William’s sister. I like you. But I can’t give you anything. Not right now. I’m drowning in all the things I’m responsible for as it is.”

He had to go and be vulnerable.

“Okay, how about this.” She led him back to the couch and sat with him. She handed him his beer. “I don’t want anything from you but what you want to give. Take from me what I’m offering. First that’s friendship. You can talk to me if you like. Second, that’s some action in a naked, sweaty type way. I don’t need to be taken care of. I don’t think you’re a cad but if you’re with me, you’re not in anyone else’s bed. I don’t need you to sing me to sleep every night. I don’t need a ring. I pay my own bills. I own a business and have a life. Being with me doesn’t have to mean anything more than enjoying our time together.”

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