Hunted Page 9

It wasn’t long before even her human ears could pick up the noise of the approaching vehicle, but now that they were inside, no one seemed overly concerned. Raphael had abandoned her in favor of joining Lucas near the fireplace, where they were pouring drinks from a carafe of something that looked and smelled like whiskey.

She used the time to take a good look around the fucking homestead. Obviously Raphael had been having a little fun at her expense, because the interior of the house was completely at odds with its outward appearance. It was on the small side, you couldn’t hide that, but what there was had been put to good use. The living room was spacious, probably close to half of the total footage, and beautifully decorated. The furniture—a big leather sofa and two matching chairs placed around a rustic coffee table with a natural rock base—was clearly intended to be used, and the fireplace had a gorgeous stone hearth. What looked like typical family pictures hung on one wall, and many of the knickknacks looked personal. This was different from what she’d typically encountered in her experience with vampires, most of whom tended to avoid personal mementos. It wasn’t that they wanted to forget, it was just that it was difficult to maintain the bits and pieces of a life when it lasted hundreds of years. It didn’t surprise her that it would be Lucas who went against the trend. He seemed to relish the role of rebel.

“Cyn!” Cyn turned as Kathryn made her way across the hardwood floor, boot heels tapping sharply. “I had to deal with a last minute phone call from the office. I’d hoped to manage a few days off the grid, but it’s not to be.”

“I understand,” Cyn assured her. “This is a really nice place.”

“It doesn’t look like much from the outside, though, does it?” Kathryn said, laughing. “The first time Lucas brought me here, all I could think of was whether or not it had indoor plumbing.”

“I know, right?” Cyn agreed. “That’s what I said to Raphael, too.”

“You want a drink? I’ve got food for you and me. They’d starve us if we didn’t take care of it ourselves.”

“I forget about food sometimes myself. I’d say it’s good for my figure, except I make up for it on the days when I do eat,” Cyn commented, following her to the small kitchen, which clearly doubled as a wet bar. “You have vodka?”

“We have everything.”

Cyn glanced over to the big couch where Raphael and Lucas were already deep in conversation. She could see the faint swirl of red in the amber depths of the drinks they were sipping, and knew they’d added blood. She felt the sharp bite of jealousy. Raphael wasn’t supposed to drink anyone’s blood, but hers.


“What?” Cyn asked, turning to look at Kathryn. “Oh. Yes, thanks.”

Kathryn handed over her drink and stepped in close. “We need to talk,” she said almost too softly for Cyn to hear.

Cyn glanced up and held her gaze for a moment, then cut a significant glance at the two vampire lords. Later she mouthed silently, and Kathryn nodded her agreement.

Just then, a heavy car door punched the air out front, and she heard deep voices. Juro moved, positioning himself between the door and Raphael, while Jared took a step closer. Raphael didn’t seem to notice. He remained seated while Lucas stood to greet his new guest.

Following Juro’s cue, Cyn set her drink down and unsnapped the safety strap securing her Glock in place. Kathryn caught the movement, and her eyes widened, her gaze swinging immediately to Lucas who was walking over to open the door.

“I’m going with you,” she snapped, striding over to stand with her lover. Lucas only smiled and brushed the back of his hand down her cheek.

“There’s no cause for alarm, Katie mine. Aden is a friend.”

Cyn caught Juro’s eye, then moved several feet to the right, giving herself a better angle on the door and taking all the friendlies out of her line of fire. Even Jared.

Lucas saw what she was doing and snorted a quick laugh. He shook his head and took a step forward, stopping right in front of Juro who was blocking the door. “Honestly, big guy. You know I would never endanger Raphael.”

Juro stared him down for a long heartbeat, then nodded once and stepped away.

Cyn expected some smartass remark from Lucas, but apparently he’d been sincere in his assurances to Juro, so he only nodded his thanks. He opened the front door and walked outside, and the smell of dust and exhaust fumes wafted in. A moment later and Lucas was back, and he wasn’t alone. The newcomer, presumably Aden, was nearly as tall as Raphael, but bulkier, with thickly padded shoulders and arms beneath a leather coat. His black hair and olive complexion made her think his origins were probably Mediterranean. He stepped into the room behind Lucas and paused, his hooded gaze taking in the room and everyone in it before zeroing in on Raphael. Cyn tensed when Raphael stood to meet him, but Raphael continued to look perfectly at ease, and she reminded herself that he was more than capable of defending himself—and everyone else, if it came down to it.

“My lord Raphael,” Lucas said formally, “This is Aden.”

Aden surprised Cyn by giving Raphael a slow, respectful bow from the waist. He straightened, then waited a beat, his eyes carefully assessing, before he crossed the room and stretched out his hand in greeting.

Raphael’s impassive expression didn’t change, but he shook Aden’s hand, and Cyn was struck by the unusual tableau. Two big, beautiful males, almost visibly radiating power, sizing each other up, but with no overtly hostile intent. For now. Raphael gestured, inviting Aden to sit, and he did so, taking one of the chairs. Lucas and Raphael took opposite ends of the sofa facing Aden, and, as if that was the signal everyone had been waiting for, the tension level in the house plummeted. Even Juro relaxed somewhat, resuming his former sentry position against the wall.

Waiting for her heartbeat to return to normal, Cyn went back over to the small kitchen and drank a healthy slug of her vodka, feeling it burn all the way down. Kathryn joined her a moment later and pulled a beer out of the fridge.

“Guess I don’t need to worry about playing hostess, huh? No hors d’oeuvres for these guys,” she murmured to Cyn as she twisted off the cap and took a drink.

Cyn laughed. “They heard that, you know,” she said, not even trying to speak softly. She’d learned long ago that it was nearly impossible to foil vampire hearing. “Why don’t you and I go outside? If it’s too cold, we’ll climb into one of the trucks and turn the heater on. And I’ll tell you all the secrets of vampireland.”

“Vampireland,” Kathryn repeated. “I like that. Let’s go.”

“Cyn,” Raphael called before they’d gotten halfway to the door.

“We’ll be right outside,” she called sweetly.

He gave her stern look, then ruined it by giving in to the smile playing around his lips. Cyn couldn’t help herself, she smiled back. He was such a beautiful male, and he was all hers.

“We’ll be careful,” she promised.

“You have your gun, acushla?” Lucas called cheerfully.

Kathryn rolled her eyes and said, “You know I do, sweet thing.”

He laughed. “Don’t stay too long.”

“We’ll be fine,” Cyn assured them. “Besides, we’re in the middle of nowhere. Anyone tries to hit this place, we’ll see him coming a mile away.”

* * * *

Raphael waited until the door had closed behind the two women, before returning his attention to the night’s business, which was Aden.

“I don’t mean to interfere, my lords,” Aden said, leaning forward urgently. “But additional caution is warranted. There are vampires out there who are plotting to do more than simply install a new Lord of the Midwest.”

Raphael eyed Aden for a long moment before answering. “What do you know of it?”

Aden glanced across at Lucas and said a single name. “Magda.”

Lucas shot him a look of disbelief. “Are you kidding me?”

“Lucas, you know me. I don’t kid about such things.”

“Fuck me. What’s that bitch up to?”

“Magda blames Kathryn for her disgrace,” Lucas’s lieutenant, Nicholas, interjected urgently as he circled the couch and took the other chair. “Maybe Cyn’s right about Kathryn being the target this afternoon.”

“I thought you and Magda were close,” Raphael commented.

“We were,” Lucas agreed. “Unfortunately, during the conflict with Klemens, she put her ego ahead of the safety of this household, and I reassigned her.”

“When I spoke with her very recently,” Aden said, “she had a real hard-on for you, Lucas. A woman scorned, unless I miss my mark.”

Lucas rolled his eyes. “She was jealous of Kathryn.”

“Well, she’s got it in her head that she can replace you as Lord of the Plains.”

Raphael grunted softly in disagreement. “I’ve met Magda. She wouldn’t make it a day without challenge, and she wouldn’t survive that.”

“No, she doesn’t have the juice,” Lucas agreed thoughtfully. “Doesn’t mean she’ll admit it, or that she won’t give it a try. Magda’s always had an inflated sense of self-worth. Is she acting alone?” he asked Aden.

“There were others with her, though none with real power. I wouldn’t hesitate to meet any of them in challenge, singly or, for that matter, altogether. And that includes Magda. You could leave this to me, my lords. I could eliminate all of them easily and count it as part of the competition.”

Raphael shook his head. “Kathryn may have been the target, but my Cyn could have been killed. Whether they intended to or not, they’ve challenged me, and I will not let it stand. In any event, I doubt they’ll wait until Chicago. They seem determined to eliminate one or both of us before then.”

“But why?” Lucas asked. “Me, okay, I get it. Magda’s pissed and not thinking straight. She thinks if I’m dead, she’ll be able to hold my territory. But why would she risk challenging Raphael?”

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