Lost in You Page 13

Beth loved that story. Nathan, for all his jokes and that gorgeous face, was a person who wanted to give back. It pleased her to no end that he was such a great role model and such a repudiation of the people who had given them life and abused and neglected them.

“All you Murphys have done well for yourselves. It’s nice to come back home and see your friends living good lives.”

“Tate wouldn’t have allowed anything else.” Their older sister was far more a mother to them than a sister. She’d taken the brunt of the abuse, had skipped a lot of school to clean houses and pick up side work to keep them fed. She made sure they all went to school, wouldn’t have tolerated anything else. They had a strong family and Tate was at the heart.

“For a gal so tiny, she’s pretty ferocious.” Joe grinned.

“She totally is. And now that she’s got babies? Even scarier. It’s sort of awesome how people scurry out of her way when she’s on a tear.” Beth smiled, full of love at the thought of her sister. “I forgot to ask you the other day. How’s your sister?”

“She’s good. Lives in Maine with her husband and kids. He’s an engineer. She works part time now that the kids are in school.”

They chatted a while until Lily came in with Chris.

Beth had eaten her fill and stood to hug her friend. “I’m off. Take my chair. Hey, Chris.”

Chris blushed bright red and waved.

“Let me walk you home and I’ll come right back.” Nathan stood.

“I’m perfectly capable of walking five blocks to my apartment. It’s light outside. Also, it’s Petal.” Beth pushed him back into his chair.

Joe stood. “I’ll give you a ride. I need to get home anyway. Buck gets lonely.”

Nathan gave her a look and she rolled her eyes. A ride home from Joe was way better than hanging out with Nathan. She’d gotten her time in with her brother and that was great. But her plan was getting Joe alone as much as she could. She hoped Nathan read in her features that if he messed this up she’d draw on his face with a permanent marker when he was sleeping.

Lily smiled all serene-like, reaching out to pat Nathan’s hand. “I’m so glad you’re still here, I’m starved.”

Beth shot her a grateful look. “Appreciate the lift. At least I won’t melt now.” She bent to kiss Nathan’s cheek. “Thanks for dinner.”

“You coming to Tate’s tomorrow?”

“As if I’d miss dinner at Tate’s?” Her sister had a weekly dinner for their ever-growing family. All the Murphy siblings were there without fail, and quite often at least several of the Chases were there too. The yard was big, kids ran all over the place. A good time was had by all.

“Love you.”

She grinned. “Love you too, goofus. See you three tomorrow night.” She turned to Joe, who led the way out, his hand on the small of her back.

His truck was at the curb. “I was hoping for the bike.”

“You like motorcycles?”

“I’ve never ridden on one.”

He looked shocked. “Get out of town.”

“I’m serious.”

He opened her door, and she hopped up into the cab, waiting for him to come around the other side.

“Riding on a motorcycle is one of life’s greatest pleasures, Beth.”

“I’m on Maple. Just go up here and hang that first left.” He followed her directions. “Then to 4th, go right and right again on Maple. So you should take me then.”

“Huh?” He’d imagined taking her a few dozen different ways over the last few weeks. And then he realized she meant the motorcycle. “Oh for a ride?”


She smiled, and it made him all sweaty, both the good and bad kind. She was the wiliest female he’d ever met. And she was beautiful. And she had the most awesome boobs he’d beheld in several years.

“I’m the blue townhouse. The driveway on the right is mine.”

He pulled up and turned the engine off, and she reached for the door handle.

“Don’t you think about touching that door.” He got out and moved around to her side to open the door for her. She hopped down.

“Look at you with your manners and everything. I should let you know, however, that I totally have opening doors down. It’s a skill I’ve had mastered for many years now.” She fluttered her lashes.

He snorted. “Look here, we may come from the crappy side of town, but I know how to open a lady’s door. And I’m going to walk you inside too.”

They walked to her front door and she unlocked it. He went in first and turned to leave, but she closed the door, backing against it.

She smiled that smile of hers, the one that made him sweaty.

“How about you and me make a deal?”

“I know I’m going to be sorry for asking, but I can’t help myself. What deal would that be?”

“I was going to invite you to share a beer or two with me. But Buck is at home all alone so we can’t have that. So. Why don’t you run home, grab Buck and come back over? Then you can enjoy a beer and Buck won’t be lonely. Really, Joe, it’s the neighborly thing to do. Otherwise you’d be rude. That would suck.”

He couldn’t help it, he laughed, he was so charmed. Damn it.

But. She was a temptation. A big one. He shouldn’t have volunteered to drive her home in the first place, and yet, he’d jumped at the chance when he got it.

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