Laid Bare Page 38

She obeyed quickly and he groaned—hell, she groaned too. Her ni**les throbbed in time with her pulse as the beads on the chain running between her br**sts swayed merrily.

“Oh honey, how does it feel?” He grunted, f**king into her body furiously.

“Hot. Hard. So good. The weights are like tiny tugs on my ni**les. Oh god,” she wailed softly. It felt so good it nearly hurt. The wet slide of his c**k deep into her over and over was an intimate lick of flesh against latex, and she knew she’d need to talk to him about testing. She needed to feel his cock, naked inside her.

She moaned and he swallowed it with his kiss.

In the mirror on the far wall she watched the muscles of his ass flex and hollow as he pushed his c**k deep, watched her eyes, the eyes of a woman f**ked to near mindlessness.

Her nails dug into his shoulders and he groaned.

“Wet your fingers and play with your ni**les. You can take the weights off if you need to.”

No need to tell her twice. In two movements the chain slid loose; the small sound of it hitting the ground was followed by his moan as she wetted her fingers in her mouth and began to tug on her ni**les as he f**ked her.

“Damn that’s so good. So pretty. Hot. God you’re so f**king hot.”

Pinned to the wall like a butterfly, she received his c**k over and over, loving the way he burrowed into her flesh and came out. Inside her, a fire grew. She was sated enough from his mouth on her just moments before that she was happy to feel his c**k slide deep.

But he managed to find her clit with one long finger, stretched around them both, just a light touch, but it was enough as she ground down, her ni**les pinched between her fingers, her breath short, desperate now to take her pleasure. His c**k seemed to swell inside her until she came and then, within the maelstrom of her climax, she heard and then felt him follow.

Slowly, he lowered her to the ground and kissed her before pulling out and straightening her skirt back down her thighs.

“Be right back,” he murmured.

By the time she’d readied herself he had returned to kiss her and walk back out to the kitchen, bold as you please, where Ben waited, a smirk on his face and a hard-on so big she worried for him.


“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you this at ease and happy,” Adrian said as he sipped his cup of coffee.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve felt it.” She shrugged. “I am happy and at ease. Things are good.”

“I want to talk to him.”

She looked at her brother, all broody and handsome. For someone with so much privilege and luxury, he wore it well. He appreciated what he had and hadn’t forgotten where he came from. After Adele died, he’d come back to Seattle with her, set up a house and a studio. He’d never made her feel guilty for leaving the band.

In a lovely bit of karmic justice, he’d remained a star, had become even bigger without the rest of them.

“Why?” She shot a look at the two girls who’d been edging closer. This was her place, a haven for Adrian and their friends. No little groupie girls would change that. They tried to ignore her. She touched Adrian’s hand to shush him and then moved to the girls.

“You two have a problem?”

They blinked up at her, but she narrowed her eyes. They shoved their hands in their pockets. “We just wanted his autograph,” one of them said sullenly.

“He’s having a cup of coffee. Leave him alone. If you’re at a show, that’s when he’s working. Show some manners, girls.”

Muttering, they shuffled out and her regulars chuckled.

“My valiant protector,” Adrian said with a wink. “Back to the subject, I have his number. I’m not asking your permission or anything. I just thought I’d let you know I was going to get in touch.”

She frowned. “All right. But don’t be a dick.”

“He’s the dick, Erin. He broke your damned heart ten years ago and I don’t like that.” He held a hand up to stop her from speaking. “I know and I agree, he’s making up for that now. He seems a stand-up guy and all. But Brody and I are your family and we deserve to know what his intentions are.”

She snorted, moving to pour a cup of coffee for a regular who’d just walked in. It was sweet, this protective thing her brothers did. Todd could handle himself, she knew that much.

“Fine. Just be nice or I’ll let the girls get at you.” She winked and he laughed, pushing the hair from his face.

“That’s low. By the way, Jeremy called me this morning. Studio loves the new material. They want me to tour. This will be the first big one without you up there with me.”

She took a deep breath. Inside her the craving to be on stage warred with the fear, the fear of the public eye and the horrors that came with it.

“Would you consider doing a few shows? We’d open and close at the Gorge. Hometown crowd. And then Madison Square Garden. That’s just three shows.”

She wiped the counter down just to have something to do with her hands. “How long do I have to answer?”

“First show would be next May. They’d obviously want to pimp it if I told them. But we don’t have to tell them. You could just show up. Whatever. I’m not asking to boost ticket sales.”

“I’d never think that. I need some time. I’ll let you know by August. Is that okay?”

He took her hands, grinning. “That would be awesome. Thank you.”

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