Hot Blooded Page 39

Jess, it’s too dangerous, he pleaded. There has to be another way in.

I don’t have time to find another entrance. When I throw my power into this goat, energy will ignite. You and Danny have to get off this ledge right now. After I’m in, find a way in.

Jess, he said, it’s too risky. We can climb to the top and see if there’s another entrance. She has to have more than one entry point.

I refuse to waste any more time, I replied. I need to find Rourke and this is it. Do you understand me? This is my last chance. I can feel it. He needs me and nothing is going to turn me back now. I want you to get off this ledge. Tyler struggled against me, but I was issuing a command and our blood connection rang with it. Tyler, go now. I’ll give you thirty seconds. After that, Selene’s power will find a way into my body. I’m running out of time.

Tyler pushed Danny to the edge. Danny understood what was happening and gave me a salute with his good arm. “Godspeed, Jessica.”

Tyler glanced over his shoulder at me and moved his lips one last time. “See you on the inside.”

I’ll see you there. I knew Tyler would find a way in. Or he’d die trying.

Then they were gone.

Okay, this is it, I told my wolf. We throw our power out. If we break this ward, we’re in. She gnashed her teeth, her eyes sparking violet, which mirrored my own. She was ready.

One, two… three… Power ejected out of me in a sudden rush, staggering me to the side. My hands shot out to brace myself, but there was nothing to hold on to. Gold strands leapt out of me on all sides, and as they collided with the fog of power. They sizzled and sparked, hitting Selene’s magic with claustrophobic intensity. The pressure rose inside whatever was covering me, accumulating quickly, pressing down on me like an anvil trying to crush the life out of me.

It was hard to breathe. I gaped like a fish, trying to draw in air. At the same time I continued to push energy out of me in concentrated waves. This goat was going to blow sky-high. A fraction of a second later there was a loud sizzle in the air, and the last of my accumulated energy shot out of me like a hydrant.

It hit the walls of the ward, shattering them in an ear-piercing explosion.

I fell through the air, the ward and the ledge gone, my arms lashing out instinctively as my sharp claws dug into the side of the mountain as I dropped. I managed to stop myself, my foot catching a small rocky outcropping. My ears rang with the residual effects of the sonic boom, healing quickly. After the ward had shattered, my power, the millions of gold threads had snapped back into my body all at once, shaking me to the core. I glanced down and saw the drop below me, my fingers bloodied as they anchored us in place. “Holy shit,” I hissed as the power surged through me for a few more seconds before it finally calmed, my wolf howling along in distress.

I panted for a minute and shook my head, trying to clear the last of the impact.

Then I angled my neck upward and then back down. I dangled off the edge of the mountain. Everything that had just been there was gone.


I could see nothing but a rock slide of fresh rubble in the valley beneath me. I tried to spot Tyler and Danny, but I couldn’t see them. Tyler? I called.

Here, he answered, sounding tired and out of breath. We’re down and to the left of you. I can see your legs, but I don’t think you can see us. That was a hell of a charge. The entire mountain quivered. Did you take care of the ward? Can you get in?

Yes. I think so.

Danny is trying to fight the spell and he needs to change. We found a space big enough. We’ll follow you up as soon as we can.

You’re right. She wouldn’t leave herself only one escape. The mountain is sheared off here. Find another way in. There has to be one on top.

We’ll be right behind you. Just be careful, Jess.

I will.

I looked skyward. Twenty feet above me was a small opening, dark like an entrance to a deep cave. She knows we’re alive, I told my wolf. She snapped her muzzle in agreement, urging me up the rock face. My Lycan form was strong and now that the power had settled fully back into my body I could focus again.

I dug my claws into a handhold and pulled.

Here we go.


I paused at the mouth of the opening. It resembled a regular tunnel, nothing but a long rocky hallway set in the mountainside, but the darkness felt icy and dangerous on my skin. A second later the smell of blood hit me.

Lots and lots of blood.

The fur covering my arms jumped to attention and anxiety crawled across my neck and shoulders like an army of ants hell-bent on destruction. My hackles rose even higher. I was tall for a woman to begin with, but in this form I was well over six feet. It made me feel like a monster, but being imposing worked in my favor. I ducked carefully into the opening. Once inside, the tunnel enlarged after a few steps. Magic swirled around me, sharp and pungent, testing my skin but not threatening me directly. She wants us, I said to my wolf.

I picked up the pace and trotted down the short tunnel.

The walls on both sides narrowed as I ran and the cave made an abrupt ninety-degree turn to the left. Once I made the turn, the darkness became absolute. I used my hands to guide me, as well as my eyes. I could see in the dark, but when it was this dark, only hazy, grainy outlines shown through. Once we get there, it isn’t going to be pleasant, I said. We have to be on high alert or we die. My wolf snarled. She was already at attention.

I just had to make sure I was too.

I gathered more power to me before I turned the corner, pulling hard on my inner resources. I’d used a lot of energy on the goat, but it was replenishing quickly. I made one more turn and candlelight flickered onto the cave wall, coming from what must be a bigger cavern.

I slid along the edge of the cave, stopping short of entering the cavern beyond. I inhaled. Rourke. The scent of my mate hit me. My hands shot to fist and a tornado of emotion washed over me. I can smell his blood everywhere. There’s too much of it. My wolf gnashed her teeth, pushing me forward. Get ready.

I listened for a second and then poked my head around the corner. Nothing jumped out at me, which was both a relief and a disappointment at the same time. The first thing that caught my eye were the thousands of candles lining the walls of what was indeed a huge dome-shaped cavern, easily a hundred feet across. The candles hung in metal hangers secured somehow into the rock, as well as perched on various outcroppings and ledges.

I scanned the rest of the room quickly.

There was a short natural rock wall cutting off my full view, but from what I could see, there was a raised dais in the middle of the room.

Of course there was a fucking dais.

The Vamp Queen had a throne on hers, but it seemed Selene, the Lunar Goddess, had a bed. A huge, ornate mahogany bed, which appeared to be covered with hand-carved celestial beings—small, chubby cherubs with feathery wings and cruel expressions. The scarlet-red covers were mussed and appeared to be very well slept in. My ire spiked, right as my wolf let out a terrifying snarl. I hadn’t realized the snarl came out of my mouth until I heard a tinkle of laugher.

“What’s the matter, darling?” Selene’s voice echoed around the cave, impossible for me to pinpoint directly, which I’m certain was her intent. “I can’t help it if your mate loves to bed me. It’s hard to keep up with his stamina, you know. He requires sex so often and is so lusty, it’s a full-time job. But I do try my very best.”

I ignored her, which was a feat, and scanned the room, trying to locate where her voice was coming from, but I couldn’t, which maddened me. Continuing to stay quiet, I ducked a little farther into the room, sticking to the wall, my eyes tracing their way back to the dais and raised bed against my will. It’s going to be a great joy to tear her to pieces. My wolf snarled in agreement. The silky sheets were illuminated by a huge chandelier glowing with flickering candles. A low orange cast spread downward, creating dancing shadows on the rumpled sheets.

I growled out loud again. I couldn’t help it.

My wolf threw graphic images of us ripping Selene apart with blood and bits flying everywhere. I know. We’re going to do it, but we can’t fall for her taunts. She’s only playing with us. Rourke is incapacitated, or we would’ve heard him by now. Large stationary boulders still stood in my way, so I couldn’t see what else was inside the room unless I broke away from my position by the wall and slipped into the open space. It was tricky and I didn’t have a good plan.

Once I was in the open, things would happen fast.

My hands ran along stone as I made my way forward, keeping all my senses alert. I took in breath after breath, testing for smells. I didn’t smell anything other than Rourke’s blood. She must have it masked all the other scents and was taking glee in knowing I could smell only him.

“Come in, by all means. What’s keeping you?” Selene’s voice betrayed its practiced calm. “Not backing out now, are you? The gifts I’ve labored and toiled over, in your honor, have almost been spoiled by your tardiness.”

Gifts? I asked my wolf. My nose worked overtime.

“No need to be overly frightened. You will die, of course, but I promise to take my time with you.” She laughed again. Her voice still echoed around the cave, but this time I could tell it was coming from above. I lifted my head up and scanned the walls. When I didn’t respond to her, she snapped, “What’s the matter, little wench? Don’t you want to come claim your prizes?”

I knew refusing to acknowledge her would only piss her off more, which was my plan. I wanted her angry and sloppy. My movements were slow and methodical as I crept forward, still scanning the shadows. There were several ledges and cutouts in the cavern above, but I couldn’t see all of them from my vantage point. I slowed my heartbeat with effort, taking only quiet, shallow breaths. The smell of Rourke in the cavern, which I tried my best to ignore, was assaulting me on every level. His scent sang to my wolf, who was now beside herself, trying to urge me on faster. We’re going. The wall ends in ten paces. I parceled his scent away as fast as I could. If we go out on emotion, we lose.

“Fine, if you don’t want your gifts, I’ll just take them back. It will take only a moment of my time. Your loss.”

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